why be happy about having Trump?

Thanks for explaining my logic daddy, Law is Law and law is pertaining to a society. It goes on and on but do pretend 11 guys voting on who's beer bitch in a frat house is the best system to preserve Natural Rights in a Republic. Your ignorance on certain issues is astounding sometimes but thanks for being with me on Arms Rights.

This is not computer programming. Missing a word and misspelling are the same. I have already explained why the Electoral College is one of many necessary layers for protection against Democracy. Now its on you to justify otherwise.

Your only smug, pricked, jizz soaked comeback so far is that a true democratic popular election is the best process in a true Democratic federal government. Which is ignorant as fuck.

Missing a word is the same as misspelling a word? You are literally, retarded.

Ah, I see, you prefer not to have a Democracy, as you continue to use words like, protection FROM Democracy and protection AGAINST Democracy.

Thank you for proving my point. Electoral College is not a means of supporting a Democracy, but rather a means against it.

Your only smug, pricked, jizz soaked comeback so far is that a true democratic popular election is the best process in a true Democratic federal government. Which is ignorant as fuck.
Nevermind your obsession with jizz, this thought makes no sense whatsoever. "A true democratic popular election is the best process in a true Democratic federal government", is literally the dumbest thing I've heard all week. And you've said some really dumb shit thus far.
Thank you for proving my point. Electoral College is not a means of supporting a Democracy, but rather a means against it.

Literally, I was the one who made that point. You are about as useful as tits on a Bull with the wit of said boob to match.
I don't see how popular vote is a failure in logic. It seems to me that be the most logical way of electing someone in a true Democracy. And I find it baffling you are not able to grasp that.

this thought makes no sense whatsoever.<---this should be a colon"A true democratic popular election is the best process in a true Democratic federal government", is literally the dumbest thing I've heard all week.

Epitome of dumb. You seem triggered, is your meltdown imminent?
So we are in agreement. Electoral College should be removed and we decide on a popular vote.

Glad we settled that argument. Now that wasn't so difficult, was it?

Ohh, how middle school. We shall pencil fight to decide.

Establish a true Democracy first, then I will agree with you.
20 States don't get to tell the other 30 what to do, that doesn't make sense to you. Figures.
Here you are failing at trying to explain why Electoral College is good.
Huh? No state has the right to tell another state what to do.
Your bubble is filled with hot air.
Here I am completely deflating your nonsense.
Why should the whole country be governed by the bible thumpers and rednecks that elected Trump?
Here I am giving the inverse argument you provided earlier, equally as accurate.
Then why do you pretend to not understand the EC is a layer of protection from Democracy? Does the Senate not make sense to you as well?

You've been running around for days proclaiming HRC won the popular vote and stating your disdain for the EC. The difference in the popular vote between the candidates nationwide won't even exceed the difference just in California.
Here you are attempting to detract from the argument and avoid the topic at hand, managing to avoid the question.
That is quite a leap in logic.

How does the Electoral College serve as a layer of protection 'from' Democracy?

HRC, when it is all accounted for, will have far more than 1,000,000 MORE votes than Drumpf. Who cares if it exceeds the number of votes in California? The point being is, 1,000,000 MORE American citizens prefer HRC over Drumpf to lead our country.
Here I am stating your leap in logic and further showing what an impact popular vote has over Electoral College. You simply chose to ignore it.
Well, I will start at the beginning for you.

Article II, Section 1, states, "Each State shall appoint, in such a Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed as an Elector."

The Congress is split with House and Senate for this reason as well. The reason? Bingo, you got it, layer of protection from Democracy.

The original EC was designed so that no candidate of the lot got the majority of votes. They simply took the candidate with the most votes as President, the candidate with the 2nd most votes as VP.

It's very lulzy that the current elections results under the original pre-ammendments EC would yield Trump as President and Clinton as Vice.

1,000,000 more Americans ivoted for Hillary in States that went to Hillary already should change the election outcome is your argument. An intelligent conversation might not be possible with logic like that.
Here is your first attempt to support your initial shit-brained statement. Never actually answer the question, why do you think Electoral College is the right way to elect a President? You still haven't answered the question. And here is where you state that Electoral College is a "layer of protection FROM Democracy". Jesus you are fucking stupid.
I'm aware of Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution. However, I'm still unclear how it, the House and the Senate are layers of protection "from" Democracy. You'll need to explain that.

I don't see how popular vote is a failure in logic. It seems to me that be the most logical way of electing someone in a true Democracy. And I find it baffling you are not able to grasp that.

Imagine sitting in a room with 10 of your close friends, so there is 11 of you in the room. And among you, you decide that one needs to be the leader of the group. How would you decide? Would you have everyone in the room provide a show of hands who is to be elected? Or would you separate some from the others because they may live closer to one another? And then have them decide among their small group who gets to cast a vote for the leader? Logic precludes the former to be more accurate.

We have 330,000,000 citizens in the United States. Of those who were able to vote, 1,000,000 more voted for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump. Why are those 1,000,000 not counted?
Here I am, explaining in my own thoughts why popular vote makes sense. I even made it very simple for you to understand. Yet, here we are with you still not grasping it. Figures.
There ya go. Conversation rendered completely pointless.
Here you completely avoiding the debate because you know you're wrong and you know you're incapable of explaining why Electoral College is correct means of electing a President. You're being lazy.
The statement that keeps on giving, tried but just couldn't resist.
And again, attempting to end the debate because you know you are wrong.
You're a snide little prick aren't you? Ok. I'll treat you as such.

So by your own logic, what is law, is law. So then I assume you are against the repeal of Obamacare. Because after all, a law is a law.

Missing a word in a sentence is completely different than not knowing how to spell a word. And I'm the first to admit if I misuse a word, and when people point it out I'm happy to acknowledge it.

I'm sorry that you're either too fucking stupid or too fucking ignorant to see the logic in a popular vote. And I'm equally unsurprised that you're incapable of explaining why an Electoral College is logical. How about you try explaining it? Smartass.
Here I am pointing out how much of a shit-stick you are, and again asking you to explain Electoral College to me.
Thanks for explaining my logic daddy, Law is Law and law is pertaining to a society. It goes on and on but do pretend 11 guys voting on who's beer bitch in a frat house is the best system to preserve Natural Rights in a Republic. Your ignorance on certain issues is astounding sometimes but thanks for being with me on Arms Rights.

This is not computer programming. Missing a word and misspelling are the same. I have already explained why the Electoral College is one of many necessary layers for protection against Democracy. Now its on you to justify otherwise.

Your only smug, pricked, jizz soaked comeback so far is that a true democratic popular election is the best process in a true Democratic federal government. Which is ignorant as fuck.
And once again, you manage to avoid the topic at hand and focus on meaningless bullshit. You then try to say you've explained Electoral College, which is a complete contradiction to what's been said in the thread so far.
Missing a word is the same as misspelling a word? You are literally, retarded.

Ah, I see, you prefer not to have a Democracy, as you continue to use words like, protection FROM Democracy and protection AGAINST Democracy.

Thank you for proving my point. Electoral College is not a means of supporting a Democracy, but rather a means against it.

Nevermind your obsession with jizz, this thought makes no sense whatsoever. "A true democratic popular election is the best process in a true Democratic federal government", is literally the dumbest thing I've heard all week. And you've said some really dumb shit thus far.
And here I am putting the final nail in your coffin. Using your own words, concluded that you think Electoral College is NOT a means of fairly or democratically electing a President.
Literally, I was the one who made that point. You are about as useful as tits on a Bull with the wit of said boob to match.
Here you are crying like a little bitch.
So we are in agreement. Electoral College should be removed and we decide on a popular vote.

Glad we settled that argument. Now that wasn't so difficult, was it?
And here I am, like an adult would, settled the matter maturely.
Epitome of dumb. You seem triggered, is your meltdown imminent?
Ohh, how middle school. We shall pencil fight to decide.
And finally, here you are handling it like a fucking child.

The matter is settled. You think Electoral College is good because it is not a means of democratically electing a President.
Here you are failing at trying to explain why Electoral College is good.

Here I am completely deflating your nonsense.

Here I am giving the inverse argument you provided earlier, equally as accurate.

Here you are attempting to detract from the argument and avoid the topic at hand, managing to avoid the question.

Here I am stating your leap in logic and further showing what an impact popular vote has over Electoral College. You simply chose to ignore it.

Here is your first attempt to support your initial shit-brained statement. Never actually answer the question, why do you think Electoral College is the right way to elect a President? You still haven't answered the question. And here is where you state that Electoral College is a "layer of protection FROM Democracy". Jesus you are fucking stupid.

Here I am, explaining in my own thoughts why popular vote makes sense. I even made it very simple for you to understand. Yet, here we are with you still not grasping it. Figures.

Here you completely avoiding the debate because you know you're wrong and you know you're incapable of explaining why Electoral College is correct means of electing a President. You're being lazy.

And again, attempting to end the debate because you know you are wrong.

Here I am pointing out how much of a shit-stick you are, and again asking you to explain Electoral College to me.

And once again, you manage to avoid the topic at hand and focus on meaningless bullshit. You then try to say you've explained Electoral College, which is a complete contradiction to what's been said in the thread so far.

And here I am putting the final nail in your coffin. Using your own words, concluded that you think Electoral College is NOT a means of fairly or democratically electing a President.

Here you are crying like a little bitch.

And here I am, like an adult would, settled the matter maturely.

And finally, here you are handling it like a fucking child.

The matter is settled. You think Electoral College is good because it is not a means of democratically electing a President.
You have patience...
Here you are failing at trying to explain why Electoral College is good.

Here I am completely deflating your nonsense.

Here I am giving the inverse argument you provided earlier, equally as accurate.

Here you are attempting to detract from the argument and avoid the topic at hand, managing to avoid the question.

Here I am stating your leap in logic and further showing what an impact popular vote has over Electoral College. You simply chose to ignore it.

Here is your first attempt to support your initial shit-brained statement. Never actually answer the question, why do you think Electoral College is the right way to elect a President? You still haven't answered the question. And here is where you state that Electoral College is a "layer of protection FROM Democracy". Jesus you are fucking stupid.

Here I am, explaining in my own thoughts why popular vote makes sense. I even made it very simple for you to understand. Yet, here we are with you still not grasping it. Figures.

Here you completely avoiding the debate because you know you're wrong and you know you're incapable of explaining why Electoral College is correct means of electing a President. You're being lazy.

And again, attempting to end the debate because you know you are wrong.

Here I am pointing out how much of a shit-stick you are, and again asking you to explain Electoral College to me.

And once again, you manage to avoid the topic at hand and focus on meaningless bullshit. You then try to say you've explained Electoral College, which is a complete contradiction to what's been said in the thread so far.

And here I am putting the final nail in your coffin. Using your own words, concluded that you think Electoral College is NOT a means of fairly or democratically electing a President.

Here you are crying like a little bitch.

And here I am, like an adult would, settled the matter maturely.

And finally, here you are handling it like a fucking child.

The matter is settled. You think Electoral College is good because it is not a means of democratically electing a President.


So we are in agreement. Electoral College should be removed and we decide on a popular vote.

Glad we settled that argument. Now that wasn't so difficult, was it?

Change the engine so that it doesn't require the component first before you claim to have a more advantageous power plant.

So far, all you have said it that the more populous states should have more influence then they already do to determine to outcome of the election. This completely ignores the fact States must at least be Half Equal in representing federal decisions. You seem to think you are a federal citizen in lieu of a state citizen, which is just weird.
The really scary part is that half the country feels desperate enough to make this wild card play on Trump. If you widen the angle a bit, you see that it isn't so much Trump that's the issue, though. He is only the result of the bigger issue....which is that there are a lot of desperate, desperate, uneducated people who don't know how to deal with problems other than to give them over to a perceived savior.

Even if the popular vote was the way things were handled, you still can't dismiss the other HALF of the country who would remain disgruntled. We are now officially living in a society more divided than we were during the first Civil War. We may never actually see Trump in real life, but it's very possible that we may encounter like-minded people anywhere we go. There are no clear lines of division like there were during the first Civil War. Now, our own neighbors can be our enemy. People driving down the road who hear a horn honk may suddenly snap and be willing to shoot to kill that goddamn sonofabitch motherfucker.....and so on. Trump is just the new face representing that vibe.

If you want a dog and you decide to get one from the shelter that has been trained for dogfighting....maybe because you think you can rehabilitate it....but it ends up biting a kid or killing a neighbor's dog, then don't blame it for anything. It is, after all, acting within its nature. Instead, blame yourself for not using common sense. Blame yourself for not choosing a better dog.

Change the engine so that it doesn't require the component first before you claim to have a more advantageous power plant.

So far, all you have said it that the more populous states should have more influence then they already do to determine to outcome of the election. This completely ignores the fact States must at least be Half Equal in representing federal decisions. You seem to think you are a federal citizen in lieu of a state citizen, which is just weird.
I never said the more populous states should have more influence. Never did I say that, those are you words, you fucking asshat. You are attempting to explain why Electoral College is a good idea, but not really. You're only explaining why you personally think popular vote is not good, and never explaining why Electoral College is good. Try harder, you fucking assclown. Your word salad tastes awful, try spicing it up a bit with facts and logic.

Let's try this again. Let's start with simple stuff first. There are 330,000,000 citizens in the United States of America, why do not all of the votes count?
Does not realize who put the term "true Democracy" on this table of discussion and can be repeatedly observed requesting that others explain his assertions.

It was your term fuck stick.
You'll need to quote me and please reference the entire thought, not just the three words.
The really scary part is that half the country feels desperate enough to make this wild card play on Trump. If you widen the angle a bit, you see that it isn't so much Trump that's the issue, though. He is only the result of the bigger issue....which is that there are a lot of desperate, desperate, uneducated people who don't know how to deal with problems other than to give them over to a perceived savior.
Let's try this again. Let's start with simple stuff first. There are 330,000,000 citizens in the United States of America, why do not all of the votes count?

Because not all our citizens are cut out to live in those less-populated places that also happen to be some of the most crucial areas (and people) to the survival of the country. They grow and manage our food resources and it takes vast amounts of unpopulated geography to do that. The tenders of that geography do so outside of the areas where most of the other people work/reside. There are far fewer people living in those areas but the importance of keeping their needs met is imperative. In a popular vote, the "city folk" voice would always drown out the "country folk" voice every time.

I'm not defending the electoral college...just trying to point out why a popular vote doesn't work, either.
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I believe it was Jackie Chan that said China could not exist peacefully without the government they have. The dynasties uniting by allowing their leaders to be sacrificed. We haven't been here very long. We will get there. I'm glad I'm old.
Because not all our citizens are cut out to live in those less-populated places that also happen to be some of the most crucial areas (and people) to the survival of the country. They grow and manage our food resources and it takes vast amounts of unpopulated geography to do that. The tenders of that geography do so outside of the areas where most of the other people work/reside. There are far fewer people living in those areas but the importance of keeping their needs met is imperative. In a popular vote, the "city folk" voice would always drown out the "country folk" voice every time.

I'm not defending the electoral college...just trying to point out why a popular vote doesn't work, either.

That's not an explanation to why popular vote doesn't make sense.

In a popular vote, EVERY vote counts, no matter where you live in the United States of America. Why should demographics set precedence to how a vote is counted? All men are created equal which, by extension, means all votes are equally as valid.

It is the right of the individual to choose where they live but others should not have to suffer because of that decision.
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