What did you accomplish today?

That really sucks. Do girls have the same problem with infections? Alot more skin and stuff to wash?

Some do..I know women who get yeast infection monthly...from aunt flow...depends on ur body I guess. . My girlfriend can't take baths or she gets a yeast infection. ..i've only had a bladder infection while pregnant. .didn't even know until my doctor tested my tinckle. .but that's from baby crushing ur bladder and it never being completely emptied. .my daughter power shit's. .seriously it's like a blanket of poop from belly button to lower back. .cleaning all those tiny creases is hard but needed..no infections yet...I think for women ur pH is key ..
I read that it's more important for a son to have his penis look the same as his dad's, so that's what we did.

I've read that's a lot of it...but I was cut and my dad was not. That was a little confusing as a little kid but I only remember seeing it once and I was a shy kid who didn't ask penis questions...

My mom was a RN though...and RN's in the 1950's never ever questioned Drs. so if Mom's Dr. friends said cut that penis...I'm sure she wouldn't have questioned that or argued...

I knew girls (when I was teens/20's) that were freaked out when they encounted a natural peen...so I guess I wasn't unhappy mine was cut...

They say natural uncut gives you more sensation...Lol. I came too fast anyway as a teen and early 20's, more sensation might not be a good thing sometimes ;-).
I've heard employees talking about it. I'm surprised she's still there..

I have to be discreet taking pics. She's topping the flowers around her. I really wish I could pamper her but it would be a waste of time and ain't worth it.

I got some beans Germing right now that a 0714160731b.jpg 0714160731a.jpg friend from here sent me. When they pop I'll post pics. Preciate it bro!
I threw some plants outdoor this year for shits and giggles and this is the only one that didn't get destroyed by weather or eaten by the cows.

Just found that it was female today. I planted it on an old compost mound in the middle of thistle to keep the animals away, seems to have worked.

The thistle surrounding it is over 6ft tall. Kosher Kush strain.

I threw some plants outdoor this year for shits and giggles and this is the only one that didn't get destroyed by weather or eaten by the cows.

Just found that it was female today. I planted it on an old compost mound in the middle of thistle to keep the animals away, seems to have worked.

The thistle surrounding it is over 6ft tall. Kosher Kush strain.

View attachment 3732065
That thistle needs Cal Mag, stat. Make sure to check for Pokemen.
That's actually not true

Please take some time to do some research
You can go to YouTube and watch elephant in the hospital or you can go to drmomma website or saving our sons website

It you take 5 minutes to gander at the facts you'd all realize you've been played by the medical facilities to believe circumcision bullshit lies they tell you

It actually IS true, (re: female circumscision) I know middle eastern and African women who have gone through it. More common that you think

The movie Desert Flower was based on Waris Diri's personal experience w/ it. I've done a fair amount of research on the topic.
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I threw some plants outdoor this year for shits and giggles and this is the only one that didn't get destroyed by weather or eaten by the cows.

Just found that it was female today. I planted it on an old compost mound in the middle of thistle to keep the animals away, seems to have worked.

The thistle surrounding it is over 6ft tall. Kosher Kush strain.

View attachment 3732065

She's not to bad! With no TLC? Pretty good, be a nice reward for you! Don't deny some bud porn for us when she starts showing some cleavage.
It actually IS true, (re: female circumscision) I know middle eastern women who have gone through it. More common that you think

The movie Desert Flower was based on Waris Diri's personal experience w/ it. I've done a fair amount of research on the topic.
When I was a kid I watched a movie called "not without my daughter " mom had to explain to me what female circumcision is...but she mentioned clam shells as the traditional tool of choice..yikes!! Not sure but sunni might be talking about male circumcision being pushed under false medical pretenses. .but that's how I understood her opinion..not really sure.
I threw some plants outdoor this year for shits and giggles and this is the only one that didn't get destroyed by weather or eaten by the cows.

Just found that it was female today. I planted it on an old compost mound in the middle of thistle to keep the animals away, seems to have worked.

The thistle surrounding it is over 6ft tall. Kosher Kush strain.

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It actually IS true, (re: female circumscision) I know middle eastern and African women who have gone through it. More common that you think

The movie Desert Flower was based on Waris Diri's personal experience w/ it. I've done a fair amount of research on the topic.
I'm talking about the comment stating male circumcision is to keep infections away thus making it medically necessary or deemed appropriate reason to chop 1/3 of your babies penis off

Where are female circumcision is deemed a horrible cruel act yet somehow that doesn't translate to boys because people aren't properly educated

Male babies don't magically not feel pain because they have a dick