What did you accomplish today?

Put up blind like roll down shades in game room today...

Made 3 new shelves (one to cover a brad nail that poked out sideways...son of a bitch)...

Got rubber chair leg covers for all 8 outdoor wicker chairs...they were leaving rust spots on new stone in little courtyard...wicker furniture but it's wrapped around metal and I bought floor models @ 60% off end of season...so fuckers moved them around all summer at store and wore the thin rubber off the bottoms...

Got floor tile ordered and on the way...

Ordered a real nice wicker loveseat glider, my daughter wanted it...she doesn't ask for much so I ordered it...another end of season sale item...

And I had some pics...but they'll have to wait I guess...with the missing file upload button...

Another busy day...
I walked in the grow room and all the fans were off, but the lights were still on! They are on a different breaker. It was hot as fuck in there. I immediately turned everything off and got to trouble shooting. After checking the switch and every socket on that circuit I found the culprit. It was a melted socket! I switched it out for a new one and got everything back up and running.

It was a bit of a wtf moment but I'm good now. Time for a much needed beer. I've been at this pretty much all day. Because it wasn't as easy as just swapping out a socket. I had to move everything to check all of the other sockets. Then move everything back and clean up.
Thats a culprit for hermies
Ur grow is all hermie.

Tham that was too easy...
Its not hard to do.

I rewired the whole rental trailer I showed.

I do minor stuff, change an outlet or a switch...
but running new lines out of a box is scary.

My electrician is fucking fearless. He put a new entrance and 200 amp box in at my project house...
In February...30° out...on a Saturday...without the power company or an inspector...for $100 cash. I refused to take advantage of him so I gave him a full quart jar of Lemon Kush with another $150 in it besides the kush. Fuckin' guy would come out at 3AM if I needed him...and I take care of those kind of friends. I also give him seeds and always get samples back. Definitely a great friend with skills.
I do minor stuff, change an outlet or a switch...
but running new lines out of a box is scary.

My electrician is fucking fearless. He put a new entrance and 200 amp box in at my project house...
In February...30° out...on a Saturday...without the power company or an inspector...for $100 cash. I refused to take advantage of him so I gave him a full quart jar of Lemon Kush with another $150 in it besides the kush. Fuckin' guy would come out at 3AM if I needed him...and I take care of those kind of friends. I also give him seeds and always get samples back. Definitely a great friend with skills.
Word, my electrician buddy gets cheaper bags than most people do. He talked me through the socket swap out. It wasn't a big deal, but I had to ask him why the room light worked but not all of the outlets. He told me to check the switch and then follow it to the closest outlet and keep checking sockets from there. I found that the 2 first sockets were good and it was the third that was melted. Even though he didn't do anything other than talk to me on the phone I'm still gonna hook him up. You're right you gotta keep your people happy. Plus we go out to the country to shoot guns and blow shit up with my other homie Phil. So it's not even a question if ole boy is gonna get hooked up.
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I walked in the grow room and all the fans were off, but the lights were still on! They are on a different breaker. It was hot as fuck in there. I immediately turned everything off and got to trouble shooting. After checking the switch and every socket on that circuit I found the culprit. It was a melted socket! I switched it out for a new one and got everything back up and running.

It was a bit of a wtf moment but I'm good now. Time for a much needed beer. I've been at this pretty much all day. Because it wasn't as easy as just swapping out a socket. I had to move everything to check all of the other sockets. Then move everything back and clean up.
OMG your canopy hit 106, NO WAY!
Word, my electrician buddy gets cheaper bags than most people do. He talked me through the socket swap out. It wasn't a big deal, but I had to ask him why the room light worked but not all of the outlets. He told me to check the switch and then follow it to the closet outlet and keep checking sockets from there. I found that the 2 first sockets were good and it was the third that was melted. Even though he didn't do anything other than talk to me on the phone I'm still gonna hook him up. You're right you gotta keep your people happy. Plus we go out to the country to shoot guns and blow shit up with my other homie Phil. So it's not even a question if ole boy is gonna get hooked up.
I love you guy, smoke less pot, edible is where it's at.
I love you guy, smoke less pot, edible is where it's at.
I do edibles every now and again, but with as much as I drink Mrs Goodson would find me face down ass up on the living room floor if I ate edibles all the time.

Babz I just harvested an entire table of seed crop. We hit 105 on the reg last month. You kids crack me up.
I don't doubt that you can grow in those temps. I just can't do it. My shit would be all ugly and brown. I can keep em pretty in my temp range.
I do edibles every now and again, but with as much as I drink Mrs Goodson would find me face down ass up on the living room floor if I ate edibles all the time.

I don't doubt that you can grow in those temps. I just can't do it. My shit would be all ugly and brown. I can keep em pretty in my temp range.
You kids and the pretty. I'm in it for the fuck up. (seriously you grow prettier shit than I can dream -- placebo biatchez)