Attorney: Caregiver shot by police after toy truck mistaken for gun

Apparently you have never lived in anything but a city. That 'subdivision' is the Tonto national forest in the Superstition mountains... LOL! It is within walking distance of my house.

more accurately, you should say that "it is within a few minutes driving from apache junction" since that is where you live.

yes, apache junction. more affectionately known as the undisputed epicenter of white trash, meth, and racism in the state of arizona, if not the entire southwestern united states.

so fitting for you though.
more accurately, you should say that "it is within a few minutes driving from apache junction" since that is where you live.

yes, apache junction. more affectionately known as the undisputed epicenter of white trash, meth, and racism in the state of arizona, if not the entire southwestern united states.

so fitting for you though.

But are the fast food joints fastidious about keeping their bathrooms clean?
Trying to brag. Lol
Land like that is dirt cheap here. Who are you trying to fool?

I am just stating facts. There are 3 golf courses within 2 miles. I live in a resort community. I am bragging cause I earned some real nice shit in life through hard work. People here dont seem to understand that is how you get ahead in life, through work. The government is never going to make you rich....
I am just stating facts. There are 3 golf courses within 2 miles. I live in a resort community. I am bragging cause I earned some real nice shit in life through hard work. People here dont seem to understand that is how you get ahead in life, through work. The government is never going to make you rich....

Well, actually by using ridiculous government copy rite laws, fomenting wars, etc. lots of people have become extremely wealthy.

BTW - Nice picture you took the other morning. I'm an early riser and love hearing, seeing and feeling a new day awakening.
I can respect your hard work and entrepreneurial spirit man. I can appreciate the long hours and the value you put on them.

I also understand corruption and waste and you not wanting your hard earned money going to scammers and bureaucrats. But I don't understand your take on social issues and what amounts to denying certain people rights over at most a couple of thousand dollars. If you're doing that well financially surely you can vote your conscience and help people out?
I can respect your hard work and entrepreneurial spirit man. I can appreciate the long hours and the value you put on them.

I also understand corruption and waste and you not wanting your hard earned money going to scammers and bureaucrats. But I don't understand your take on social issues and what amounts to denying certain people rights over at most a couple of thousand dollars. If you're doing that well financially surely you can vote your conscience and help people out?

What you think of as denial of rights I see as promoting the rights of some individuals over others. A couple thousand dollars has to come from somewhere, it does not just magically appear.

I do help people out. I help myself first, then my family, then my clients and customers and then my community.

It is not the purpose of the government to confiscate wealth and redistribute it. It is not that I dont see the need for charity, the government shouldnt be in the business though.
What you think of as denial of rights I see as promoting the rights of some individuals over others. A couple thousand dollars has to come from somewhere, it does not just magically appear.

I do help people out. I help myself first, then my family, then my clients and customers and then my community.

It is not the purpose of the government to confiscate wealth and redistribute it. It is not that I dont see the need for charity, the government shouldnt be in the business though.

That's an excellent point.

Charity cannot come from forcibly compelling one person to hand the product of their labor over to another person.
Slavery and theft would be how those acts would be described if you or I did it to another person.

So, how can the same action somehow become "not slavery" and "not theft" if a group of people do it to an individual ?
(rhetorical question for others to consider, I know YOU know the answer)
This is exactly what the government does. They just redistribute it up to the 1%.

Actually it's worse than just the 1%.

They redistribute it thru a warfare / welfare scheme. The welfare scheme keeps people subservient and reliant.

They also redistribute some to their loyal mercenaries, such as Police, and others who feed from the government trough.
What you think of as denial of rights I see as promoting the rights of some individuals over others. A couple thousand dollars has to come from somewhere, it does not just magically appear.

I do help people out. I help myself first, then my family, then my clients and customers and then my community.

It is not the purpose of the government to confiscate wealth and redistribute it. It is not that I dont see the need for charity, the government shouldnt be in the business though.

Where I connect denial of rights to your voting record is when your perhaps logical tax cuts get tied into social policy.

I would pay the extra income tax to vote for a candidate who could advance legalization. If i owned a business i would pay my employees way better than minimum wage and not have the government force me to. In fact i took a pay freeze for 2 years so i could keep sime of my people. Policy such as bathroom bills are a distraction from real policy such as education spending cuts and infrastructure collapse. What affects you more? The off chance a weirdo tries to get into the wrong restroom or the shitty roads you drive on everyday? Bathroom bills or the next generation of morons to flunk out of high school and become meth heads who end up breaking into your garage?

A lot of that money you decide to keep just ends up as church decorations or a third boat in your backyard that kids keep breaking into.
Where I connect denial of rights to your voting record is when your perhaps logical tax cuts get tied into social policy.

I would pay the extra income tax to vote for a candidate who could advance legalization. If i owned a business i would pay my employees way better than minimum wage and not have the government force me to. In fact i took a pay freeze for 2 years so i could keep sime of my people. Policy such as bathroom bills are a distraction from real policy such as education spending cuts and infrastructure collapse. What affects you more? The off chance a weirdo tries to get into the wrong restroom or the shitty roads you drive on everyday? Bathroom bills or the next generation of morons to flunk out of high school and become meth heads who end up breaking into your garage?

A lot of that money you decide to keep just ends up as church decorations or a third boat in your backyard that kids keep breaking into.

I respect your right to pay people whatever you want to your employees. Education funding is a joke when the system is broken, they have the majority of the people focused on the wrong things. The federal government should not be legislating which bathrooms people use, you are right, it is a distraction.

What is happening is that spending is out of control with nobody asking when it will stop while the government keeps the people distracted with things it simply should not be involved in. The government should not be involved in marriage for example. If it wasnt then we wouldnt be arguing about gay marriage. I can point out that 80% of the federal government should be eliminated. Take all that waste and we have plenty for the state school systems.
I respect your right to pay people whatever you want to your employees. Education funding is a joke when the system is broken, they have the majority of the people focused on the wrong things. The federal government should not be legislating which bathrooms people use, you are right, it is a distraction.

What is happening is that spending is out of control with nobody asking when it will stop while the government keeps the people distracted with things it simply should not be involved in. The government should not be involved in marriage for example. If it wasnt then we wouldnt be arguing about gay marriage. I can point out that 80% of the federal government should be eliminated. Take all that waste and we have plenty for the state school systems.

I hope you dont mean most of the racist trolll shit you post. Meet you half way on the last thing you put up.