What did you accomplish today?

Alright so I've proven im a pharmacist.. I've proven my garage is worth +600k. I've shown my house(s). I've shown my cdl-a.. I've shown 2016 western star truck papers and shit. I've shown the inside and out of a couple traps.. Better drugs than you can even get.

I just haven't proven I sell the drugs?
Oooorrrr you want new pics at your request?

Lol. Either way. Im still king

And I've never nor will ever show quantities of drugs that constitutes a felony

This sure seems to bother you though.. Pretty humorous
Lol. You're a bitch.
I always grow hot peppers every year. Tryed growing weed once but epicly failed
i've got a couple research projects going on with peppers/tomatoes. haven't fooled with hot peppers yet as i'm not a fan of ridiculously hot shit, and i've had no customers ask for them. everyone wants herb/bell peppers/tomatoes.
It is quit common for pharmacist to be junkies.
it's not necessarily common, but it does happen. it happens with any high stress job where you have ready access to narcotics. when i was doing anesthesia, 100's of mg of fentanyl passed through my hands daily. dilaudid was kiddie play, like water. but the addicts were pretty easy to spot.
it's not necessarily common, but it does happen. it happens with any high stress job where you have ready access to narcotics. when i was doing anesthesia, 100's of mg of fentanyl passed through my hands daily. dilaudid was kiddie play, like water. but the addicts were pretty easy to spot.
Yeah I knew a Veterinarian that would order Ketamine and shoot it himself covered in fucking track marks