The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Aye just the 4 pheno's I've got now, it's just my bad luck that I cloned those 4 pheno's into 23 plants.

I've had a couple of good ones out of the same batch a while ago.

One was fucking legendary, big yield and purple bud with pink coloured frosting with a 10 week flower in soil.
shit me iv only got two on ha ha gonna try the scrog. And how the chuff u grown them

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I've got a few beans from that exact plant that has been back crossed to it's father that had the purple genetics to start with and the lad who did both crosses probably has a few beans in storage so it might be possible to see pink trichs turn up again at some point.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
nah something more than that, they are just refusing any food whatsoever but still flowering fine n packing on etc
Refusing food cos there's too much in the medium already and they're burning when you try to put more in.
Still flowering for the same reason, plenty in the medium as it is.

You don't feed the plant, you feed the medium.
The plant will take from the medium as it needs to, not when you want it to.

If you don't EC and just chuck it in then how do you know when you've given too much?
When it's too late and they burn is the answer.

If you don't correct the medium PH either (?) then that makes the matter worse because without correct PH then they can't take up nutes as needed and the medium just sits hot as fuck as you pile more feed in when they don't need it or can't use it.

It's simple, if your medium PH is on point and your plants are burning you're feeding too much.
If your medium PH is off and your plants are burning then it's a bit of both, burning because you're maybe feeding too much but also because of lockout creating that over fert/ratio problem.
If the PH is on point and you don't fed too much your plants won't burn, ever.

There is nothing more than that, those are your options done.

This is basic stuff mate.
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