What's your take on Colin Kaepernicks refusal to stand for National Anthem

that's actually the opposite of fact.

crime and violence are way down. they hit their peak under your hero reagan, whose poster no doubt hangs on the wall of that bedroom of yours, kiddo.

the dystopian picture you are trying to paint, copied directly from the playbook of trump, is simply and demonstrably false.

like all neo-nazi racist children, you are unoriginal. you spout nothing but falsehoods. your penis is tiny, and no one likes you.

please stop taking out your teenage angst on this forum, you unrepentant piece of shit.

i would second amendment you myself, but it would be horrible.

Don't waste the bullet.
that's actually the opposite of fact.

crime and violence are way down. they hit their peak under your hero reagan, whose poster no doubt hangs on the wall of that bedroom of yours, kiddo.

the dystopian picture you are trying to paint, copied directly from the playbook of trump, is simply and demonstrably false.

like all neo-nazi racist children, you are unoriginal. you spout nothing but falsehoods. your penis is tiny, and no one likes you.

please stop taking out your teenage angst on this forum, you unrepentant piece of shit.

i would second amendment you myself, but it would be horrible.

lol you'd 2nd amendment me lmfao,I can count 357 reasons why that's a no go :lol:

all that tough talk gave me wood,its too bad I'm not a scared
Have you been dropped on your head? Your entire point is that KP hurt people that were not police, which is the dumbest thing I have ever heard next to people serve a flag, and not there country. A flag is a visual representation of what America stands for. How about I served the constitution, or human rights before a flag? I payed respect to a flag by rendering a hand salute. The flag that is on our uniform to identify who we are to other militaries, that's it. We don't salute our uniforms, dip shit. Just like how every other military has one, including the Iraq, Afghan, North Korean, Iranian, Russian, and Chinese army. They fight for honor, religion, and other reasons before they would fight for a flag. Shit, most people now a days serve because they need job security. Glad you know what I had served because apparently I didn't.

What kind of asshat, backwards minded moron comments about someone else's grammar, meanwhile says there's has gone to shit? Who is this MOST you speak of being upset, fox news or msnbc?

His jersey sales have gone up greatly, but you say he is flopping. He makes more money than the current starting QB for the 49er's by over 300% and isn't even starting. Damn, he is some fool.
Yet, you ramble about KP should have pointed his anger to someone else, which he shouldn't have. It was rightfully placed.

BLM only offends the ignorant. If you read into their cause for 5 minutes, you would notice they are fighting for legit issues they are faced with. People who cannot see these issues, and selfishly believe it's a racist movement are blind. Who is honestly complaining about BLM... some white people are scared because of fear of w/e, while I call it bullshit racism.

A quote from the BLM website,
" The movement hates white people. The statement “black lives matter” is not an anti-white proposition. Contained within the statement is an unspoken but implied “too,” as in “black lives matter, too,” which suggests that the statement is one of inclusion rather than exclusion." Shit, it's not even an anti-police movement...
A common misconception is that "The movement hates police officers. Police officers are people. Their lives have inherent value. This movement is not an anti-people movement; therefore it is not an anti-police-officer movement."

Interesting that if you would've looked on their website you could have noticed that, yet you seem to speak for the people. I'm white, yet the BLM doesn't offend me... I guarantee there is plenty of support for BLM, and surely enough to not call it a failure.
I`m gonna say this before I read further. I tell you what my point is, you don`t tell me. I never said he hurt, I said he pissed of and angered.
so how's that new breed of anti Americanism been working out in k through 12 so far ?

not so good from what I see,IQ dropping sharply,violence increased to levels unseen before,teachers beaten daily,students beaten daily,smart students ridiculed into losing interest.

a huge price for small children to pay for their adults anarchist values,and a price that will almost guarantee 60% will never find meaningful employment.

not just words bro its cold fact
Yeah, right, "that new breed of anti-Americanism".. You mean teaching facts in the science classroom and actual United States history instead of revisionist history no doubt, otherwise known as "the liberal agenda"..

We know why the quality of K-12 education has been declining in America; because politicians don't believe in investing in it


Meanwhile, the pledge is still recited in most American classrooms
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Have you been dropped on your head? Your entire point is that KP hurt people that were not police, which is the dumbest thing I have ever heard next to people serve a flag, and not there country. A flag is a visual representation of what America stands for. How about I served the constitution, or human rights before a flag? I payed respect to a flag by rendering a hand salute. The flag that is on our uniform to identify who we are to other militaries, that's it. We don't salute our uniforms, dip shit. Just like how every other military has one, including the Iraq, Afghan, North Korean, Iranian, Russian, and Chinese army. They fight for honor, religion, and other reasons before they would fight for a flag. Shit, most people now a days serve because they need job security. Glad you know what I had served because apparently I didn't.

What kind of asshat, backwards minded moron comments about someone else's grammar, meanwhile says there's has gone to shit? Who is this MOST you speak of being upset, fox news or msnbc?

His jersey sales have gone up greatly, but you say he is flopping. He makes more money than the current starting QB for the 49er's by over 300% and isn't even starting. Damn, he is some fool.
Yet, you ramble about KP should have pointed his anger to someone else, which he shouldn't have. It was rightfully placed.

BLM only offends the ignorant. If you read into their cause for 5 minutes, you would notice they are fighting for legit issues they are faced with. People who cannot see these issues, and selfishly believe it's a racist movement are blind. Who is honestly complaining about BLM... some white people are scared because of fear of w/e, while I call it bullshit racism.

A quote from the BLM website,
" The movement hates white people. The statement “black lives matter” is not an anti-white proposition. Contained within the statement is an unspoken but implied “too,” as in “black lives matter, too,” which suggests that the statement is one of inclusion rather than exclusion." Shit, it's not even an anti-police movement...
A common misconception is that "The movement hates police officers. Police officers are people. Their lives have inherent value. This movement is not an anti-people movement; therefore it is not an anti-police-officer movement."

Interesting that if you would've looked on their website you could have noticed that, yet you seem to speak for the people. I'm white, yet the BLM doesn't offend me... I guarantee there is plenty of support for BLM, and surely enough to not call it a failure.

You`re entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine.

You serve your Country identified by it`s flag. If one disrespects a country`s flag, they disrespect their Country. That`s my opinion and may not be yours. Don`t force me to believe what you believe. The uniform tell you who that person is, If the Admiral walks in the room, you know this and salute him because of what he is wearing. So, you do salute a uniform.

Fans of the NFL, not msn or other media.

His sales have gone up, he makes a lot of money, but is wishing he was the starter. (the fool part) Maybe he can live with that. Money changes everything.

You only say Black lives matter to someone who believes that they don`t, Is there another reason to express that matter ? Why would you tell someone Black lives matter if they already know it ?

Unspoken but implied.. too. as if I didn`t think so before ? Really ? I support their movement but really want to see a name change. We all don`t have BA`s.

You really wanna know why a person would comment on your "Payed respect" ? Someone who`s smoked pot for 45 years and thinks yours is on the way out too. I don`t think even I would get "paid" wrong, but give me a few more smoking years. Of course you could say you don`t smoke pot and inhale tailpipes or something.

BLM`s name is hindering it. The best play is to change it. Example: Black Lives Matter Officer. I`d buy and wear that shirt. Support the cause and spread the message. My brother is married to a Black women and has three kids, and they qualify for Mr. Kanye West`s upcoming show season`s application. a total Black girl wont. He wants multiracial only. http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/cele...o-fashion-week-audition/ar-AAiuBr9?li=BBnb7Kz.

You should be killing me with scholar, but I`m having my way with you.

Payed respect,.....C`mon.
I find it disturbing that the NFL will deny Dallas to honor five slain police on their uniforms but remain silent when KP wears pigs dressed as cops on his.
Looks like Colin is getting a reaction;


Fuck the police union; it sure as hell isn't their job to require that someone stop a peaceful protest; that's a direct infringement of his civil rights, and exactly why he's protesting.

They're about to start a real live shit storm and they're not prepared to be on the wrong side.

From what I understand, the police are not stopping him or asking him to stop, they say they wont offer their service inside the arena during home games while he protests. That not stopping or trying to stop him. That`s saying hire your own security if you want this protest to continue.

Maybe I understood it wrong. I do think it`s childish though.
You actually called oddball a dumbass and told me I served a flag, which isn't true. There's nothing sanctimonious about what I said. You're an asshole who either never served, or did serve, yet you're confused on what you served. Either way, you're the dumbass.

Calls me a dumbass all the time,.....wooopie.
You`re entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine.

You serve your Country identified by it`s flag. If one disrespects a country`s flag, they disrespect their Country. That`s my opinion and may not be yours. Don`t force me to believe what you believe. The uniform tell you who that person is, If the Admiral walks in the room, you know this and salute him because of what he is wearing. So, you do salute a uniform.

Fans of the NFL, not msn or other media.

His sales have gone up, he makes a lot of money, but is wishing he was the starter. (the fool part) Maybe he can live with that. Money changes everything.

You only say Black lives matter to someone who believes that they don`t, Is there another reason to express that matter ? Why would you tell someone Black lives matter if they already know it ?

Unspoken but implied.. too. as if I didn`t think so before ? Really ? I support their movement but really want to see a name change. We all don`t have BA`s.

You really wanna know why a person would comment on your "Payed respect" ? Someone who`s smoked pot for 45 years and thinks yours is on the way out too. I don`t think even I would get "paid" wrong, but give me a few more smoking years. Of course you could say you don`t smoke pot and inhale tailpipes or something.

BLM`s name is hindering it. The best play is to change it. Example: Black Lives Matter Officer. I`d buy and wear that shirt. Support the cause and spread the message. My brother is married to a Black women and has three kids, and they qualify for Mr. Kanye West`s upcoming show season`s application. a total Black girl wont. He wants multiracial only. http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/cele...o-fashion-week-audition/ar-AAiuBr9?li=BBnb7Kz.

You should be killing me with scholar, but I`m having my way with you.

Payed respect,.....C`mon.

Ok, you're a walking hypocrite. You get upset when I tell you what you mean, then follow it up with something you know nothing of, only to try and tell me how the military works.
You have never been in the military, so why are you telling me how it is? I salute a position and title, as in an officer. Enlisted service members have flags on their uniforms too, yet no salute. In fact, you could be punished for an unauthorized salute. Saluting a flag during a ceremony or funeral is a sign of respect, not serving the flag. If we saluted a flag every time we saw one there would be problems because there are flags everywhere on base. I guess this is something you will never understand because you would have been taught these traditions if you served.

Fans of the NFL can grow the hell up and get over themselves.

KP has commented multiple times that he does not care about the repercussions, and that he believes fully in what he did.

I didn't say anything about black lives matter that they haven't said. You brought the BLM up, I only pointed out there position on a few things. I mentioned that people who believe the BLM is a movement against other people of color and anti-police and blind, which is true.

I have no idea what you are talking about with the smoking pot for 45 years comment.

BLM is a name the black community chose for their movement, and racist, ignorant human beings believe what they want. It seems you made yourself believe that BLM is some kind of negative movement, when it's not. Then you continue to preach to me how you believe BLM is hurting itself. What the fuck does Kanye West and Multiracial children have anything to do with BLM?

Killing you with scholar? Why, because YOU say you don't support KP and BLM? There is so much knowledge out there that would describe you as a racist, idiot, that I don't need to do it. In fact, I just need to let you keep typing, you hurt yourself enough.

Oddballs complaints
1. Complaining that a QB in the NFL used his platform to push equality is slightly racist, it's just the NFL, get over yourself. Is the NFL more important that equality because your trying to make it so.
2. Complaining how a group of black protesters chose the wrong name, and have the wrong target in mind. Who the fuck are you to say such a thing? Literally some shit I hear from the racist rednecks

I`m gonna say this before I read further. I tell you what my point is, you don`t tell me. I never said he hurt, I said he pissed of and angered.

You have between 5-10 messages stating that his anger shouldn't be placed at a dentist, and should be directed elsewhere. What's the difference between hurt and angered. If you HURT someones feelings, that would include angry.
Ok, you're a walking hypocrite. You get upset when I tell you what you mean, then follow it up with something you know nothing of, only to try and tell me how the military works.
You have never been in the military, so why are you telling me how it is? I salute a position and title, as in an officer. Enlisted service members have flags on their uniforms too, yet no salute. In fact, you could be punished for an unauthorized salute. Saluting a flag during a ceremony or funeral is a sign of respect, not serving the flag. If we saluted a flag every time we saw one there would be problems because there are flags everywhere on base. I guess this is something you will never understand because you would have been taught these traditions if you served.

Fans of the NFL can grow the hell up and get over themselves.

KP has commented multiple times that he does not care about the repercussions, and that he believes fully in what he did.

I didn't say anything about black lives matter that they haven't said. You brought the BLM up, I only pointed out there position on a few things. I mentioned that people who believe the BLM is a movement against other people of color and anti-police and blind, which is true.

I have no idea what you are talking about with the smoking pot for 45 years comment.

BLM is a name the black community chose for their movement, and racist, ignorant human beings believe what they want. It seems you made yourself believe that BLM is some kind of negative movement, when it's not. Then you continue to preach to me how you believe BLM is hurting itself. What the fuck does Kanye West and Multiracial children have anything to do with BLM?

Killing you with scholar? Why, because YOU say you don't support KP and BLM? There is so much knowledge out there that would describe you as a racist, idiot, that I don't need to do it. In fact, I just need to let you keep typing, you hurt yourself enough.

Oddballs complaints
1. Complaining that a QB in the NFL used his platform to push equality is slightly racist, it's just the NFL, get over yourself. Is the NFL more important that equality because your trying to make it so.
2. Complaining how a group of black protesters chose the wrong name, and have the wrong target in mind. Who the fuck are you to say such a thing? Literally some shit I hear from the racist rednecks

You have between 5-10 messages stating that his anger shouldn't be placed at a dentist, and should be directed elsewhere. What's the difference between hurt and angered. If you HURT someones feelings, that would include angry.

I will never let you tell me what I said.

I do things like this, Put up where I said I don`t support KP or BLM. Do that, you said I claimed it and it`s why I wont let you tell me what I said.
While you`re at it, Put up where I said KP is being racist too. You said I said that too.

"Who am I to say that" I`m one of the general public that BLM is taking out their anger over the police on. I`m sorry a scholar don`t see that. I do believe a more defining name for BLM would boost their support tenfold,...maybe you don`t. They wont change because of it and I don`t expect them too.

I am doubtful now that you are who you say you are. You are not acting like a scholar at all. There are many "socks" on this site.

If you don`t mind, I`d like you to put up what you claim I said. Please, located in the 2nd paragraph above in this post.
Yeah, right, "that new breed of anti-Americanism".. You mean teaching facts in the science classroom and actual United States history

No,I mean revisionist history that demands kids be ashamed of every aspect of their heritage & the country they live in,when a 12 year old boy stands up in front of his class,then delievers a weeping tear filled apology to his class mates for some colonialism shit he or his family had no part in, the educational system has been subverted,it no longer teaches anything except shame & rebellion,teaching 12 year old children socialism & homosexual lifestyles isn't the purpose of any school,and that is what's happening,I have grandchildren in school,how bout you,any kids your watching learn ?

but back on point,how are the tens of thousands of college grads with degrees is lesbian dance theory,or social justice getting along? last I knew none of em could find work flipping burgers
No,I mean revisionist history that demands kids be ashamed of every aspect of their heritage & the country they live in,when a 12 year old boy stands up in front of his class,then delievers a weeping tear filled apology to his class mates for some colonialism shit he or his family had no part in, the educational system has been subverted,it no longer teaches anything except shame & rebellion,teaching 12 year old children socialism & homosexual lifestyles isn't the purpose of any school,and that is what's happening,I have grandchildren in school,how bout you,any kids your watching learn ?

but back on point,how are the tens of thousands of college grads with degrees is lesbian dance theory,or social justice getting along? last I knew none of em could find work flipping burgers

LOL, i guess the "violence" angle was too easy to rebut factually so you've moved on to "HOMOSEXUAL INDOCTRINATION!!!" and "SOCIALIZMZ!!!1!!".

you are a goddamn clown.

regardless of degree, college grads make more than non-college grads too.

can you get one fucking fact right, ever? or do you always have to be pushing your little neo-nazi agenda?
LOL, i guess the "violence" angle was too easy to rebut factually so you've moved on to "HOMOSEXUAL INDOCTRINATION!!!" and "SOCIALIZMZ!!!1!!".

you are a goddamn clown.

regardless of degree, college grads make more than non-college grads too.

can you get one fucking fact right, ever? or do you always have to be pushing your little neo-nazi agenda?

so u have kids in school now,how many & what grade?

when's the last time youve been in a grade school,other than to scope out a victim ?
so u have kids in school now,how many & what grade?

when's the last time youve been in a grade school,other than to scope out a victim ?

just because you constantly get the shit beaten out of you in school does not mean that your experience is representative of the bigger picture.

your experience of getting the shit beaten out of you constantly is due to the fact that you are an annoying little neo-nazi, conspiracy humping asshat. not even your teachers like you. they just turn a blind eye when the black kids beat the shit out of you, or when the dorky jewish kids throw you upside down into a trash can.

because even your teachers know you are a piece of shit who deserves much worse.
just because you constantly get the shit beaten out of you in school does not mean that your experience is representative of the bigger picture.

your experience of getting the shit beaten out of you constantly is due to the fact that you are an annoying little neo-nazi, conspiracy humping asshat. not even your teachers like you. they just turn a blind eye when the black kids beat the shit out of you, or when the dorky jewish kids throw you upside down into a trash can.

because even your teachers know you are a piece of shit who deserves much worse.

as expected,u have fuk all experience with what grade school kids r being taught,but u know because u know lol

more bullshit out of the real Nazi fascist posting here

its always the dummies with no connection to a topic who yell the loudest & your a loud bastard
as expected,u have fuk all experience with what grade school kids r being taught,but u know because u know lol

more bullshit out of the real Nazi fascist posting here

its always the dummies with no connection to a topic who yell the loudest & your a loud bastard

actually, i have two in laws who are grade school teachers in los angeles. they would mock you for your retarded beliefs even harder than i'm doing.

and remember, you are the one who is standing alongside the KKK and white supremacist groups to support trump, not me. i support the candidate who has a 96% NAACP rating, and who was mentored by a guy with a 100% NAACP rating.

that clearly demonstrates that you are the fascist neo-nazi here.

and you're fucking dumb.
actually, i have two in laws who are grade school teachers in los angeles. they would mock you for your retarded beliefs even harder than i'm doing..

they may be educators but they did a lousy job with you:dunce:

and remember, you are the one who is standing alongside the KKK and white supremacist groups to support trump.

oh really,or are your claims just another " big lie " following Hitlers teachings ?

here are real questions concerning which candidate is tied to the kkk their entire adult life,let's see if u get them right,or if u fall back on weaseling with more ad hom BS

who is the current presidential candidate who marched on Washington DC in support of the KKK Grand dragon Barry Goldwater? Trump or Hillary ?
answer below

who is the current presidential candidate who was mentored by a KKK leader with the highest rank rank possible in the klan,answer below

who is the current presidential candidate who receives the majority of their funding from one of the last surviving Nazis to serve Adolph Hitlers 3rd riech ? Trump or Hillary ?

meet Hitlers Nazi henchman below & tell us who he gave $40 million to,Trump or Hillary

clean up the floor after you finish shitting on it :dunce: