Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks

Socialist programs like the parks, library, roads and public schools? Or are you going to pay for a private firefighting company when your house of your neighbors house is on fire?

All of the things you mention could exist within a free market which is driven by voluntary and peaceful interactions rather than confiscatory measures backed by threats of violence for noncompliance, which is how they are presently administered.

Utilitarian arguments which ignore a bad means of attaining "goods and services" are opening the door for "bads and disservices" to occur.

So, while I like some of the things you mentioned, I reject the present process of delivering them as barbaric.

How about you ? Do you think those things could be done in other ways or are threats an acceptable way of treating "customers" ?
You misunderstand. I was running with my "new idea" riff. The first "new idea" was company scrip instead of wage increases. Now we have private fire companies.

The leitmotif is "terrible things that didn't work in the past that are being re instituted by the new government.

Read it again and let it trickle down into your brain. Give in to it. It's so much better when you don't struggle.

Sarah Palin ? Low I.Q. GILF.

You seem to be caught up in the tastes great / less filling false dichotomy.

Okay here's another Frankism...

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That one leaves me cold. I respect Frank. I respect the role he had in bring freedom to Eastern Europe. Lol, I saw Plastic People of the Universe play at the White House.

But Frank would have revolted from the Republicans years ago.

Frank didn't believe in hero worship, so think for yourself. Apply that thought to modern situations rather than coughing up the same rhetorical hairballs time after time.
I am more sure that Frank would have hated Trump than I am Hunter Thompson if he were alive.

Frank was smart. Hunter was declining rapidly.
Sarah Palin ? Low I.Q. GILF.

You seem to be caught up in the tastes great / less filling false dichotomy.

Okay here's another Frankism...

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Well Frank would know. He was very connected. His old man did nerve gas weapons research. His wife was in kindergarten with Admiral Morrison's son. A few think Frank helped launch the CIA hippie project to hijack the clean cut Vietnam anti war movement. All roads led to Laurel Canyon

Sadly, Dave McGowan was putting together to many puzzle pieces and the elites "cancered" him.

As far as $15 an hour? The dollar is being devalued at light speed. During Obama - the US Treasury stopped being able to sell enough treasury bills and bonds so we went to money printing like Weimar Germany. It is not like any Republican or Democrat has done anything to stop it or the private bank The Federal Reserve. Any President who tries to stop central banks gets killed except Andrew Jackson and they tried twice.
That one leaves me cold. I respect Frank. I respect the role he had in bring freedom to Eastern Europe. Lol, I saw Plastic People of the Universe play at the White House.

But Frank would have revolted from the Republicans years ago.

Frank didn't believe in hero worship, so think for yourself. Apply that thought to modern situations rather than coughing up the same rhetorical hairballs time after time.

That one leaves me cold. I respect Frank. I respect the role he had in bring freedom to Eastern Europe. Lol, I saw Plastic People of the Universe play at the White House.

But Frank would have revolted from the Republicans years ago.

Frank didn't believe in hero worship, so think for yourself. Apply that thought to modern situations rather than coughing up the same rhetorical hairballs time after time.

More about Frank and Laurel Canyon. The guy was "connected."
I am more sure that Frank would have hated Trump than I am Hunter Thompson if he were alive.

Frank was smart. Hunter was declining rapidly.

Frank was connected. His dad did nerve gas weapons research in Maryland. His wife went to kindergarten with Admiral Morrison's son. Most of these great acts of the 1960s were all children of MIC or intelligence agencies or founding families like the Fondas and David Crosby. For what purpose?

Hippies were invented for two purposes:
1. Discredit the clean cut anti war movement. Middle America would support clean cut kids rebelling against war more than hippies. MIC, the banks and intelligence agencies always want wars. $$$$$
2. The C***IA created the Viet Minh to fight the French because the French had a nice little heroin business going in Indochina and the CI**AA and Americans elite wanted it. They then need a market for C**IIA's LSD, heroin, weed and other drugs. Hippies helped create that market.

Frank was the establishment but I think he later rebelled and they cancered him. He talked too much like Dave McGowan.
Dave McGowan put the pieces together and was then cancered.

Dave McGowan illuminated the public far more than Hunter Thompson.
Um, ok. So Frank meant all schools and was not commenting on the schools at the time?

Wow, Frank was against schools. Holy crap.


Oh, also...

But it is called "increasing worker productivity". Business is good with shit like this. In my day "continuous improvement" was a big buzzword. I saw it for what it was - the Peter Principle of stuff - make shit cheaper until it fails.

The problem with this is it does not consider the social cost.

5s was pretty big at my work a few years ago, and a few years before that, was another similar project, based out of japan naturally, but i'm drawing a blank on the name of that one atm..
You think it wasn't going to happen anyway? Naive to say the least. Big corps don't give a fuck about giving peasants jobs, they care about making money.

100% right.

It's usually publicly traded companies too. I swear the advent of the stock market is going to be the downfall of civilization. Once a company goes public, everything is out the window. They don't give a shit about their employees, customers, the enviornment. Nothing. All that matters is the bottom line, and growth. More more more. They are beholden to their share holders at the expense of everything else.

I try to avoid big companies like this at all costs and spend my money with local companies.