What did you accomplish today?

Not to change the "cock" subject but after my Cort shot yesterday I was going to take to doc's advice & take it easy, pack my hand in ice & relax for the rest of the day after 1400, soooo right as I'm getting ready to leave one of our "Good" customers comes in with a rush job to overhaul a hydraulic motor that had been on deck of a 100' trawler for at least 20 years - of course he "needs it ASAP". So my hand not feeling all that bad (thanks Lidocane) & having no one else in the shop that knows how to do it I proceed to beat the thing into submission. Got her done in about an hour and a half - today it feels as though my hand has been slammed repeatedly in a car door FML.
Came home early, took a hydro & a nap with the (large) puppy.

On a positive note, a huge belated thank you to Phil in Costa Rica for hosting us at Algo Mas. What a memory.

Pool at Night.JPG
Not to change the "cock" subject but after my Cort shot yesterday I was going to take to doc's advice & take it easy, pack my hand in ice & relax for the rest of the day after 1400, soooo right as I'm getting ready to leave one of our "Good" customers comes in with a rush job to overhaul a hydraulic motor that had been on deck of a 100' trawler for at least 20 years - of course he "needs it ASAP". So my hand not feeling all that bad (thanks Lidocane) & having no one else in the shop that knows how to do it I proceed to beat the thing into submission. Got her done in about an hour and a half - today it feels as though my hand has been slammed repeatedly in a car door FML.
Came home early, took a hydro & a nap with the (large) puppy.

On a positive note, a huge belated thank you to Phil in Costa Rica for hosting us at Algo Mas. What a memory.

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Wow. I need a vacation.
Don't do the shots. In the long run it does more damage.
Yes and no :) If you are going to have surgery on it don't do the injections. If you aren't then go for the corticosteroid.

Pics of your Australian Outback farm pretty please. With a cherry on top. Or you're a nance named Johnny living in your mom's basement who has no authority or right to quote our 420God on farms.
LOL Too true, I am very intrigued by the mention of black Palm's, pics please.

Long ass day today. My poor dog got an abscessed anal gland and had to have emergency surgery last night. Since he was going under for a general I had them clean his teeth. He ended up losing a tooth. Poor guy hurts both coming and going.
News flash. Pussy teases cock!



So this farm, belongs to my girlfriends family, and guess what I just found in an old shed? An equally old bottle of dexamphetamine.

Never being one to er on the side of caution, Ive been railing that shit for about the past 10.

Fuck you sleep.