I logged into my Tilray account for the first time in months, and noticed that the Floor Sweepings 15g Jar (sorry, House Blends) had gone from $5/g to $9/g !!
I mean wow! Imagine a person who doesn't have access to a forum like this, thinking this was their only option?
Good Christ, now Shoppers wants to be middle man for these fools? Tack on a few more bucks, it's only a grandmother in a wheelchair, or some dude whose wife has stage 4 cancer. Who cares?
Horrific. Totally expected in a Capitshitstick economy like ours, but damn... just brutal.
All these companies (and the government) are doing is bolstering the BM. Just wait until the fucking Rec laws come into play! You'll hear the cheers from the BM growers from St John to Victoria!
I, for one, will be cheering right beside them. BM forever.