The best explanation of a trump voter ever televised.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Anti establishment Democrat film maker from my state Michael Moore gave the best explanation why Trump will beat Hillary that's ever been given by anybody,I'm glad to see him finally admit Hillary is crooked beyond any parable & announce he will vote for Donald J Trump to drain the swamp that is Washington DC elite such as Hillary & the corrupt media .

Enjoy folks ,if your a trump voter as I am tell us if Michael Moore's explanation why were voting for Trump fits your reasons to Vote for Trump .

Attention Team Troll at rollitup ,bypass watching the narrative & launch personal attacks in 5-4-3-2.....................:lol:
Seriously lmfao,the thread was posted exactly 29 seconds before 1st shift of team troll at rollitup responded with a meme:lol:

WINNNG ! :bigjoint:

Edited for public safety .

Warning,the above videos side effects for social justice warriors include violent shitting of the pants ,profuse sweating,fits of rage,violent outbursts & the extreme need to post memes !
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Bearkat,I'm sorry your ADHD prevents you from discussing a thread topic you didn't create :cry:

It must be a bitch scurrying to reframe every topic into one you have the ability to discuss :lol:

I'll give you credit though,that 29 second hail Mary meme of yours came down the pipe like lightning as I predicted ,in 5-4-3-2-..... then 29 seconds later you had a meme posted :bigjoint:
Bearkat,I'm sorry your ADHD prevents you from discussing a thread topic you didn't create :cry:

It must be a bitch scurrying to reframe every topic into one you have the ability to discuss :lol:

I'll give you credit though,that 29 second hail Mary meme of yours came down the pipe like lightning as I predicted ,in 5-4-3-2-..... then 29 seconds later you had a meme posted :bigjoint:
It will all be over in 13 days.
Lol, whatever gets you to sleep at night.

the memes of team troll at rollitup work like 1,000 mg zanax & I sleep great :sleep:

Back in thread topic land I give much credit to Michael Moore,even while spending the last year hard core stumping for Hillary he was listening to Trump voters ,hearing what we say & retaining the information,his anti establishment ( Hillary ) rant is epic & spot on .
the memes of team troll at rollitup work like 1,000 mg zanax & I sleep great :sleep:

Back in thread topic land I give much credit to Michael Moore,even while spending the last year hard core stumping for Hillary he was listening to Trump voters ,hearing what we say & retaining the information,his anti establishment ( Hillary ) rant is epic & spot on .

You're such a lying piece off shit and you can't stop yourself from doing it, by definition if it comes out of your mouth it's a lie. Michael Moore is a Sanders supporter and only supports Clinton to stop Trump.
"we're winning, we're winning"

Nov. 9th
"it was rigged, it was rigged"

un-American loser, can't accept tracking polls, can't accept free election results, can't accept a black president, can't accept a woman president, denies posting in 2009 that he has white pride tatoo.

A total nothing loser cry baby.


Serious question,why even bother reading posts that are off topic 100% of the time ?

Exactly as you've done here,you don't have the ability to discuss what Michael Moore said & your replys are off topic redirects of as above personal attacks

The very definition of trolling,so why would anybody with a working brain allow a troll to incite or derail them ?

If you can't reply on topic & are compelled to follow in the footsteps of legendary riu trolls here I can ignore you too,troll posts add zero to any thread & do nothing to discredit factual info posted ,fellow trolls will toss you a like or two but the trolling does nothing to counter facts .

Serious question,why even bother reading posts that are off topic 100% of the time ?

Exactly as you've done here,you don't have the ability to discuss what Michael Moore said & your replys are off topic redirects of as above personal attacks

The very definition of trolling,so why would anybody with a working brain allow a troll to incite or derail them ?

If you can't reply on topic & are compelled to follow in the footsteps of legendary riu trolls here I can ignore you too,troll posts add zero to any thread & do nothing to discredit factual info posted ,fellow trolls will toss you a like or two but the trolling does nothing to counter facts .

Ignore everybody, enjoy the site by yourself.

Who fucking cares.