Ku Klux Klan Dreams of Rising Again 150 Years After Founding

too much of a coward to answer?
Bucky you and your name calling, you really love to be a hater, I feel so sorry for you that you are so miserable in your life. I hear you are a good looking man, yet you are so sad, I do not get it... but to satisfy your question this is what I live by and it means accepting other people viewpoints and listening to other people, not just what I believe or do not believe....martin.jpg martin-luther-king-2.png
Bucky you and your name calling, you really love to be a hater, I feel so sorry for you that you are so miserable in your life. I hear you are a good looking man, yet you are so sad, I do not get it... but to satisfy your question this is what I live by and it means accepting other people viewpoints and listening to other people, not just what I believe or do not believe....View attachment 3724749 View attachment 3724750

so your idol is martin luther king, but you sit by and befriend openly racist members while calling me miserable for simply pointing out that they are racist?

absolutely none of that adds up in the least.

you joined two weeks ago and have already made 300 posts, all of them in politics. not even a decent attempt at a sock puppet.
The facts @UncleBuck # the facts matter.
I know these facts go against the Social Justice Warrior's way of doing things; but they are the facts. Catchy phrases might make you SJW's feel better, but they aren't the truth.
All Lives Matter
The facts @UncleBuck # the facts matter.
I know these facts go against the Social Justice Warrior's way of doing things; but they are the facts.

lol, i just looked at some of the other videos that moron makes. it reads like a white supremacist complaint list. they include:

*George SOROS: The One-Man Illuminati Machine


Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West

Creeping Sharia: The ISLAMIZATION of the WEST

so your idol is martin luther king, but you sit by and befriend openly racist members while calling me miserable for simply pointing out that they are racist?

absolutely none of that adds up in the least.

you joined two weeks ago and have already made 300 posts, all of them in politics. not even a decent attempt at a sock puppet.
Bucky, I have made one friend in here and have spent hours talking to that one person, who would be considered to be in a minority group. I have not befriended any racist. When I see a comment that I think is worthwhile I "Like" it. You are the one person on this whole site who continually seems to spit our hateful speech, continues to call people names, tries to degrade people every single chance you get, gets off on mocking people because they do not see the world exactly as you do. You do not know how to have an intelligent conversation, only a hate filled one. I do not know what minority group you belong to, your religious or sexual orientation, but your anger will get you nowhere. Constantly attacking people does nothing to further a civil rights agenda or even encourage people to open their minds to any of your narrow viewpoints. Yes, I believe in Love and tolerance of people with like viewpoints and those too with different viewpoints. Have a normal and grownup conversation with someone for a change!
Bucky, I have made one friend in here and have spent hours talking to that one person, who would be considered to be in a minority group. I have not befriended any racist. When I see a comment that I think is worthwhile I "Like" it. You are the one person on this whole site who continually seems to spit our hateful speech, continues to call people names, tries to degrade people every single chance you get, gets off on mocking people because they do not see the world exactly as you do. You do not know how to have an intelligent conversation, only a hate filled one. I do not know what minority group you belong to, your religious or sexual orientation, but your anger will get you nowhere. Constantly attacking people does nothing to further a civil rights agenda or even encourage people to open their minds to any of your narrow viewpoints. Yes, I believe in Love and tolerance of people with like viewpoints and those too with different viewpoints. Have a normal and grownup conversation with someone for a change!

again, you claim that your idol is martin luther king, but you befriend openly racist members?

don't have a long rambling meltdown. just go ahead and try to reconcile that for me.
again, you claim that your idol is martin luther king, but you befriend openly racist members?

don't have a long rambling meltdown. just go ahead and try to reconcile that for me.
I have not befriended any racist, again you are one of the true bigoted people in this room and I feel very sorry for you that with whatever group you identify with that you feel so disenfranchised that all you can spew is anger and hate.
Wow, @UncleBuck The video is 19 minutes, and 55 seconds long. I posted it, and 5 minutes later you're posting. Did you watch it, get in a time machine, and zip back here to correct the timeline ?
Probably not, as usual you're too impatient to actually review the entire video, before coming to the conclusions you post. ADD ? or Meth ?
I have not befriended any racist, again you are one of the true bigoted people in this room and I feel very sorry for you that with whatever group you identify with that you feel so disenfranchised that all you can spew is anger and hate.

anger and hate? i was just asking you a question.

you claimed that MLK was your idol, but you not only befriend openly racist members, you refuse to condemn any of the blatant racism being posted in this forum.

can you try to reconcile your love for MLK and your complete indifference of, if not encouragement for, openly racist rhetoric?
Wow, @UncleBuck The video is 19 minutes, and 55 seconds long. I posted it, and 5 minutes later you're posting. Did you watch it, get in a time machine, and zip back here to correct the timeline ?
Probably not, as usual you're too impatient to actually review the entire video, before coming to the conclusions you post. ADD ? or Meth ?

i just looked at the comments. don't flatter yourself by thinking that even a single person watches the mindless racist drivel you post.

anyhoo, want to take care of that factual inaccuracy for me? why does your white supremacist buddy with the youtube account try to claim that countries which had slavery, didn't?
anger and hate? i was just asking you a question.

you claimed that MLK was your idol, but you not only befriend openly racist members, you refuse to condemn any of the blatant racism being posted in this forum.

can you try to reconcile your love for MLK and your complete indifference of, if not encouragement for, openly racist rhetoric?
First, I do not Idolize Dr. King or anyone else. He was a great man and I believe his way was, through love, freedom of speech, and acceptance, was and is the way to win over people. When I came in this room you came at me with guns ready to fire. I try very hard not to condemn anyone for what they believe, I prefer to have an intelligent conversation and to have people see my viewpoint of things, that is all. I don't like you because you attack with personal insults and name calling rather than having a discussion. In real life you and I would probably be friends if we met in a different setting because I do not believe that you behave this way in your life outside this forum, but I could be wrong about that. I do not believe I have liked or encouraged any "racist" rhetoric!
@UncleBuck ____ You have no desire for the truth. Your girl Hillary broke the law, the FBI didn't spend the last year doing a Security Review, they were conducting a Criminal Investigation; and it's going to have repercussions.
Black lives matter is more of a hate group, than a reasonable, and just, social movement. The facts in both cases are pretty straightforward.

Sadly, like most SJW's you're unable to accept the truth, if it doesn't match up with your own..
Good night RIU, I'll be back tomorrow, to see what the extreme left is pushing as fact. As I can always use a good laugh.
it's going to have repercussions.

then why have you refused to bet your account on whether she is indicted or not?

you ran away from that one like a complete pussy.

anyhoo, care to tell me why you are posting videos of a guy who claims that england never had slavery and then claiming you have all the "facts"?

or are you gonna run away from that one like a complete pussy too?

thanks, white supremacist.
First, I do not Idolize Dr. King or anyone else. He was a great man and I believe his way was, through love, freedom of speech, and acceptance, was and is the way to win over people. When I came in this room you came at me with guns ready to fire. I try very hard not to condemn anyone for what they believe, I prefer to have an intelligent conversation and to have people see my viewpoint of things, that is all. I don't like you because you attack with personal insults and name calling rather than having a discussion. In real life you and I would probably be friends if we met in a different setting because I do not believe that you behave this way in your life outside this forum, but I could be wrong about that. I do not believe I have liked or encouraged any "racist" rhetoric!

i didn't ask for a long incoherent and rambling reply.

i asked you to simply address why you befriend openly racist members on here, and how that is consistent with your stated claim that you live by MLK's example?

i don't think MLK would have befriended openly racist members in the same way that you have.