What did you accomplish today?

works for water, not grape juice
Works for juice to. I've done it on a couple electronic devices.

Take the battery out, use rice to draw moisture and then open the device up and clean the sugar out.

No biggie. You would be surprised at the free electronics I have from people claiming they couldn't be fixed.
Works for juice to. I've done it on a couple electronic devices.

Take the battery out, use rice to draw moisture and then open the device up and clean the sugar out.

No biggie. You would be surprised at the free electronics I have from people claiming they couldn't be fixed.
you'd have to get the residue out as the keys would stick and get gummed up.honestly the best way if you are going that route is while the grape juice is still fresh rinse it with distilled h2o to get out the solids/gum, then rice it.
you'd have to get the residue out as the keys would stick and get gummed up.honestly the best way if you are going that route is while the grape juice is still fresh rinse it with distilled h2o to get out the solids/gum, then rice it.
Depends on how much and where it spilled. I've done it both ways.

Its not that hard to clean once you take the device apart.
Idk it was done a few days ago now, the battery was out of it right after it happened but it got into the screen and everything. I needed a new one anyway but still trying to see if I can get it working again be4 I buy another
Its worth a try. If nothing else buy the kit that turns the hard drive into a usb drive. that way you wont loose everything.