What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

When Jesus comes back, do you think he'd be proud of what Christianity has become?

I'm not disagreeing with your religious knowledge, but I believe there's a so called GOD code which allows us to see through the lies that men have used to mislead the masses.

I see nothing wrong with what you say, but I also see no reason why there would only be one way.
When Jesus comes back, all he's going to care about is eating brains.
I'm not educated enough to point out facts whether or not God exists, but this is exactly why I ? In my eyes he'd be an atheist. Religion is a trick, and may have manipulated the whole story of man. What's natural leads to the truth. I wish I could better explain THE GREAT UNKNOWN, because I think it speaks to the humanity & kinship you're talking about.

For instance
Science is pretty honest about they cannot explain anything prior to the big bang, that our understanding of the laws of the universe breakdown at that scale. So as far as science is concerned, it doesn't matter what happened before the big bang. There are several hypothesis as to how our universe came into existence, but I wont go into those here.

No entity created the first egg or first seed, that was an extremely long process of incremental successful changes of several generations, and IIRC the mechanism of how the egg came into existence isn't well understood. I think there is a decent understanding of the seed but I'm not an evolutionary biologist, so perhaps read up on some of their works.

The main point is, you need not fill in the gaps within our understanding of the world and universe with God. Just because we don't know, or can't yet explain, doesn't mean that's where God is hiding out.
But because we attempt to be so smart, we ignore the perfectly simple explanation of how the universe unfolded. Simple in a sense that the original laws of beings were at work way before the big bang.

I know some scientists or religious scholar is gonna brush this off as nonsense, but the way i see it, our "human knowledge" has limited our abilty to understand the unknown
I'm searching for a whole new way of thinking. Step up your game.
If thats so ^ why do you even pose this question. A whole new way of thinking is without anything we as humans know and that includes the fairy tale of religion. We as humans are too far gone to think out of the box like what you are talking about. We're too fukn disconnected.
If thats so ^ why do you even pose this question. A whole new way of thinking is without anything we as humans know and that includes the fairy tale of religion. We as humans are too far gone to think out of the box like what you are talking about. We're too fukn disconnected.
You're probably right. I wanted to see if people would grasp that kind of thinking, but it seems they're too stuck in what we've been taught. Gotta start somewhere. Don't question, wonder which can reconnect us to the original WONDER of THE GREAT UNKNOWN. I can't be the only thinking this way, but even if so, when we go back to being dust this understanding will take on a life of its own.

I wrote a book for my kids to pass down through future generations until a time if/when it wouldn't be persecuted for sharing the universal truth.
My girl took this picture in charleston. Which is one of the most haunted cites because literally everywhere you walk your walking on unmarked graves. Anyway to the right is a church you can see the cementary. But anyways I'll just show y'all. Warning this is a class A photo of a deity. I think it looks like an old grounds keeper. Keep in mind all that's supposed to be there is a tree. There's a bunch more pictures with duck loads of orbs.
I'll try and get her friend to send us those later today.received_10205867169693630.jpeg


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And dalek Lololol that in no way is eqidistant numeration lol it would be like every 5 letters you find the next letter to the word.or it could be every 34 letters backwards or anything. What's is weird is EVERY where they found satans name they found yeshua in the same verse And what this signifies. Is not that yeshua was an antichrist (what the Muslims tried to claim by this) but that where ever there is good there is bad. Ying and yang bro.

Don't be ignorant seek the truth.

Stay woke
electricity can explain those orbs. when H2O gets hit by an electric charge powerful enough to combust it, then it suddenly floats, weighs less, and moves around according to pressure changes like any gas, except its a plasma.

pretty modern concept but also partly how a long range wireless electricity could work. not easy to do and takes alot of power.

apparently if you make a layden jar on top of the great pyramid that still contains it's cap stone then it will become charged with electric potential. the same orbs are every in the ruins of egypt. not cuz theyre a bunch of ghost roaming around haunting the evil pharoah's tomb but because mankind has hit many technologies and died and come back. we probably are the reason for the egg.

cuz chicken was a giant dinosaur so we manipulated ots genetic code millions of years ago and made it smaller. that was back crossed to the dinosaur that it was derived from and vuala a genetic direction in favor of one species is now set.

like, we could float around in space ships and mess with creatures to promote the naturally occuring human developements accross the heavens. the people left on the planets would oacillate between ape and human and lizard pretty grossly while this happens.

pretty sure we are the aliens
This is a pointless debate. No one is going to go "Oh guess God does exist" or "Oh I guess god doesn't exist" after reading it. No one can prove he exists, and no one can prove he doesn't. Simple as that.
This is a pointless debate. No one is going to go "Oh guess God does exist" or "Oh I guess god doesn't exist" after reading it. No one can prove he exists, and no one can prove he doesn't. Simple as that.
you're dumb. write the god damn word "god" down. read the word, recognize you speak English, define this word. does it mean flying spaghetti monster or does it mean "all knowing and omniscient" does it mean flying man in the sky shootibg lightening or does it mean "all knowing and omniscient"

obviously its a lightening spewing flying spaghetti monster that brainwashes the religious.... obviously.... so we coulde never Prove it's existance.

exvept i can copy and paste your text and prove that you wrote GOD. which means you know what the word means. which means THAT word is GOD. that idea that coursed theough your nerves is God.
yea if god does everything then each individual is some branch of consciouness of god.
I used the words "dendrites/nerve endings of an ethereal nervous system" to describe what I believe/saw after drinking Ayahuasca. And before anyone writes it off as a hallucination, please know Ayahuasca is not in the least bit recreational. It's 2 hours of Hell and repeatedly dying, disintegration, rebirth, and experiencing every possibility in the world, and you can feel and hear, and sometimes see that there is another entity, punishing you, teaching you, and loving you for your own transgressions so that your ego can die and so that you can grow. After the 2 hours of Hell is a state of delightful, maddening egolessness and enlightenment. You can stave off depression for at least a full month.

It's just so much to explain. Just know, you cannot even stand on ayahuasca, and it's not fun or recreational, but spiritual. Ayahuasca = DMT = the Spirit Molecule = exists in everything, hence the experiencing every possibility of every dimension. It's pretty horrifying.
you're dumb. write the god damn word "god" down. read the word, recognize you speak English, define this word. does it mean flying spaghetti monster or does it mean "all knowing and omniscient" does it mean flying man in the sky shootibg lightening or does it mean "all knowing and omniscient"

obviously its a lightening spewing flying spaghetti monster that brainwashes the religious.... obviously.... so we coulde never Prove it's existance.

exvept i can copy and paste your text and prove that you wrote GOD. which means you know what the word means. which means THAT word is GOD. that idea that coursed theough your nerves is God.

What? That makes no sense. Yes the word "God" exists. But we're still not able to prove or disprove his/her/it's existence. Which is why this discussion is pointless. Based on our current understanding of the universe, there probably isn't an omnipotent creator who created everything. But our current understanding is very limited. We can't prove or disprove it. All we have to go by is our current knowledge. Which is why this discussion is pointless.
We are a branch, but because "God" actually cares about NOTHING, we don't realize that the initial ignorance, gave way to choice.
God cares about nothing is right, in that existence, especially in the metaphysical, is so expansive and vast that in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter; you are eternal, even if you are rearranged after death. But that life force cares about thriving and growing. It doesn't like for people to be violent to one another. Like a sudden muscle spasm in the body. But there is no real right or wrong. There is no eternal hell. Hell is a state of mind, and you leave it once you learn and grow.
What? That makes no sense. Yes the word "God" exists. But we're still not able to prove or disprove his/her/it's existence. Which is why this discussion is pointless. Based on our current understanding of the universe, there probably isn't an omnipotent creator who created everything. But our current understanding is very limited. We can't prove or disprove it. All we have to go by is our current knowledge. Which is why this discussion is pointless.
ummm you're not learning anything right now. God is an idea that courses through knowledge. without knowledge of God, there is no God. You're under the inpression that everyone thinks God is Jesus of Nazareth or Jehovah or Rama or Krishna. God is not a he or she or it. God is God. The idea.

consider death, ok, touchy subject right? ok so in trauma, you think "oh god oh god oh god"

why? because you're hoping you survive. you like the goodness of life. you have unfinished goals. you want to be in a world where you can think, not decompse into dirt while the rest of the world forgets about you and after hundreds of thousands of years, turns your atoms into something more useful. believe me, the insects will be turning your atoms into useful food.

so where is God? God was in your head and got you killed. whether it was old age or something else is exactly the direction the brainwash of the word is supposed to take you. by underatanding good, which is a nice step below God, you can make good decision and live long. churches promote goodness. they dont condone smoking or drinking heavily, they don't condone rape or murder. they dont condone pointless.slaughter of animals. they believe in the power the individual can express to their brothers and sisters.

because with the idea of goodness, you can see the ultamatum of God the word and idea. not the flesh of Christ our body. our body is a drug user and destroyer of worlds. our minds feel bad about it but we do it anyways. hence the upbringing of god and the devil into conscious decision making.

god is a word and idea, it makes you argue with me and me with you.
What? That makes no sense. Yes the word "God" exists. But we're still not able to prove or disprove his/her/it's existence. Which is why this discussion is pointless. Based on our current understanding of the universe, there probably isn't an omnipotent creator who created everything. But our current understanding is very limited. We can't prove or disprove it. All we have to go by is our current knowledge. Which is why this discussion is pointless.
Based on "your" understanding
ummm you're not learning anything right now. God is an idea that courses through knowledge. without knowledge of God, there is no God. You're under the inpression that everyone thinks God is Jesus of Nazareth or Jehovah or Rama or Krishna. God is not a he or she or it. God is God. The idea.

consider death, ok, touchy subject right? ok so in trauma, you think "oh god oh god oh god"

why? because you're hoping you survive. you like the goodness of life. you have unfinished goals. you want to be in a world where you can think, not decompse into dirt while the rest of the world forgets about you and after hundreds of thousands of years, turns your atoms into something more useful. believe me, the insects will be turning your atoms into useful food.

so where is God? God was in your head and got you killed. whether it was old age or something else is exactly the direction the brainwash of the word is supposed to take you. by underatanding good, which is a nice step below God, you can make good decision and live long. churches promote goodness. they dont condone smoking or drinking heavily, they don't condone rape or murder. they dont condone pointless.slaughter of animals. they believe in the power the individual can express to their brothers and sisters.

because with the idea of goodness, you can see the ultamatum of God the word and idea. not the flesh of Christ our body. our body is a drug user and destroyer of worlds. our minds feel bad about it but we do it anyways. hence the upbringing of god and the devil into conscious decision making.

god is a word and idea, it makes you argue with me and me with you.

But you can't disprove or prove an idea. So I'm pretty sure the thread is about God being a "being", and not a state of mind or an idea.

we both win because you already believe in God whether you care.to tell the world or not.

I don't.

Based on "your" understanding

Nope, our. As humans.