Attorney: Caregiver shot by police after toy truck mistaken for gun


Well-Known Member
A man is recovering in the hospital after police may have mistaken a toy for a gun, causing a big misunderstanding.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue responded to the scene of the reported shooting, located right by a group home near Northeast 14th Avenue and 127th Street, Monday, at around 5:30 p.m.

Witnesses and the man who was shot, Charles Kinsey, said that officials made a big mistake in this case. Kinsey’s attorney, Hilton Napoleon said that his client works with the disabled for a living and was assisting an autistic man who had a toy truck in his hand. North Miami Police may have believed the toy was a weapon, and that’s when police fired shots, hitting the caregiver in the leg.

“He tried to explain that this is a mental health patient, that he was trying to get him back into the facility,” Napoleon said. “There was no need for firearms. He put his hands up, told them he was unarmed.”
Then the individuals in that area should vote for a representative who will be tough on criminals in blue. Otherwise foot the bill. Of course we could start responding with the same senseless violence they show towards "us".

In a free market INDIVIDUALS are responsible for their harmful behavior.

When individuals are immune from their own poor actions, where is the incentive for them to change the behavior ?

The problem is never solved by having the wrong person(s) be forced to foot the bill, thus your answer is rejected, sorry sir.
Which is fine. The tax serfs blindly support the pigs anyway. They'll be more than happy to pay.

Some pay out of ignorance, some out of fear. None from the perspective of the free market though.

Since the police state has a monopoly on the use of force, no other competitor security companies are allowed to exist, thus all of the potential choices a free market would provide are not available to the consumer. Therefore an "unfree market".

So whether they are happy to pay or not, the unfree market police will see to it that they do, or possibly kill them if they don't. If you or I did that it would be called extortion.
New house , new cars ,,,damn I'm going to get some toy trucks and head to the police station ASAP ....thanks guys
In a free market INDIVIDUALS are responsible for their harmful behavior.

When individuals are immune from their own poor actions, where is the incentive for them to change the behavior ?

The problem is never solved by having the wrong person(s) be forced to foot the bill, thus your answer is rejected, sorry sir.

I agree. But what do we do in the meantime?

This truck has a fucking anti aircraft gun. You bet it is a fuckin weapon :roll:
The cop doesn't even know why he shot him.

Unarmed Black Man Lying In The Street With Hands Up Gets Shot By Police In North Miami
“I’m saying to them, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ And his words to me, he said, ‘I don’t know.’”