Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation.


Well-Known Member
Russia has a real problem on it's hands with the loss of constitutional government and installation of a repressive dictator in the form of Putin. The smart action taken by Obama to institute economic sanctions with the cooperation of other economies is biting into the Russian economy. What the people of Russia to do about their problem is up to them and not the US. But the US and other nations don't need Russia as much as Russia needs them and so, the advantage is on the US's side.

Putin will not use nuclear weapons, that's just plain dumb. He's rattling swords and making a show of things to keep the people of Russia focused on nationalist pride instead of how shitty things have gotten for them lately. 5% of GDP spent on trinkets of war during a recession is unsustainable. I'm sure you've heard of the line about how not learning history...and so forth. Putin has headed Russia into the same arms race and economic trap that brought down the Soviet Union.
Why would he use nukes? he is taking countries over without firing a shot....


Well-Known Member
What do you mean set the country back 20 years? its been set back years ago. Just have to look at your infrastructure, have a look at your real employment, have look at our trade deficit its not pretty and every year getting worse.
Were still paying for wars we never should of been in ..

I think Trump will in fact stop countries like China telling us what to do remember how much we owe them right ??
look at our Auto industry made in Mexico
With Hillary in nothing will change yet she will borrow more money from your retirement savings a put a note or promise to pay back
She will in fact sell USA to the highest bidder.. There is no denying Trump would school her in business . And YES

He will do what ever it takes to bring back companies that left which means more work more spending instead of some stimulus package another Fake economy
I'll just knock down one of the false statements you made. There are plenty of others but it would make too long of a post

What you said: "have a look at your real employment"

Ok, what about real employment? The following contains facts, as opposed to the truthy shit you favor.

Job Growth - Obama's policies helped the country recover from the Great Recession. More than eight million jobs have been created since he took office. That makes him the fifth best job-creating President in U.S. history. But he actually created more jobs than that. Unemployment continued to rise even after the recession was over. That's because it takes a few months of economic growth before businesses are confident enough to begin hiring again. As a result, the economy continued to lose jobs until January 2010. If you add up all the jobs created since then, it totals 13.3 million jobs. That would make Obama the fourth best job creator among Presidents. Job gains may have been even better if Congress had approved Obama's proposed Americans Jobs Act. For more, see Job Creation by President.

The above copied from:
under the headline:
What Has Obama Done? 11 Major Accomplishments

Fifth highest number of jobs created under any president. How did the last GOP president do? I know, unfair question because we all know he did not create jobs, he destroyed them.

maybe you should read up on what's really going on instead of memorizing and regurgitating right wing blog shit.


Well-Known Member
Why would he use nukes? he is taking countries over without firing a shot....
I was responding to somebody saying he would use nukes. I said he would not. You are right, he is not using nukes. For once we agree.


Well-Known Member
I was responding to somebody saying he would use nukes. I said he would not. You are right, he is not using nukes. For once we agree.
I guess I should have indicated the rhetorical question so you didnt embarrass yourself.... Ooops...


Well-Known Member
Russia has a real problem on it's hands with the loss of constitutional government and installation of a repressive dictator in the form of Putin. The smart action taken by Obama to institute economic sanctions with the cooperation of other economies is biting into the Russian economy. What the people of Russia to do about their problem is up to them and not the US. But the US and other nations don't need Russia as much as Russia needs them and so, the advantage is on the US's side.

Putin will not use nuclear weapons, that's just plain dumb. He's rattling swords and making a show of things to keep the people of Russia focused on nationalist pride instead of how shitty things have gotten for them lately. 5% of GDP spent on trinkets of war during a recession is unsustainable. I'm sure you've heard of the line about how not learning history...and so forth. Putin has headed Russia into the same arms race and economic trap that brought down the Soviet Union.
I Bet if Putin was in the vote , You be probably shocked how many Americans would vote for him
Lets not forget one of the most important things here Hillary and Obama's policies have allowed other countries to almost surpass USA in military strength..
Who really screwed that up ??? We have allowed Russia to become a threat again.
And don't think there push overs.
They have surpassed USA in upgraded Nukes . What about China ??? they say there on track by 2020 4 years to surpass USA and number 1 super power remember ..
Its just not carriers or military to be a super power its money also . Which gain we do not have we need to borrow ..
USA military is falling apart out dated over priced Garbage

And yes like the Clinton foundation working with countries Getting them deals to the higest Bidder ..

surely is doing nothing for the average citizen ...

PS lets not forget the most famous Iran Nuke deal thanks to Obama and Hillary there bad policy has made USA the laughing stalk of the world all them trilions of dollars in Iraq and now Russia controls it all funny

Putn is saying we took Iraq, Iran, Syria from usa like taking candy from a baby
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Well-Known Member
So whats your plans if trump wins??? cause your clearly not moving on and a sore loser ???

We all already know Buck will make a new account, with in minutes of being booted out of Here.
Something like Uncle Rebucklinton

But what about you Lou are you in on this bet of leaving the site
"So retard i am Solo ):" - MynameisSolo



Well-Known Member
i fully encourage you to suicide yourself by way of the full force and might of the uinted states army.
you are just that stupid.
At least that's better than auto-erotic asphyxiation which you've flirted with many a time.


Well-Known Member
At least that's better than auto-erotic asphyxiation which you've flirted with many a time.
and that makes 3 times within 10 minutes that your latent homosexual underpinnings have led you to imagine and fantasize about gay sex.


Well-Known Member
and that makes 3 times within 10 minutes that your latent homosexual underpinnings have led you to imagine and fantasize about gay sex.
That's not gay sex.
You've never been freaked by a woman asking to be choked?

Wait....what am I saying? ;)


Well-Known Member
That's not gay sex.
You've never been freaked by a woman asking to be choked?

Wait....what am I saying? ;)
you're right, you were just fantasizing about how i masturbate, that's not gay sex. that's your homosexual fantasy.



Well-Known Member
Rhetorical. Do you understand what that word means? What was rhetorical about your question?
The first part 'Why would he use nukes?' was rhetorical as the 2nd part stated 'He is taking territory without firing a shot'


Well-Known Member
you are not funny or convincing. just way too defensive about your latent homosexuality while you repeatedly describe gay sex or other men masturbating.
<liberal unicorn tears of dejection and shame for not living up to the homophillic expectations of the Buckold>


Well-Known Member
i do love gays. they are integral members of our society, and have overcome much adversity from insecure little bigots like yourself calling them "creepy faggots".