Grasshopper chilling on big veg in grow room

Colo MMJ

Well-Known Member
He does not appear to be eating anything but defecting sometimes on leaves. I hate to kill him because of bad karma. I have been told that killing spider mites does not create bad karma.

I guess I can try to catch him but that may bring me down man. Any suggestions?
Killing grasshoppers doesn't create bad karma.

Now you have been told killing grasshoppers does not create bad karma. Kill it.

Oh man you are bringing me down. I thought in the old TV show "Kung Fu" that grasshoppers were some divine being.

Poor old grasshopper.
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"Since insects are ignorant of morality and we humans are the higher form of life then shouldn't we practice ahimsa towards even household flies and pests despite the problems they create for us"
Well Mr. Grasshopper was humanely evicted today. Popped him in an empty Halide bulb box and he is outside with his cronies.

I will kill spider mites, thirps, cock-a-roaches but grasshoppers are almost mystical (sarc).

Killing him might have been bad karma. And as Tony said "F*ck that - I don't need that sh*t in my life"