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Well-Known Member
Vaccines and circumcision is like comparing apples to oranges
you just mentioned how people ate starting to not circumcised as much in America.. ime alot of these people are hipsters, some organic freaks and many donr want to vaccinate or abide by the rules for schooling in their area,
big pharma is also a phrase they love

itcwas sort of a toung in cheek comment that didn't go over well

but i still found humorous


Well-Known Member
If parents become informed we can stop the "normality " of it
There's many myths about intact penises
That they are dirty and harder to clean but that couldn't be farther from the truth

Cleaning a newborn who's been cut is much more work
I read that it's more important for a son to have his penis look the same as his dad's, so that's what we did. Asked my son now if he thought we did the wrong thing and he laughed and said, "mom everyone makes fun of the two anteaters in PE, I'm so glad you didn't do that to me." So, yeah, that was my mindset


Pickle Queen
Well my mom decided to not circumcise my brother. .at age 15 he got a horrible infection and had to be circumcised and he was in agony for 2 weeks. ..my brother is a very tidy gay man...he said he wished my mom had done it when he was an infant. .per him he feels just as much..the sensation is a bit different but still as pleasant. ..

Anyone chosing not to immunize kids should be charged or have their kids confined. .ya smart choice..ur exposing people who can't be immunized due to age or health...ignorant poorly informed selfish people. ..I recently saw a video of a 10 week old baby who contracted whooping cough from someone who wasn't vaccinated..Bravo to those people u are responsible if this child dies...but they don't give a fuck because only keeping their child safe seems to matter..or they would vaccinate. ..


Well-Known Member
Didn't @Flaming Pie 's guy go through something with his penis not that long ago? I thought that was from not getting circumcised.:-?

I know a few girls that got some bad infections from sleeping with guys that didn't know how the properly clean themselves.

And I don't consider my penis to be mutilated, it's quite amazing IMO.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
This is a topic that comes up every so often here, makes me laugh. Anyway, I just had a thought. What if it were up to the kid/person? So let's say that parents didn't decide, would a person eventually think to themselves "Hey, you know what? I'm just going to cut this bit off right here *snip* fuck! *snip* fuck!...

"What did you accomplish today?"