Why would it be wrong to shame people for being fat if it will cost others money when providing for

no. workman's comp is taken care of by the folks who employ those people going up on the ladders.

if you want credit for "defending our freedom" in some worthless conflict, take responsibility for the possible outcomes of your own decisions.

Well, I said I was
Yeah, and you know, while I was overseas, I was still paying for people that had gotten hurt on their jobs.

Which mean that all the people on SSI/SSD, other veterans and the numerous programs that the federal govt pays for, ya I help pay for that, while you were on the ground after you fell of a ladder, zero sympathies.
Well, I said I was

Which mean that all the people on SSI/SSD, other veterans and the numerous programs that the federal govt pays for, ya I help pay for that, while you were on the ground after you fell of a ladder, zero sympathies.

you come off as selfish and self centered, like most current vets.

boo hoo for you facing the consequences of your own decisions.
..their inevitable healthcare?

If it will cost me more money to fix you because you're overweight and at risk of associated diseases than it would if you were a healthy person who exercised regularly, shouldn't I have a right to criticize that position without being ostracized as a bully?

I'd like to hear your thoughts
I get what your saying, but I believe condemnation should be far more broad than just with fat folks. What about the guy who refuses to give up cigarettes and is likely going to cost everyone 100's of thousands+ of dollars in healthcare between now and the time he passes from terminal lung cancer due to smoking? Or the drunk who smashed his car into a pole and is now a quadraplegic and requires 24/7/365 assisted care for the rest of his life? Neither of these examples would be working or contributing to society so where is the line drawn for who "deserves to be taken care of at someone elses expense" get drawn? How does one decide who to be mad at for rising costs in healthcare? Should it be the fat guy that still works even with health issues, or the junkie with amputated legs from shooting up, who no longer works and is no longer a contributing member of society?


Being an asshole does not work.

Educating people is one thing, demeaning them is quite the opposite.

I'll bet you think the airlines ought to charge by the ounce.:finger:
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Did you know that lazy people are really creative? They'll find the easiest way to do something with the least effort.

Take Pokémon GO for example. One kid attached his phone to a drone so he didn't have to get off his ass to go looking for them. And a friend of mine goes out driving. Instead of walking...

Lazy people might hate their figure. But they hate doing things even more.
Taxes are bullshit to begin with. I get SOME taxes, they help with shit, but no government entity should have the right to tax your monthly paycheck.

Funny how our economy booms when the rich and corporations pay at least as much tax as the working class, as a percentage of income.

What you want is to be taxed a bit less, and I agree; time for the rich and corporations to fucking pay their fair share. Then, prosperity can be shared with everyone, not just those at the top.
Funny how our economy booms when the rich and corporations pay at least as much tax as the working class, as a percentage of income.

What you want is to be taxed a bit less, and I agree; time for the rich and corporations to fucking pay their fair share. Then, prosperity can be shared with everyone, not just those at the top.
I'll take the compromise.
Did you know that lazy people are really creative? They'll find the easiest way to do something with the least effort.

Take Pokémon GO for example. One kid attached his phone to a drone so he didn't have to get off his ass to go looking for them. And a friend of mine goes out driving. Instead of walking...

Lazy people might hate their figure. But they hate doing things even more.

Ben Franklin himself said that his laziness was ultimately responsible for his myriad of inventions, because he was always looking for an easier way.
so you signed up on your own, knowing what may happen, instead of being drafted against your will?

i award you zero sympathies.

funny, if i fell off a ladder on the job i chose to do, knowing full well it was a possibility, would you feel OK taking care of me afterwards?

Yes, and the idea that those who volunteer for military service should cover their own health costs is pretty self serving, considering you directly benefit from their contribution to national security.
..their inevitable healthcare?

If it will cost me more money to fix you because you're overweight and at risk of associated diseases than it would if you were a healthy person who exercised regularly, shouldn't I have a right to criticize that position without being ostracized as a bully?

I'd like to hear your thoughts

Sounds more like you're trying to get a rise out of people then anything else. I'm mean just look at car insurance, you pay for the people in your town or city and not your own driving ability. So i must ask what was this question really about?
Increased health insurance premiums because of a higher proportion of overweight people requiring more health care.

Yeah, that could work unless they're already poor. If you're rich and fat you can afford it. Healthcare is wacked in this country.
Yeah, that could work unless they're already poor. If you're rich and fat you can afford it. Healthcare is wacked in this country.

As mentioned above, I'm explaining the logic, not defending it.

Universal health care is the only way that makes sense for everyone. Everyone pays in via taxes, everyone benefits. EVERYONE.

Health care is not amenable to a capitalist model because the customer can't choose not to buy without severe consequences.