What did you accomplish today?

ya man sweet pin

nice mini tree too..and table, chairs aint bad either

wait whats that on the right?

oh shit! its liquor with a screw on cap.. dayyyuuuumm
im just fancy like that man. but the table is awesome. spent a good chunk of money on it so it lasts me a good long time. the mini tree is pretty awesome, i never water it. its still alive somehow. jim beam on sale. needed me some bourbon and the way they make me drink on tc im not buying a good bottle lol
50's or 60's on the pin
nice. i only need 9 more man, then we got ourselves a game!.. i never actually held a pin before. this thing is solid as hell
Anybody know how to kill Blackberry? It's slowly taking over everything on the side of the house. Already dumped a few pounds of road salt on it a month ago - don't think it phased it at all. I considered burning, but it's like 8ft tall... Maybe a couple gallons of bleach?
Cut it down then build a small controlled fire over the stumps. Blackberry and grapevine even with heavy duty poisons can be really hard to get rid of. Fire never fails.
by small and controlled he meant , a pear burner and a thing of propane is all you need..

it also works to burn trash, like tires, aerosol cans etc
its actually pretty sweet to use em to burn soda cans as the aluminum melts rips and starts flapping around
A light lunch of Dungeness & Shrimp and I'm back to packing for Moose hunting.View attachment 3772292

Dungeness. Gotcha. I was like man, I know GWN came up on the boats and I didn't but that looks like crab, not shrimp to me, I wonder if he's going senile or just real high lol. Crab legs are about the only seafood I can stomach. Just in case you're in a bar and there's trivia about my life at some point or something.