Wrong again. As always. Starvation case Andy can make up all the lies he wants, it doesn't change the fact that I'm nowhere near fat. your obsession with my weight is a diversion. I get it. You don't want to talk about how Obama lost weight, so you attack me. I can't talk about Hillary's cough either. Somehow everything is directed back at me, like I've been elected leader of the free world or something.
Calm down big guy. Seems like I hit a sore spot. Are you trying to lose weight ?
I'm just asking questions. Our president is a walking starvation case, and people are concerned for his general health. That's all
Forget about the (barely) walking waste-of-space StillASloppySock for a moment and let's talk about Arnold McCuller, a person that matters. He's a multi-talented master vocalist that'll be celebrating his 67th birthday/45th year in the business this year.....
(Certainly not to slight JT at all; as he graciously hands the song over to Arnold it becomes evident that these two guys have a lot of respect and love for each other.)

Typical to think for just one minute Trump is out raping women when you think about it , he could pay for all the highest priced hookers in All of America in one sitting

One can only wonder why there coming out of the wood work now ha ha more propaganda brought to you by the corrupt democratic party of America....

Any proper person, that been wronged would of took it to court next day or at least called the cops and put in a report.
wouldn;t you think but nope not these nitwits they bring it up like 20 years later

What part do you not understand ?? there lies mean nothing today
Its just smear campaign

But i tell you if anyone looks desperate its Hillary hiring all these bands clearly shows everyone its just a fucking show

pathetic really
Typical to think for just one minute Trump is out raping women when you think about it , he could pay for all the highest priced hookers in All of America in one sitting

this one sentence highlights just how incredibly stupid you truly are.

rape is not about sex, it's about power/control.

see what happens when you quit school in 8th grade? you turn out to be socially retarded. time to drain the retard swamp!
Typical to think for just one minute Trump is out raping women when you think about it , he could pay for all the highest priced hookers in All of America in one sitting

One can only wonder why there coming out of the wood work now ha ha more propaganda brought to you by the corrupt democratic party of America....

Any proper person, that been wronged would of took it to court next day or at least called the cops and put in a report.
wouldn;t you think but nope not these nitwits they bring it up like 20 years later

What part do you not understand ?? there lies mean nothing today
Its just smear campaign

But i tell you if anyone looks desperate its Hillary hiring all these bands clearly shows everyone its just a fucking show

pathetic really

What a show huh, you know what else she showed ,is her tax returns. Unlike your poor lil cuck Donald. Rapist enjoy rape, get it.
this one sentence highlights just how incredibly stupid you truly are.

rape is not about sex, it's about power/control.

see what happens when you quit school in 8th grade? you turn out to be socially retarded. time to drain the retard swamp!

Hey Dummy meaning of rape

rape 1