What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
We've been having really nice weather the last few days so I've been cleaning up around the farm and getting ready for when the snow finally comes. Trying my damnedest to avoid TV/internet/radio until after the elections are over. So sick of hearing about politics it's starting to affect my mood.:-?


Well-Known Member
I accomplished signing up for unemployment today. That season went fast. I'm going to chill for a week or two then try to find some under the table work a couple days a week. No China this year so I'm going to get bored real quick if I don't. Getting harder and harder to find stuff off the books though. Everyone is so sue crazy and worried about being liable these days.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i watered the plants....fed myself....then i read that they just destroyed the set of "corner gas" (a canadian show we used to get in Mn.)so i'm binge watching corner gas on youtube today....ah nostalgia


Well-Known Member
I accomplished signing up for unemployment today. That season went fast. I'm going to chill for a week or two then try to find some under the table work a couple days a week. No China this year so I'm going to get bored real quick if I don't. Getting harder and harder to find stuff off the books though. Everyone is so sue crazy and worried about being liable these days.
Do you grow, Neo? If not, why? Just curious...


Well-Known Member
I was locked up because some guy tried to steal my Lamborghini. Went up to him and socked him on the jaw. Sent him to hospital and he was in a coma for weeks. Told police it was self defence but he said i used too much force.\

you got it all figured out brah!


Well-Known Member
I was locked up because some guy tried to steal my Lamborghini. Went up to him and socked him on the jaw. Sent him to hospital and he was in a coma for weeks. Told police it was self defence but he said i used too much force.\

you got it all figured out brah!
i dont think you know how quotes work.. or sigs. say something retarded and youll end up as someones sig.


Well-Known Member
I dont judge folks based on internet posts at a weed website dude, Also this thread is about what you acomplished today......if you have nothing on topic to share why not go troll david kratos?


Well-Known Member
Not much cleaned house. Turned in my time sheet at work and wrote a couple notes. Rained here for first time in I don't know when. So enjoyed listening to rain and of course to nice nap. :sleep: