Which of Obamas hundreds of presidential decrees do you think president Trump kills 1st :)


Well-Known Member
He could reverse every Obama executive order on day one and flip them 180 degrees. Would be hard to argue he has the power, after years of claiming Obama had it. Warned these lib stooges that they were going too far and that overreach would be turned against them. But no, never gonna be another pub president...ever, so nothing to fear.

Time to pay the piper. Climate change, gone. Open borders, gone. EPA lunacy, gone. The list is too long.


Well-Known Member
I'm just gonna move back to Europe.

Lived there for about 5 or 6 years, fuck this place.

How long until Trump undoes legal Cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Let me be the first to show you the door. The more libs leaving, the merrier. You'll love europe, chock full of libs.
Europe was great, living by a canal in Amsterdam is dreamy.

The 4th Reich doesn't seem all that appealing.

I'm not even a liberal, Im just not retarded.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Hey brother damn good to see you back.

FYI I'm Panhead if you didn't know,my year 1 account had a snafu & is gone like Hillary Clinton ,they laughed at us AMD are now eating the peanuts out of our shit :bigjoint:
Right on panhead , How the hell are you? I have stayed away for a while because I just couldn't take the liberal insanity anymore. And it looks like most the country had enough of it also, so I popped back in here to poke at the hornets nest for a little bit.

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
He could reverse every Obama executive order on day one and flip them 180 degrees. Would be hard to argue he has the power, after years of claiming Obama had it. Warned these lib stooges that they were going too far and that overreach would be turned against them. But no, never gonna be another pub president...ever, so nothing to fear.

Time to pay the piper. Climate change, gone. Open borders, gone. EPA lunacy, gone. The list is too long.
You do realize open EPA laws is gonna just fuck us right? How can you support that shit Cali has grown at a faster rate with the strictest EPA regulations than texas with the least. That pipeline needs to be stopped as well we are getting fucked with hazardous waste already


Well-Known Member
i just hope this is idiot doesnt f up this country, and does a better job than the other idiot would have. I hope he isnt bought and paid for, and that he looks out for every day americans and not corporate interests...


Well-Known Member
In a way it was good the Trump won because of the way we were saddled with Hillary. She was not the people's choice, Sanders was..those who supported and shoved her down our throats have no one to blame but themselves.

The thing that you all were so worried about..electability..came home to haunt you.

Those who fought me and @ttystikk @Padawanbater2 ..? perhaps we were the voices of reason afterall.