What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing this from pundits..it MAY have been:

  • The FBI Letter
  • Benghazi
  • Vince Foster
I understand they have a job to do, election is over and they still must sell advertising..but do you want to know the REAL reason Clinton lost?

Clinton 60.4 million votes
Trump 60 million votes

120 million votes stayed home because they weren't going to accept being TOLD who to vote for..this is a wake-up call for the DNC!
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Fuck off Sky; you voted for Hillary, not Bernie.

You think you're some kind of pundit but you're actually so stupid you failed to vote in the primaries.

Maybe if people like you hadve voted for Sanders he wouldn't have lost the primary by over 3mill votes?

Hillary got 600k more votes, the system chose Trump, your commentary is a waste of bandwidth.
Could you imagine being married to something like her. OMFG :wall:
@schuylaar do you do this to seek attention. Do you always feel the need to be the center of attention ? Have you ever been referred to as a drama queen ? I'm only asking to get a better understanding of this bullshit.
I realize that your bigotry comes from some of your upbringing and also who you picked as a marriage partner, but this coupled with your other fucking problems is becoming more than one can bear.
Could you imagine being married to something like her. OMFG :wall:
@schuylaar do you do this to seek attention. Do you always feel the need to be the center of attention ? Have you ever been referred to as a drama queen ? I'm only asking to get a better understanding of this bullshit.
I realize that your bigotry comes from some of your upbringing and also who you picked as a marriage partner, but this coupled with your other fucking problems is becoming more than one can bear.
People like her are the most dangerous.

Trump supporters were probably raised as righties and have been struggling since the recession so voted for the guy who promised them an easier life.

She's just completely delusional to anything resembling reality, joining dots that don't exist and making spectacular claims.
People like her are the most dangerous.

Trump supporters were probably raised as righties and have been struggling since the recession so voted for the guy who promised them an easier life.

She's just completely delusional to anything resembling reality, joining dots that don't exist and making spectacular claims.
most certainly a car tire slasher at the least
Fuck off Sky; you voted for Hillary, not Bernie.

You think you're some kind of pundit but you're actually so stupid you failed to vote in the primaries.

Maybe if people like you hadve voted for Sanders he wouldn't have lost the primary by over 3mill votes?

Hillary got 600k more votes, the system chose Trump, your commentary is a waste of bandwidth.

Could you imagine being married to something like her. OMFG :wall:
@schuylaar do you do this to seek attention. Do you always feel the need to be the center of attention ? Have you ever been referred to as a drama queen ? I'm only asking to get a better understanding of this bullshit.
I realize that your bigotry comes from some of your upbringing and also who you picked as a marriage partner, but this coupled with your other fucking problems is becoming more than one can bear.

What went wrong was Hillary stole the primary nomination giving Trump a slight chance of victory, had he gone against Sanders he would be back selling white only real estate, Hillary is such a difficult sell, so phoney, so sad

Some article I read today stated that one of the dems' biggest mistakes was not going after rural white voters (farmers), and they lost that demographic by a 3 to 1 margin.

Even Bill Clinton tried to get the DNC to campaign more in those areas, but the advice was not taken.
rural white's has become the new disenfranchised mass. they have sat back & watched their influence erode under recent presidents & watched others make big gains. Nobody was dong anything for them....then trump came along
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I keep hearing this from pundits..it MAY have been:

  • The FBI Letter
  • Benghazi
  • Vince Foster
I understand they have a job to do, election is over and they still must sell advertising..but do you want to know the REAL reason Clinton lost?

Clinton 60.4 million votes
Trump 60 million votes

120 million votes stayed home because they weren't going to accept being TOLD who to vote for..this is a wake-up call for the DNC!
I agree completely. Excuses are just that. The DNC selected a poor candidate then managed the campaign in a bubble while getting caught out in their dishonest and biased treatment of candidates. I was thinking the same as you in that more than 40% of the electorate did not vote and here the Democratic Party's establishment is angry about the FBI's putting their thumb on the balance to shift one or two percent of the vote. OK, so there is a problem with that too. But it is not an excuse for the loss. I'm of the opinion that the Rust Belt was going to swing to Trump and the Clinton campaign was unaware of that. Those states voted for Obama twice and they are worse off after the so-called recovery. Theirs was the classic case of voting for the other party after 8 years of no progress.

Still, the FBI wouldn't have had that handle on the election if the party had been consistent about solving the economic problems in the heartland and middle class America in general. Those problems had been around a long time before the election.
The whole rural whites term throws me off a little to be honest ......because when I hear the term rural whites/people for that matter ...those people usually don't give a fuck about the government voting or any of it .......
What went wrong was Hillary stole the primary nomination giving Trump a slight chance of victory, had he gone against Sanders he would be back selling white only real estate, Hillary is such a difficult sell, so phoney, so sad
There certainly was a difficulty getting people enthusiastic about her. Her campaign at the lowest levels operated with grim determination rather than dedicated energy for the candidate.

I think losing might have been a good thing. We'll see. It depends on how badly Trump fucks it up.
The whole rural whites term throws me off a little to be honest ......because when I hear the term rural whites/people for that matter ...those people usually don't give a fuck about the government voting or any of it .......

They cared enough to show up this time.