The Obama Doctrine

Lol, misshestermoffitt, I disagree with the idea that "it takes a village to raise a child", based on how our "village" elders act, do you really want them talking to your children about sex, or anything else for that matter?

All our politicians are corrupt, either because of their desire for power, or because of the power itself. The failure, however, lies in the public, because we elected them, and have allowed them to get away with all this crap for a long time.

The only thing I've seen from both sides is a continued effort to divide the population into segments that either support or oppose a single point. Both sides refuse to adopt a middle ground. You are either for environmentalism or against it, for abortion or against it, for education or against it. I have yet to meet a person who actually is opposed to managing the environment responsibly, or has a view that there may be cases where abortion is acceptable. I also haven't seen any one that is against all education.

Though I am curious, am I one of those that you would accuse of having slung mud?
I hear you, lol.. I saw that idiot break out the huge fat ass argument on you, lasted like 2 pages or something completely ridiculous, nice to see him retract back into his hole after you proved him wrong.. lol. I'm trying to steer clear of the abortion thread in the politics forum right now for such reasons.. lol..

Self responsibility on part of the parents as well, they need to get involved in their children's lives and stop relying on society to do it.. my views anyways..

I'm glad that you took the time to actually raise your children and participate in their lives- though I am glad of the success you've had as far as no pregnancies, even with education that isn't always the case- I was pregnant with my daughter at 17 while on the pill, my Dr. shrugged and told me I was the .3%. Nothing is guaranteed 100%. (except for abstinence :roll: lol)

Funny you say that, I got pregnant at 17 back in 1984 with my son. That is why I'm so hot on kids being educated. I was on the pill but back then they didn't know antibiotics caused the pill to be less effective. 5 other girls I knew got pregnant on that same brand of pills that same year.

I guess I feel so strongly about educating teens because I've watched a lot of little girls grow up from preschool with my kids and many of them have kids now. It just makes me so sad to see these girls that really only needed some education to keep them from being pregnant and maybe let them have better lives.

My daughter uses planned parenthood. She aged out of our health insurance but still needs that yearly pap. Cancer runs on my side of the family as well has her dads side, so I started hauling her to the gyno at age 14 just to develop the routine.

It just infuriates me when people hate on Planned Parenthood. The haters have never been inside one. I have. There are no abortion pamphlets. There are signs that say "is someone hurting you, domestic violence is not ok" and things like that.

I know you have your views, and mine were not too different when I was young and in my 20's. But now I've been a mom for nearly a quarter of a century. I've seen many parents that should not be parents. If you see enough of these things you'll start to believe that sometimes a life ended before birth was a blessing compared to how the life ended after being born.
well, im bored so everyone is about to read my opinion on abortion..

-deep breath-

so, this one girl. she had glasses and was in forensics so i guess this made her think she knew everything [big bush supporter by the way.. and not in the good way!]

we had a big discussion about abortion and i just plainly looked at her and said "i dont think its right. i dont believe in it. id beat my wife if i had one and she aborted my child but other than that its not my problem. i cant vote for it and as a man women tell me i have no right in wether abortion is legal or not."

i think the vote shouldnt be left up to parties i think the vote should be left up to women themselves. thats the only way i could ever see it rightfully resolved well thats just my view on it

stupid opinion or not i think if its such an issue of women's choice let women as a whole decide if abortion is legal or not.
Funny you say that, I got pregnant at 17 back in 1984 with my son. That is why I'm so hot on kids being educated. I was on the pill but back then they didn't know antibiotics caused the pill to be less effective. 5 other girls I knew got pregnant on that same brand of pills that same year.

I guess I feel so strongly about educating teens because I've watched a lot of little girls grow up from preschool with my kids and many of them have kids now. It just makes me so sad to see these girls that really only needed some education to keep them from being pregnant and maybe let them have better lives.

My daughter uses planned parenthood. She aged out of our health insurance but still needs that yearly pap. Cancer runs on my side of the family as well has her dads side, so I started hauling her to the gyno at age 14 just to develop the routine.

It just infuriates me when people hate on Planned Parenthood. The haters have never been inside one. I have. There are no abortion pamphlets. There are signs that say "is someone hurting you, domestic violence is not ok" and things like that.

I know you have your views, and mine were not too different when I was young and in my 20's. But now I've been a mom for nearly a quarter of a century. I've seen many parents that should not be parents. If you see enough of these things you'll start to believe that sometimes a life ended before birth was a blessing compared to how the life ended after being born.

I understand where you're coming from- it sounds as if the sex education where you're at is abstinence only.. the public high school I went to for my freshman and sophomore year was right on the border of Chicago, and we got quizzed on all the different types of birth control etc. yet I saw plenty of pregnant teens, and knew a lot of girls who had gotten abortions.. even with all this sex education..

I do know that planned parenthood overall has many useful services, though I myself have not been in one. When I found out I was pregnant I went to a pregnancy clinic that didn't advocate abortion- and this place, seriously is what we need more of. The offered me a free ultrasound when I went in for my free pregnancy test, if I had chosen to do so they would have helped me fill out all the papers for state aid- there were tons of free classes offered to not only to educate about pregnancy and birthing techniques but also classes on raising children, there was a library to check out books and videos- and for each class you attended, for each book or video you rented you got tickets.. they had a store where you could redeem these tickets for baby items, maternity items, diapers, strollers.. Honestly, our country needs more of these clinics, truly promoting and helping women to become great parents..

I've seen many people who're parents that I personally don't think should be allowed to breed.. lol.. but maybe it's not that these people don't deserve to be parents, but maybe that they need to be taught how to be a good parent... I've seen many people change drastically for the better because of a child, myself included.
im going to school to be a social worker so i can take kids away from bad parents

its just one thing thats pissed me off so in a few years i can do things about it

The planned parenthood in my area doesn't even do abortions. They do womens health issues, prenatal care, birth control. Those types of things, but no abortions are performed there. Actually you would have to drive a good 200 miles to get to the nearest abortion clinic.

Here is another strange abortion related fact. When people do invitro fertilization the doctor usually implants a minimum of 6 fertilized eggs. If all 6 eggs manage to attach and start to grow, the doctor goes back in and does "selective reduction" which is a fancy term for aborting an certain number of the fetus'.

Now tell me someone how it is ok to fertilize that many eggs only to abort at least half of them intentionally? That is something people never argue or complain about. For some reason it is more acceptable to abort fetus' that were started intentionally than to abort fetus' that were accidental fertilizations.
first, i would like to say that i dont really care whether someone has an abortion or not seeing as i have a penis and therefore will not be pregnant anytime soon. However i do think its important to look at one of the reasons there are abortion clinics, i.e., if there wasn't a place for a woman to get an abortion then there would more home abortions. Dangerous home abortions that cause serious injuries to the mother while killing the fetus.

second, the tax stamp act is no longer considered constitutional. most states have repelled their tax stamps. however nancy reagan had to go screw that up.

oh well, if mcCain wins I'll stop growing pot and open a close hanger factory.:fire:


oh well, if mcCain wins I'll stop growing pot and open a close hanger factory.:fire:

You'll still need to grow the pot you can sell it as a surgery drug to go along with the clothes hangers.

I guess I'll work with you and plant a Tansy field. Boil a whole tansy plant roots and all for several hours starting in a lot of liquid. Keep on boiling until it has boiled down to about a cup. Remove remains of tansy plant and cool. Drink whole cup, guarantee to bring on a miscarriage, it may cause death, but hey it's better than some back alley dirty scalpel abortion which would also bring on death from infection. :clap:

I still think Palin looks like a fool, anti-sex education proponet with a pregnant 17 year old daughter. :dunce: Her own family, living proof that abstinence only education doesn't work.
I would like to begin by stating that I DO NOT have a vagina. I do have an opinion about abortion, but it is really not pertinent to this discussion.

There are many who seem to believe fervently that McCain/Palin spells the end of abortion. This is simply not true. As long as the United States exists in its current form, abortion will always be legal. Women have come too far towards equality to go back regardless of who is President. Abortion is their banner issue, the cornerstone of their movement. The alarmists simply choose to use abortion to frighten people into avoiding McCain.

Let's say McCain wins and an opening appears in the Supreme Court. Any nominee is fully vetted and subject to approval by the U.S. Senate. McCain has said he wants to appoint justices who interpret the law based on the Constitution. The Senate Democrats would use abortion as a litmus test for any nominee.

Let's say McCain breaks his word regarding appointing jurists who legislate from the bench and one slips through. Now we have a Supreme Court with a pro-life McCain Justice aboard. A test case would still have to make its way through the appeals process to the Supreme Court just to consider whether to hear it or not. The Supreme Court did not hear a Second Amendment case for almost 70 years after the last 2nd Amendment case in 1939 (U.S. v. Miller).

Let's further speculate that the Supreme Court actually agrees to hear a test case with a McCain appointee on the bench and Roe v. Wade is overturned. Roe v. Wade was a Right to Privacy case involving abortion. Meaning the Court would have to determine that there is no inherent right to privacy concerning abortion. There would be a popular revolt. Too many people care deeply about the right this issue represents.

Not every conservative is anti-choice, just like not every liberal is pro-abortion. There is a relatively small, yet extremely vocal constituency on the Right who would see abortion outlawed. They do not understand what the fear-mongers on the Left do not understand. As long as the U.S. exists, abortion is here to stay and we will not go back to the days of back-alley clinics and bicycle spokes.

There are many who may not like abortion, but would never presume to tell a woman she cannot obtain one. Freedom-loving people firmly believe a woman's right to privacy overrules any opinion they may hold on the morality of abortion.

Now let's speculate that McCain pulls a William Henry Harrison and croaks a month after inaugration. Palin becomes President. Hated by the Left, she would be written off as an accidental President and would not get anything done, at all. Gerald Ford as President is remembered for two things: Pardoning Richard Nixon and the veto. He did nothing substantive as President. He was a placemat. He was not hated like Palin is. Even his political enemies called him affable. Senate Democrats would never allow a Palin appointee to be sworn in. It would be put off until the next elected administration.
I think you are vastly underestimating the fierceness of Palin, Johnny.

I don't see it in her to be a lame-duck if she fell into the presidential position :D

Wow I hate that guy. Hes a real dick.

It doesn't really matter to me if she didn't know what the "Bush Doctrine" is, she was governor then and had more things to worry about than to be current on everything the Senate and Congress were doing. If she landed the job she would be a whirlwind of efficiency-cutting red tape and bureaucracy, liberals most favorite things. She is a very huge threat in their eyes and they are pulling every trick in the book to cut her down.
she lacks honesty, integrity and humility...

Obama is always honest right?

And he always has humility too, every time he calls himself the next president of the united states with that sneer of confidence he wears. I wish I could have seen his face when McCain passed him in the polls.
I think you are vastly underestimating the fierceness of Palin, Johnny.

I don't see it in her to be a lame-duck if she fell into the presidential position :D
I disagree. Regardless of her grit and determination, she would be marginalized by the Left, just like Dubya is now.
Wow I hate that guy. Hes a real dick.

It doesn't really matter to me if she didn't know what the "Bush Doctrine" is, she was governor then and had more things to worry about than to be current on everything the Senate and Congress were doing. If she landed the job she would be a whirlwind of efficiency-cutting red tape and bureaucracy, liberals most favorite things. She is a very huge threat in their eyes and they are pulling every trick in the book to cut her down.
The Bush Doctrine. LOL! How many people who deride her could have answered that question before the interview? The proper question Charlie should have asked was, "Do you agree with my interpretation of the Bush Doctrine? Which is...."
Your god isn't everyone's God.Ther Bible is a work of MAN, and all religion is mind control.I've posted this in other threads.Anti choice is anti woman.You can't stop abortion.If you want to be a good Christian, turn off your computer, walk the path that your messiah walked, and give till it hurts.Turn the other cheek, and give some more.Practice what you preach.
IF Obama knew God and the Scriptures he would know when life begins.

Your bringing up the pot issue alongside the life & death abortion issue just shows that you value your pot more than you do a human life.
You smoke weed all day and then complain that someone is restricting your smoking pot each day.

Anyone seeking a reason to continue the pot prohibition need only look at your "values" and reasoning exampled by your responses to this thread.
No wonder they call it "dope".

Damn right Hester.But really, they want to take away all choice, because according to their patriarchal religion, women are second class citizens who should have no say in how their life goes.We can argue till we're blue in the face.Instead, I'll post this.Ladies.Gawd himself has given you the means to end unwanted pregnancies.Herbal Abortion Herbal Contraception & Abortion Herbal abortives. | Henriette's Herbal Homepage KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.IF THEY CAN'T TAKE AWAY THE KNOWLEDGE, THEY CAN'T TAKE AWAY YOUR POWER.
How dare you rant against Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is all about PLANNING so you don't have an unwanted pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood gives away free condoms which is an act of prevention. They educate, and prevent so there is less need to abort. Birth control pills can be obtained there at little to no cost. It is on the women to be the one to take the responsibility to make sure she doesn't get pregnant. Men can not be trusted with this task. Sorry men, don't mean to offend, but I would never in a million years trust a man to make sure I didn't get pregnant.

Planned Parenthood is also the place where women can go for their yearly pap smear and be able to afford it if they have no insurance. Doctors office pap $275.00 vs planned parenthood pap $18.00.

I wish people with penis' would stay out of womens issues. Maybe if men had to have a sample scrapped off their dick and analyzed once a year they might be more understanding.

If you have a penis and you ejaculate without the intent of reproduction then you are commiting an abortion. What is a sperm if not half a baby? Everytime you bop your bologna you are killing thousands of potential babies. Every man that has ever jacked off please report to the nearest jail and turn yourselves in. Ejaculation is a choice that you make. :bigjoint:
Your god isn't everyone's God.Ther Bible is a work of MAN, and all religion is mind control.I've posted this in other threads.Anti choice is anti woman.You can't stop abortion.If you want to be a good Christian, turn off your computer, walk the path that your messiah walked, and give till it hurts.Turn the other cheek, and give some more.Practice what you preach.



seriously people.. if you can't see this.... you are missing out on the truth...

just take a few deep breaths and learn to mind your own fooking business...

you have enough problems of your own that NOBODY is actually hurting you more than YOU are hurting yourself... NOBODY...

everybody knows that abortion is NOT fun.. that it is a hard decision..

that it is stopping a baby from being born...

and EVERYBODY should know that making it illegal is not the path to stopping abortion... the path is teaching compassion, patience, education, and love... pushing back, taking away peoples choices.. just exacerbates the problems..

everybody knows this.. stop being so self righteous... ket others learn at their own pace... be a good teacher and let others grow.. you can;t force people to stop KILLING by killing back...
Life begins when you learn to mind your own F*ckin business...can I get an amen?Amen!

seriously people.. if you can't see this.... you are missing out on the truth...

just take a few deep breaths and learn to mind your own fooking business...

you have enough problems of your own that NOBODY is actually hurting you more than YOU are hurting yourself... NOBODY...
