Well-Known Member
I hear you crumbles.. Planned Parenthood is funded by the elite eugenics movement..
I hear you, lol.. I saw that idiot break out the huge fat ass argument on you, lasted like 2 pages or something completely ridiculous, nice to see him retract back into his hole after you proved him wrong.. lol. I'm trying to steer clear of the abortion thread in the politics forum right now for such reasons.. lol..
Self responsibility on part of the parents as well, they need to get involved in their children's lives and stop relying on society to do it.. my views anyways..
I'm glad that you took the time to actually raise your children and participate in their lives- though I am glad of the success you've had as far as no pregnancies, even with education that isn't always the case- I was pregnant with my daughter at 17 while on the pill, my Dr. shrugged and told me I was the .3%. Nothing is guaranteed 100%. (except for abstinencelol)
Funny you say that, I got pregnant at 17 back in 1984 with my son. That is why I'm so hot on kids being educated. I was on the pill but back then they didn't know antibiotics caused the pill to be less effective. 5 other girls I knew got pregnant on that same brand of pills that same year.
I guess I feel so strongly about educating teens because I've watched a lot of little girls grow up from preschool with my kids and many of them have kids now. It just makes me so sad to see these girls that really only needed some education to keep them from being pregnant and maybe let them have better lives.
My daughter uses planned parenthood. She aged out of our health insurance but still needs that yearly pap. Cancer runs on my side of the family as well has her dads side, so I started hauling her to the gyno at age 14 just to develop the routine.
It just infuriates me when people hate on Planned Parenthood. The haters have never been inside one. I have. There are no abortion pamphlets. There are signs that say "is someone hurting you, domestic violence is not ok" and things like that.
I know you have your views, and mine were not too different when I was young and in my 20's. But now I've been a mom for nearly a quarter of a century. I've seen many parents that should not be parents. If you see enough of these things you'll start to believe that sometimes a life ended before birth was a blessing compared to how the life ended after being born.
oh well, if mcCain wins I'll stop growing pot and open a close hanger factory.
I think you are vastly underestimating the fierceness of Palin, Johnny.
I don't see it in her to be a lame-duck if she fell into the presidential position![]()
she lacks honesty, integrity and humility...
I disagree. Regardless of her grit and determination, she would be marginalized by the Left, just like Dubya is now.I think you are vastly underestimating the fierceness of Palin, Johnny.
I don't see it in her to be a lame-duck if she fell into the presidential position![]()
The Bush Doctrine. LOL! How many people who deride her could have answered that question before the interview? The proper question Charlie should have asked was, "Do you agree with my interpretation of the Bush Doctrine? Which is...."Wow I hate that guy. Hes a real dick.
It doesn't really matter to me if she didn't know what the "Bush Doctrine" is, she was governor then and had more things to worry about than to be current on everything the Senate and Congress were doing. If she landed the job she would be a whirlwind of efficiency-cutting red tape and bureaucracy, liberals most favorite things. She is a very huge threat in their eyes and they are pulling every trick in the book to cut her down.
IF Obama knew God and the Scriptures he would know when life begins.
Your bringing up the pot issue alongside the life & death abortion issue just shows that you value your pot more than you do a human life.
You smoke weed all day and then complain that someone is restricting your smoking pot each day.
Anyone seeking a reason to continue the pot prohibition need only look at your "values" and reasoning exampled by your responses to this thread.
No wonder they call it "dope".
How dare you rant against Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is all about PLANNING so you don't have an unwanted pregnancy.
Planned Parenthood gives away free condoms which is an act of prevention. They educate, and prevent so there is less need to abort. Birth control pills can be obtained there at little to no cost. It is on the women to be the one to take the responsibility to make sure she doesn't get pregnant. Men can not be trusted with this task. Sorry men, don't mean to offend, but I would never in a million years trust a man to make sure I didn't get pregnant.
Planned Parenthood is also the place where women can go for their yearly pap smear and be able to afford it if they have no insurance. Doctors office pap $275.00 vs planned parenthood pap $18.00.
I wish people with penis' would stay out of womens issues. Maybe if men had to have a sample scrapped off their dick and analyzed once a year they might be more understanding.
If you have a penis and you ejaculate without the intent of reproduction then you are commiting an abortion. What is a sperm if not half a baby? Everytime you bop your bologna you are killing thousands of potential babies. Every man that has ever jacked off please report to the nearest jail and turn yourselves in. Ejaculation is a choice that you make.![]()
Your god isn't everyone's God.Ther Bible is a work of MAN, and all religion is mind control.I've posted this in other threads.Anti choice is anti woman.You can't stop abortion.If you want to be a good Christian, turn off your computer, walk the path that your messiah walked, and give till it hurts.Turn the other cheek, and give some more.Practice what you preach.
seriously people.. if you can't see this.... you are missing out on the truth...
just take a few deep breaths and learn to mind your own fooking business...
you have enough problems of your own that NOBODY is actually hurting you more than YOU are hurting yourself... NOBODY...