Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

3 hrs in almost done the lollipop thing. mostly they are dead. a few movers. opened up all the hiding places and gonna blast em with caliclean again tomorrow afternoon. temp here went down to 15 so pumping that air into the basement try and cool them down until death time tomorrow
3 hrs in almost done the lollipop thing. mostly they are dead. a few movers. opened up all the hiding places and gonna blast em with caliclean again tomorrow afternoon. temp here went down to 15 so pumping that air into the basement try and cool them down until death time tomorrow

Ha ha! Sweet. Good news! They do not like the cold or hot pepper spray. :fire:

See if you can find Spinosad too for the future but CaliClean is the bomb. Spinosad supposedly was a bacteria found in the soil at an old abandoned rum factory in the Caribbean. Weird but it works. I would think Canada would allow it because you cannot swing a cat in the Caribbean with out hitting a Canadian or Canadian bank. :lol:
just notice the bastards. what can i do dudes? never delt with them before. they havent made it far yet
Lots of good information and bad here. Remember once your in flower anything you spray WILL effect flavor weather its safe to use up to day of harvest or not. I have carpet in my home so unless i bomb the entire house i live with them. Lady bugs will control them but never truly eradicate them. Late in flower. I have to pick off a few stuck ladybugs but just a few and they are easy to spot. If you think its the begining of an infestation try Mighty Wash.
Lots of good information and bad here. Remember once your in flower anything you spray WILL effect flavor weather its safe to use up to day of harvest or not. I have carpet in my home so unless i bomb the entire house i live with them. Lady bugs will control them but never truly eradicate them. Late in flower. I have to pick off a few stuck ladybugs but just a few and they are easy to spot. If you think its the begining of an infestation try Mighty Wash.

Green Cleaner is supposedly another one.

This dude in Canada did not have much time. The thing about mites is you better have your arsenal of weapons sitting on the shelf ready for war. Those mites will wreck everything in a a day or two.

CaliClean he can go to the grocery store and have a good weapon. Will lady bugs work in a tent? The problem is you usually have to order them or walk around outside trying to find them.

Many people swear by Mighty Wash. I have some Green Cleaner but I have not used it yet. The local grow store pushes it pretty hard.

The main ingredient is soybean oil.

Green Cleaner is an all natural, soybean oil-based pesticide with sodium laurel sulfate, alcohol and citric acid. Soybean oil coats and suffocates spider mites (+ other mites & soft bodied pests) while sodium laurel sulfate immobilizes them. Imagine all the mites on your plant drowning in a thick sea of oil with sticky detergent waves to slow their bodies and limbs. Citric acid acidifies and kills while alcohol helps both dehydrate the bugs and evaporate any residual oil & sulfate coating your plants.

I sort of did a poor man's version with a gallon of water sprayer - Canola oil 4 table spoons full, just under 1 teaspoon of Dawn dish soap and less than an ounce rubbing alcohol. Citric acid? Maybe a tiny bit of orange juice.

You can but lots of these ingredients cheap at and make your own stuff.
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Lots of good information and bad here. Remember once your in flower anything you spray WILL effect flavor weather its safe to use up to day of harvest or not. I have carpet in my home so unless i bomb the entire house i live with them. Lady bugs will control them but never truly eradicate them. Late in flower. I have to pick off a few stuck ladybugs but just a few and they are easy to spot. If you think its the begining of an infestation try Mighty Wash.
yes i am worried about taste so i am not using any oils on the girls. gonna spray again today at 2 pm, lights go on at 6. 4 hrs to dry. after trimming all the shitty leaves and useless buds there is alot more room to get around so this spray will be much more effective. hopefully catch any new ones.
yes i am worried about taste so i am not using any oils on the girls. gonna spray again today at 2 pm, lights go on at 6. 4 hrs to dry. after trimming all the shitty leaves and useless buds there is alot more room to get around so this spray will be much more effective. hopefully catch any new ones.

The two people (one east coast the other California) I know, who are the most experienced growers both said CaliClean/Pepper Spray. I am sure nothing is perfect. Although some people rave about Mighty Wash.
Been waging the battle myself, 2nd day of inspection with no live mites or new eggs. Used calicleaner for 2 weeks and at the end added on a hydrogen peroxide wash.
used this mix at the bottom of this page to great effect.

Good luck!
Thanks for posting
Do you understand his instructions? If you have drug store 3% H peroxide just use that or buy the grow store heavy duty 35% H peroxide and add rubbing alcohol and dish soap?

Or add the soap and rubbing alcohol top the weaker hydrogen peroxide too? the instructions are a bit confusing? Are they written in Canadian? :dunce: Sorry just being a smart ass. This looks really good but I am confused? :oops:

You get that 35% on your clothes and it is like bleach. Good for strengthening weak stems too.

This is my formula for Spider Mite control.

Mix. 30ml of "3% H2O2-Hydrogen Peroxide" per 1L of tap water ("3% Peroxide can be bought at a Pharmacy or buy you can buy "35% Hydrogen Peroxide" from a Hydroponics Store, BUT the application changes to 2-3ml/L), 20ml/L of 99% Rubbing Alcohol (Pharmacy for $4) and a 5 ml of regular liquid dish soap (basic dish soap, NOT anti-bacterial). Mix and spray EVERYTHING. This formula kills mites and should be repeated within 3 days. Best time to spray is when they are about to go to sleep (i.e. turn off the lights).

Does exactly what it says on the tin.
One spray was all that was needed.
Used it about month ago and there's no been sign of the feckers since.
I was able to keep them in control with SB Plant invigorator and nite nite spider mite
but that Executioner is the dogs balls.
how often did ya blast em? just did 3rd treatment starting week week 6 of flower now. just gotta hold em off till then
every 2 days first week then every 3rd twice the second week with a peroxcide bath as the final 3rd application. will be checking again tonight at light on. I think I will hit them with a couple more peroxcide shots as imho that was more effective than even the calicleaner. Im now in my 3rd week of flower so I gotta stay on top of it.
Thanks for posting
Do you understand his instructions? If you have drug store 3% H peroxide just use that or buy the grow store heavy duty 35% H peroxide and add rubbing alcohol and dish soap?

Or add the soap and rubbing alcohol top the weaker hydrogen peroxide too? the instructions are a bit confusing? Are they written in Canadian? :dunce: Sorry just being a smart ass. This looks really good but I am confused? :oops:

You get that 35% on your clothes and it is like bleach. Good for strengthening weak stems too.

This is my formula for Spider Mite control.

Mix. 30ml of "3% H2O2-Hydrogen Peroxide" per 1L of tap water ("3% Peroxide can be bought at a Pharmacy or buy you can buy "35% Hydrogen Peroxide" from a Hydroponics Store, BUT the application changes to 2-3ml/L), 20ml/L of 99% Rubbing Alcohol (Pharmacy for $4) and a 5 ml of regular liquid dish soap (basic dish soap, NOT anti-bacterial). Mix and spray EVERYTHING. This formula kills mites and should be repeated within 3 days. Best time to spray is when they are about to go to sleep (i.e. turn off the lights).
I used the 3% from the drug store with the ISO and a couple drops of soap.
An update upon inspecttion found some live ones today, hit em hard with the peroxcide. Will apply calicleaner again in a couple days as I have a full batch in the fridge. On the brite side no new noticeable eggs I recon Im dealing with the last couple waves (perhaps wishful thinking)
An update upon inspecttion found some live ones today, hit em hard with the peroxcide. Will apply calicleaner again in a couple days as I have a full batch in the fridge. On the brite side no new noticeable eggs I recon Im dealing with the last couple waves (perhaps wishful thinking)

Keep us updated. Spider mites are like war. You gotta just keep hitting them.
Mite be a bit late but Lace wing larvae had a infestation few grows back couple of days and everything was gone. I sat there when i put em in i watched them clean a whole branch right in front of me there savage little things eat anything that moves including eachother
Mite be a bit late but Lace wing larvae had a infestation few grows back couple of days and everything was gone. I sat there when i put em in i watched them clean a whole branch right in front of me there savage little things eat anything that moves including eachother

Sounds cool but if you find mites today - how soon can you get Lace wing larvae or Lady Bugs? These damn spider mites can do a number in one day

May I ask where you got them?
Amazon has Lady Bugs Live next day live but the Lace wings are eggs so if U got mites lacewings have a led time
pred mites take too long to work on a active infestation @ this time of year (indoor Or out )
pred mites only eat soo many a day , a LB will eat all day best part they eat anything that moves plus eggs & the larva
look under a microscope & u'll see tiny little mite slugs munching yer weed
I wasted big bucks on pred mites & still lost the crop
my local nursery has live LB now $11 a QT I drop a qt every week into the G/H
Since I started LB/s every spring around the house I now see larval LB 's on all my J Maple trees & roses