Thanks for posting
Do you understand his instructions? If you have drug store 3% H peroxide just use that or buy the grow store heavy duty 35% H peroxide and add rubbing alcohol and dish soap?
Or add the soap and rubbing alcohol top the weaker hydrogen peroxide too? the instructions are a bit confusing? Are they written in Canadian?

Sorry just being a smart ass. This looks really good but I am confused?
You get that 35% on your clothes and it is like bleach. Good for strengthening weak stems too.
This is my formula for Spider Mite control.
Mix. 30ml of "3% H2O2-Hydrogen Peroxide" per 1L of tap water ("3% Peroxide can be bought at a Pharmacy or buy you can buy "35% Hydrogen Peroxide" from a Hydroponics Store, BUT the application changes to 2-3ml/L), 20ml/L of 99% Rubbing Alcohol (Pharmacy for $4) and a 5 ml of regular liquid dish soap (basic dish soap, NOT anti-bacterial). Mix and spray EVERYTHING. This formula kills mites and should be repeated within 3 days. Best time to spray is when they are about to go to sleep (i.e. turn off the lights).