Well-Known Member
soooooooo you want to invest in me then ?u got to talk to nice lady
i have already commited to partiner with her
unless u are a better cook then her i am going to stick with nice lady .......she feeds me food i do not have to cook or think about eatting every 6-7pm food is ready to eat good food food i like (i been fending for my self since i was 14 on food this is so nice )
super stoned off on supply and samples from other grows(tax deductable samples under a llc) and food ....i can run my stil as a hobby and make up shine to give out as gifts or use it strip the thc off the plant in RSO method
yes i am building a porch with a rocking chair keeping the shot gun next to me .....i am going full blown hill billy....bare foot all the time no more shoes for me (hate shoes i owned the same pair now for 19 years tells u how offen i wear them) i have the rep as not to be fucked with out there i have to teach the ppl this ........i know i will get some asshole sooner or later testing me...i just have to rem to stop not to kill (find a few ppl around i like and teach them how to stop me) .........nice lady is the front person in the biz i am guy in the back ground (the way i want it)
i am love this current set up so much .....and the best part i can date again instead of going for one night stands at her place ........u know hard hard it is to lie and keep it strait when u have head like mine.......when someone asked me what i did the standard answer is bum i got my money i had to answer family (tends to put off anyone worth really datting)
pick out a nice peice of land ......2 3 arces if the house is 2 family that rocks if not then get a 2nd one built

we can get rid of the lady pretty easy just so you know, a few calls, a qiuck boat out to sea ... good and gone