What did you accomplish today?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I luv salt baths..found a company called happy hippo or something like that..anyhoo they have awesome scented Epsom salts..strawberries and cream.. orange creamsicle ..etc..so relaxing.

U got ur guy in a bath!!! Mine would never dare.."baths are for ladies "..per him..Meh his loss..
When I realized he wanted a circ I started reading about it. Read every testimony of circumcised guys that I could find. Checked all the med sites for ways to make it easier.

I love my man and would do anything for him. He had to soak to get the bandages off without tearing stitches.

He's on a business trip right now and I miss the fuck outta him.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Might be more pertinent to women since our bits are moist most of the time..when the pediatric nurse showed me how to bath my newborn she made it clear that I shouldn't use soap on her vagina when cleaning. .she even mentioned nightly bum cleanings with a cloth and water to remove the chemical residues from the packaged bum wipes..but I wash my baby in a mini bathtub so she's sitting in the soapy water anyways. .
It's been noted somewhere that "moist" is one of the more uncomfortable words to say - likely because it's also associated with really good cake.



Well-Known Member
back to the topic at hand

i have a bad habbit of setting my phone in my lap, forgetting, then quickly standing and watching my phone fly

i did this while hopping out of my truck (truck tractor) so roughly 8ft up and busted my phone.. ugh i know its also a fml

but i get to buy a new phone now, so i guess thats cool


Well-Known Member
back to the topic at hand

i have a bad habbit of setting my phone in my lap, forgetting, then quickly standing and watching my phone fly

i did this while hopping out of my truck (truck tractor) so roughly 8ft up and busted my phone.. ugh i know its also a fml

but i get to buy a new phone now, so i guess thats cool
was it in a case? a protective case


Well-Known Member
of course you had to ask that...

i never got around to buying a new one
a cop broke my last one

definitely gonna get one though now

of course i also wouldn't have like insurance or anything on it.....


Well-Known Member
back to the topic at hand

i have a bad habbit of setting my phone in my lap, forgetting, then quickly standing and watching my phone fly

i did this while hopping out of my truck (truck tractor) so roughly 8ft up and busted my phone.. ugh i know its also a fml

but i get to buy a new phone now, so i guess thats cool
Lol I used to do that all the time with phones and glass pipes


Well-Known Member
Had a couple more bad storms that made the tree in my front yard lean way over my driveway. The other day when the electric company pulled in to drop off a telephone pole they hit one of the branches and snapped it off, luckily it didn't damage their truck.

Yesterday I took most of it down.

tree3.jpg tree.jpg tree2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jack ass, you even arent familiar with the vocabulary of FGM, the multitude forms of mutilation that are practiced and the ensuing lessened quality of life. Since it's a way for men to assert control over women and their sexuality it's likely a topic that you have deep denial about and allow men to dictate the implications. Fact: you're a fucking stepford vag discharge

One of the classics. One thing about the 70s, the 'TV movies' were/are a thousand times better than most garbage you see in theaters, these days....

"I'll just DIE if I don't get this recipe....I'll just DIE if I don't get this recipe....I'll...."

A misogyny nightmare....I remember my sisters and mother crying during certain scenes....really affected me as a kid...