What did you accomplish today?

u got to talk to nice lady
i have already commited to partiner with her

unless u are a better cook then her i am going to stick with nice lady .......she feeds me food i do not have to cook or think about eatting every 6-7pm food is ready to eat good food food i like (i been fending for my self since i was 14 on food this is so nice )

super stoned off on supply and samples from other grows(tax deductable samples under a llc) and food ....i can run my stil as a hobby and make up shine to give out as gifts or use it strip the thc off the plant in RSO method

yes i am building a porch with a rocking chair keeping the shot gun next to me .....i am going full blown hill billy....bare foot all the time no more shoes for me (hate shoes i owned the same pair now for 19 years tells u how offen i wear them) ...here i have the rep as not to be fucked with out there i have to teach the ppl this ........i know i will get some asshole sooner or later testing me...i just have to rem to stop not to kill (find a few ppl around i like and teach them how to stop me) .........nice lady is the front person in the biz i am guy in the back ground (the way i want it)

i am love this current set up so much .....and the best part i can date again instead of going for one night stands at her place ........u know hard hard it is to lie and keep it strait when u have head like mine.......when someone asked me what i did the standard answer is bum ....how i got my money i had to answer family (tends to put off anyone worth really datting)

pick out a nice peice of land ......2 3 arces if the house is 2 family that rocks if not then get a 2nd one built
soooooooo you want to invest in me then ? :P i got a little lost inbetween "i can run my stil as a hobbie" and "when some asked me what i did the standard answer is bum"

we can get rid of the lady pretty easy just so you know, a few calls, a qiuck boat out to sea ... good and gone :) so you in or out ?
it's been learning and evolving but we have bigger guns :)
its ?

man you are such a disrespectful man towards your gods children, you should be ashamed but no peen stops this .... takes up all the shame you know :) ?

what have i accomplished today hmmmm let me think ....

oooo a new funky hiphop track, big actually, that'll be all :)
soooooooo you want to invest in me then ? :P i got a little lost inbetween "i can run my stil as a hobbie" and "when some asked me what i did the standard answer is bum"

we can get rid of the lady pretty easy just so you know, a few calls, a qiuck boat out to sea ... good and gone :) so you in or out ?

the lady feeds me .......unless u are a 6 foot red hair green eye cc tits and willing t cook for me nakied and i get beneifits
she cooks food for me (to top it u have to be a hot lady like i said) ........yes really i am that simple she made me ziti the 2nd night i ever meet her
Productive day for ol Gare bear. I got four new(used actually) tires and rims with really good tread from Craigslist last night. They were only $200 for all 4!!

Running on 4 hrs of sleep. I woke up at 6am and got everyone ready for school and work. Dropped them hoes off. Then got the truck inspection done because the assholes said the one from a few months ago doesn't count since I got the temp tags last month. Passed inspection like a boss! Then I had to go down town to sign for my title and get the tags and new plates.

Now I'm taking the truck to get an alignment, oil change, and have these tires balanced. Mrs Goodson did a number on the passenger side front rim which is why I had to replace the tires and get it aligned. She didn't say how it happened and I didn't ask. Because I know the answer will just piss me off.
Look what she did^ and it's been pulling to the right ever since.
Productive day for ol Gare bear. I got four new(used actually) tires and rims with really good tread from Craigslist last night. They were only $200 for all 4!!

Running on 4 hrs of sleep. I woke up at 6am and got everyone ready for school and work. Dropped them hoes off. Then got the truck inspection done because the assholes said the one from a few months ago doesn't count since I got the temp tags last month. Passed inspection like a boss! Then I had to go down town to sign for my title and get the tags and new plates.

Now I'm taking the truck to get an alignment, oil change, and have these tires balanced. Mrs Goodson did a number on the passenger side front rim which is why I had to replace the tires and get it aligned. She didn't say how it happened and I didn't ask. Because I know the answer will just piss me off.
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Look what she did^ and it's been pulling to the right ever since.

Lol. My wife did that about 3 times. I gave up and got her a 4WD Jeep with big tires.

so far, so good...knock on wood.
Lol. My wife did that about 3 times. I gave up and got her a 4WD Jeep with big tires.

so far, so good...knock on wood.
The new rims are smaller and the tires are bigger so that might help. I just got back from the shop. They were packed and said it would take hours before they got to my truck. He said they are dead when they open on Saturday mornings. So it looks like I'll be waking up early again to go drop it off:cuss:

Fuck it, now it's time for home made chicken wings and a beer! Oh and a fat ass :joint:

Wingstop and Buffalo Wild Wings ain't got shit on me! Walmart had the wings on sale for $5 a pack so I grabbed
Where else are ya gonna get 56 wings for $10?

This is gonna be me later
The new rims are smaller and the tires are bigger so that might help. I just got back from the shop. They were packed and said it would take hours before they got to my truck. He said they are dead when they open on Saturday mornings. So it looks like I'll be waking up early again to go drop it off:cuss:

Fuck it, now it's time for home made chicken wings and a beer! Oh and a fat ass :joint:

Wingstop and Buffalo Wild Wings ain't got shit on me! Walmart had the wings on sale for $5 a pack so I grabbed
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Where else are ya gonna get 56 wings for $10?

This is gonna be me later
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Did you know people with beer guts like that aren't really fat? Its their liver swelling.
I got mad at my wife for popping a nice tire and ruining a cobra rim on my 86 mustang. Like a week later I hot the same curb.

Talk about eating crow.

Wife had a nice Ford sedan. At one point, 3 plastic rims were curb scraped... other missing completely.

what the fuck can you do... women.

Jeep working out better and she likes it so...I guess it was the solution.
Wife had a nice Ford sedan. At one point, 3 plastic rims were curb scraped... other missing completely.

what the fuck can you do... women.

Jeep working out better and she likes it so...I guess it was the solution.
Mine has got better at not hitting curbs.

I hit the curb from spinning tires. Had a 2200 stall converter in it. Damn thing would shred tires even with a posi in it.
You look at that and have to tell yourself that's not normal. No one is just fat like that in the belly.

Jesus, look at it. It's perfectly round!
I had a friend that loved to drink and fight. It was normal for fights to break out when we were drinking.

One time one of the guys said he was going to kick my ass. My other friend told me to back down and leave the guy alone, he couldn't be knocked out. I saw the guy get hit many a time very hard.

He swung on me and missed. His stomach wasn't swollen like that but I knew he drank a lot. I hit him one time in the liver. Dropped like a sack of potatoes.
Easy Friday...electrician buddy came to wire shed, after we burned some Lemon Mango. Put in GFCI outlet 1st, the others kick out if the GFCI does. Probably didn't need it but put it in anyway.


T-8 48" shop light 2 bulbs
Light switch by door and opposite wall outlet
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Got 2 optional windows @ $60 each

8' long loft to the rear, 4' loft to the front
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I know of guys using these for camps up the mountains, they make the loft a sleeping area. This is storage and tractor garage after I come up with a ramp idea... Nice shed.
We had an old one...was right on the ground and got invaded by termites so we ripped that shit down. The concrete pad should fix that.