Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

You're a fucking idiot I've grown a 4 pounder that was 6 feet tall. Maybe you should stop repeating things some guy tells you, its making you look like a dumbass. I guarantee you my outdoor looks better then your midgrade indoor. Thats because I know what im doing.

You've never grown anything stop lying. You just come here to troll.
The last 5 pounder I saw was that big it was Malawi. When. A 6 foot plant only produces short of a pound .do the math or grow some outdoor and see for yourself. If you read the rest of that thread. The guy said he doesn't harvest til October so he really doesn't know how much he has. Plus his plant is 36 feet wide.
25 ft tall and 25 ft wide, thats an absolutely insane volume of space.
You're a fucking idiot I've grown a 4 pounder that was 6 feet tall. Maybe you should stop repeating things some guy tells you, its making you look like a dumbass. I guarantee you my outdoor looks better then your midgrade indoor, thats because I know what im doing.
i just harvested a plant no taller than 3', about 3' diameter, 2lbs7oz bone dry.

just saying, ''it's not the length, nor the size, it's just how well you make it rise...''
Hyroot logic doesn't make sense, really no point in trying to explain the lies he makes up in his moms basement.

basements are only good for growing pot. the low ceiling and support posts make it nearly impossible for a pool table...

what is it with guys and moms and basements and no bill and porky man go?

or is that pokeman?

don't know, don't care.

but however, i would love to think a 25' tall plant 25' wide would produce quite a bit more than 5lbs. it'd take a year of veg at least right?

if you only got five, you need to buy instead of attempting to grow. at least imo...

that said, the tallest plant i've ever seen was under 15'... and that's irl, not a cartoon or fantasy dream...
You haven't got "news for me" you have a wing nut reaction to the raw spot I exposed. Using hate as an excuse for the failure of your beliefs to have legitimacy is deplorable. Truth is not the product of your wishes or fears. Your rant about decency, contradictions and hate are particularly odious in light of the fact that you are viewed as quite a racist.
You just lost a marble or two grow up get with reality you and your little crew of hatemongers

Donald Trump Admits He Lied About ‘Secret’ Iran Video

This whole story is so fucking weird. I'm inclined to think that he did see a video classified top secret of a plane unloading cash -- the first of three of cash returned to Iran per the treaty signed last year. He's retracting his statement because it WAS top secret and he was a total retard for revealing what he saw.
You haven't got "news for me" you have a wing nut reaction to the raw spot I exposed. Using hate as an excuse for the failure of your beliefs to have legitimacy is deplorable. Truth is not the product of your wishes or fears. Your rant about decency, contradictions and hate are particularly odious in light of the fact that you are viewed as quite a racist.
There is no spot to hit I think you're an idiot and act like another child in a temper tantrum and as you don't know me you actually have no idea of how people view me just what you and your silly little moronic and high school like buddies want to portray someone that doesn't agree with them so this is basically if somebody doesn't agree with your viewpoint exactly they are racist which basically means bucky and his buddies don't like you then your a racist.So that's how it goes in this forum which is fine call me what you want but I know the reality of the fact is the biggest racist in the room is Bucky and his buddies....
Good day little sheep...
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This whole story is so fucking weird. I'm inclined to think that he did see a video classified top secret of a plane unloading cash -- the first of three of cash returned to Iran per the treaty signed last year. He's retracting his statement because it WAS top secret and he was a total retard for revealing what he saw.
That sounds about right.
More Trump brain rot...

"I'm not a racist, we're not a racists...peace, love, blah blah blah"

You support a mean spirited, foul mouthed racist though...you support him, you fucking own his baggage...
For the last time Tangerine I'm not voting for Trump I don't know where you have this in your head that I'm a trump supporter cuz I'm not I laugh at him everyday but I'm also not supporting or voting for Hillary because she's the biggest liar and con artist I've ever seen well next to may be Bucky I don't know he's right there with her