What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

"god" is whatever you want it to be. You don't believe thats fine if you do thats fine to. Supposed to be freedom if I thinking right. I'm not pushing my beliefs on anyone. Honestly I have no idea what to believe. Who knows between right and wrong? The people/thing that started that way of thinking.
I think we are saying the same thing just different ways. Lol I'm not trying to argue with anyone. Just my observation of the world we live in.
I tend to agree, and usually just bite my tongue when someone is prattling on about religion.

But this is an important debate on belief vs proof.

Why is belief a more valid description of the world we observe, than one based on the truth, aka facts?

You're right in that we don't know everything about the universe, but we're trying to understand through a system called science. Just seems to me that it's time for a world view based on belief and not facts, to die off. We're sitting here communicating instantly across thousands of miles, all based off the fundamental properties of the universe, and we're using that platform to suggest that meh, maybe science isn't all that important because I "feel" something in my heart..

Just doesn't jive well with me. It's time for forward progress, not stagnating on the flawed and incorrect views of the past.
In my experience on this piece of dirt we call earth, we might as well be baby's. When you where born you knew nothing. Over time and experience on this "earth" you learnt what you know now. Up to a point/ adulthood we have been taught what to think by different people/parents we know nothing more than we are thought. At a certain point you are let loose to think your own way. Different experiences different thoughts/ opinion on things.
I'm feeling like a nazi for science over here. I'm just going to respectfully bow out and let this discussion veer off wherever it does.

I don't want to make someone feel as if they can't have a discussion, and I'm definitely being a little aggressive and a bit of a dick.
Lol, while it's not me personally defining things, that's more of a colloquial thing, over the ages. And by peeps like Websters..

  1. 1.
    a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
    "he had stood in front of it, observing the intricacy of the ironwork with the wonder of a child"
I fail to see the correlation though, with the proof of god having anything to do with a feeling of wonder?

Care to explain what you mean by "God", since I'm clearly going with more of a "literal" meaning of the monotheist type gods; god of abraham and krishna for example..
To me, T.G.U. is the original WONDER,
In their example, a person is caught with a feeling of wonder, after gazing on the "inexplicable" (using wonder synonymously here) intricacy of the ironwork..

Well, this observer cannot explain it. But I bet if we found a blacksmith that made the ironwork, he could explain the intricacy of his work..
I was thinking of another definition, but imagine it looking at itself, with nothing to compare itself to, or distinguish itself from, then what would be able to explain its existence. T.G.U. is the original WONDER,(hmmm)... This results in NOTHING, instantly failing the 1st attempt to fulfill T.G.U. WONDER. This failure is the birth Being. From WONDERING of ALL, to concentrating on the Wonder of Being, NOTHING initial ignorance of Being, is the true genesis of the entire universe. If you can see what I'm really trying to say, you can probably figure the rest out for yourself. It becomes a lie detector in itself.
I'm feeling like a nazi for science over here. I'm just going to respectfully bow out and let this discussion veer off wherever it does.

I don't want to make someone feel as if they can't have a discussion, and I'm definitely being a little aggressive and a bit of a dick.
Not a problem my friend, you've helped more than you know
I tend to agree, and usually just bite my tongue when someone is prattling on about religion.

But this is an important debate on belief vs proof.

Why is belief a more valid description of the world we observe, than one based on the truth, aka facts?

You're right in that we don't know everything about the universe, but we're trying to understand through a system called science. Just seems to me that it's time for a world view based on belief and not facts, to die off. We're sitting here communicating instantly across thousands of miles, all based off the fundamental properties of the universe, and we're using that platform to suggest that meh, maybe science isn't all that important because I "feel" something in my heart..

Just doesn't jive well with me. It's time for forward progress, not stagnating on the flawed and incorrect views of the past.

I agree. We need to as a whole think about things differently. To "evolve" in a sense. Evolution is nothing more than adaptation to ones environment. We evolve/ understand more about our environment from evolution and adapt. If we didn't we wouldn't be here today. I don't think "proof" of anything truely exists unless we think it exists. In our minds it exists but we can never know for sure. Even "if" aliens/ gods exist who's to say for 100% sure. We create our own reality. Just because we "believe" in the laws of physics as we know them now doesn't necessarily make them true. We are always learning/ understanding things differently.
I'm feeling like a nazi for science over here. I'm just going to respectfully bow out and let this discussion veer off wherever it does.

I don't want to make someone feel as if they can't have a discussion, and I'm definitely being a little aggressive and a bit of a dick.

Dont stop. We never learn anything if we don't discuss it. You have your opinion, I have mine everyone has a different opinion. We wouldn't learn from some of our mistakes otherwise. I've learnt alot from this site because of everyones experiences. Good experience and bad.
Maybe I should've said whatever you attribute your existence to, because this wasn't an attempt to reaffirm religion. My bad!!!
Sorry if I messed up the thread. I didn't mean to. I'm just saying my point of view, which I don't do alot. I just think none of us know 100% and my way isn't better than anyone else's. Live and let live.

Don't ever feel as if you can't express your opinion. That's why I was going to back out, I was getting a little aggressive I thought.
I'm feeling like a nazi for science over here. I'm just going to respectfully bow out and let this discussion veer off wherever it does.

I don't want to make someone feel as if they can't have a discussion, and I'm definitely being a little aggressive and a bit of a dick.

You are far from a nazi. In my opinion you are just telling us what you have experienced in life. Not trying to force your way of thinking on everyone. I'm not trying to either. Just my opinion on the world. I have depression and axiety very bad. Sometimes I wonder if its cause I'm to smart for my own good. I don't believe im smarter than everyone, just stuck in the middle kinda.
You are far from a nazi. In my opinion you are just telling us what you have experienced in life. Not trying to force your way of thinking on everyone. I'm not trying to either. Just my opinion on the world. I have depression and axiety very bad. Sometimes I wonder if its cause I'm to smart for my own good. I don't believe im smarter than everyone, just stuck in the middle kinda.
Haha, I hear ya brother. Just smart enough to realize how dumb you are..

I have anxiety and all that as well, I just tried a high CBD strain first time the other day and it's great for my anxiety. I feel it's so much easier to talk to people in every day life. I suggest trying one out if you're able. I'm looking for something to work into my room now.
Don't ever feel as if you can't express your opinion. That's why I was going to back out, I was getting a little aggressive I thought.

No you are fine. Sorry if I come off as aggressive I don't mean to. Just kinda a welcome to my world kinda thing. If you think similar to me cool if not thats fine to. We are all in this together at the moment. The world as a whole. What we do in America affects the whole world and vice versa. We just don't think of it that way.
In my eyes, what we refer to as GOD, does exist. But, as skeptical as some of us are of it, so is "it" skeptical of the entire universe. Since we don't look at it from that perspective, explain your proof of why GOD believes in you & vice versa.

First, prove any such entity exists, or this entire conversation is firmly in the realm of fantasy, not reality.

Since no one can, I submit this is an utterly unproductive conversation and that we move on to topics about things we can examine.

Even navel gazers have an advantage in that their navels actually exist to be contemplated.
Haha, I hear ya brother. Just smart enough to realize how dumb you are..

I have anxiety and all that as well, I just tried a high CBD strain first time the other day and it's great for my anxiety. I feel it's so much easier to talk to people in every day life. I suggest trying one out if you're able. I'm looking for something to work into my room now.

I like the way you put it, just smart enough to know I'm dumb lol.
Ayahuasca. That'll do it.
That's one I could probably benefit from, from an anxiety and depression stand point, but have been a little too afraid.

I've read that it's easier to navigate than straight DMT even though it lasts substantially longer. I just think of a few breakthrough experiences I had and they were pretty intense. An experience on 800mg mescaline and a large quantity of 4-aco-dmt (last of bag, way too much), a few years ago and I've finally had my ass kicked and been a little timid since.
To sum up my feelings on this... Life is grey my friends. Just like people who dont smoke cannabis or grow it wont understand us the same we we don't understand them. (mic drop) (boom) minds blown lol jk