Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks

Sigh, its a start I guess; might I suggest using more accurate inflation measurements than the busted ass CPI at least?

are you claiming that CPI indices are not accurate?

your buddy KKKynes used to play that game. tried to tell me the CPI's number for eggs was complete fiction, and that they could not be purchased for the listed amount in his bay area shithole town.

luckily, you can online shop anywhere nowadays, and he ended up looking as stupid as he is and you are.

we can go through the numbers if you want, boy.
i must have missed the part where you figured in medical costs in the united states, since that's all covered in denmark.


Another failed liberal argument you morons parrot courtesy of some dumbass meme just like the OZ big mac. Now its Denmark. Results are the same with you derping.
are you claiming that CPI indices are not accurate?

your buddy KKKynes used to play that game. tried to tell me the CPI's number for eggs was complete fiction, and that they could not be purchased for the listed amount in his bay area shithole town.

luckily, you can online shop anywhere nowadays, and he ended up looking as stupid as he is and you are.

we can go through the numbers if you want, boy.

Yep. Online shop for eggs and tell me what the shipping is.
LOL wages keep up with inflation according to the CPI.

Minimum wage was one silver dollar in 1950 which is $16.40 right now.

I'm sorry, were you saying something?
Another failed liberal argument you morons parrot courtesy of some dumbass meme just like the OZ big mac. Now its Denmark. Results are the same with you derping.

failed argument?

according to your own math, denmark workers take home way more AND have their health care taken care of, all included in the price.
so do you want to compare, boy?

failed argument?

according to your own math, denmark workers take home way more AND have their health care taken care of, all included in the price.

$15098 per year in the US.........
-pays 0 federal income tax
-$936 SS tax
-$219 medicare
take home total 13,943

198k kronor per year in Denmark...............
-15840 kronor Gross Labour Market Contribution
-9095 kronor Post deduction at bottom bracket tax rate
-40092 Municipal income and Church tax
-1080 kronor SS(ATP in Denmark)
take home total 131893 kronor, about $21,982 US


Where does Medical come from in Denmark is it taxes that I accounted for? How much does a US citizen that pays zero income taxes pay for medical and ffs I'm not even counting the EITC payment or other US subsidies for the McPloyee.

Were you saying something?
Let's take a look at the real numbers for Denmark then.
Assume the claim is true, McD's employees (over 18)make over $20 per hour. An exchange rate of 6 kronor per usd that puts them at 120 kronor per hr. They have a standard 33 hr work week so that's 3960 kronor per week @50 weeks per year thats 198 kronor a year.

That's about $33k a year compared to the US McD's employee earning about 15098 a year.
Take home pay after taxes?

$15098 per year in the US.........
-pays 0 federal income tax
-$936 SS tax
-$219 medicare
take home total 13,943

198k kronor per year in Denmark...............
-15840 kronor Gross Labour Market Contribution
-9095 kronor Post deduction at bottom bracket tax rate
-40092 Municipal income and Church tax
-1080 kronor SS(ATP in Denmark)
take home total 131893 kronor, about $21,982 US

It looks great on paper if you stop here and thats what all you libtards do to push your agenda, stop right the fuck here and leave it out just like Australia, which fails before here because OZ pays teenagers far below minimum wage and Denmark still pays $15 hour min if you're under 18.

Fact is the $21,982 US buys a lot less in Denmark than it does here in the States because the cost of living is way higher just like Australia.........
-Basic Utilities are 49% higher than US, clothing is 75%-100% more
-Shoes are 77% more than the USA
-Cars are 250% more expensive
-Milk is 22% more
-major indices...consumer prices are 38.08% higher and rent is 26% higher than the states
-resturaunt prices are acutally 85% higher in Denmark than the US(I know you thought McD's was a resturaunt lol)
-Groceries are 13% higher than the US
So lets have a real conversation about it. How many McMeals can a McD's worker afford to buy in each country Denmark vs ohh-ess-ahhh?
Denmark $21982 net income at $10.91 per McCombo is 2015 meals.
USA $13943 net income at $6 per McCombo is 2324 meals.

USA wins by 15%

And our fucking BicMac is still cheaper, usually 2 for 5 for indie sammiches.
And the kronor is like 1/10 exchange with the usd right now so its way worse than this example from 2015.

Not even a comparison. Denmark has a medical system that is top notch and free to all citizens no weird ass ACA and copays needed. Education in Denmark includes tuition free college with a stipend. Our elder care system is really bad for the poor. Denmark takes care of their elders. The real test is how people feel about their life and Denmark has much higher ratings for happiness, trust in their society and most important, their social mobility is much higher than ours, meaning that poor people have a better chance at rising to the top than people do here. That take-home pay in Denmark is smaller but with the safety net available to all citizens, they are richer than we are at higher take home wages. Medical problems are still the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US. People in Denmark are aghast at how badly our system works. Theirs is so much better.

You are really very ignorant regarding the world about you. Which would be OK except you seem to think that everybody else is as dumb as you.

Buck is right.
their social mobility is much higher than ours, meaning that poor people have a better chance at rising to the top than people do here.

that's true, but we would be a lot closer if not for the south. social mobility in the south is so low that it drags the rest of our nation down with it.

They must be eating a lot of oats and potatoes.

The answer is no. They are starving and my heart goes out to them. Why did you post this picture? What is your point?
Not even a comparison. Denmark has a medical system that is top notch and free to all citizens no weird ass ACA and copays needed. Education in Denmark includes tuition free college with a stipend. Our elder care system is really bad for the poor. Denmark takes care of their elders. The real test is how people feel about their life and Denmark has much higher ratings for happiness, trust in their society and most important, their social mobility is much higher than ours, meaning that poor people have a better chance at rising to the top than people do here. That take-home pay in Denmark is smaller but with the safety net available to all citizens, they are richer than we are at higher take home wages. Medical problems are still the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US. People in Denmark are aghast at how badly our system works. Theirs is so much better.

You are really very ignorant regarding the world about you. Which would be OK except you seem to think that everybody else is as dumb as you.

Buck is right.

You are so Bernie right now:

"No one remembers, but Scandinavia wasn’t always a watchword for social democracy. Indeed, Sweden was such a free-market success story that Republicans should be citing it in their debates. It started as a poor country in the late 19th century, then achieved take-off under a dynamic capitalist system into the middle of the 20th century. Its boom coincided with the time when its taxes were lower than those in the United States and the rest of Europe.

When Bernie Sanders and his ilk hold up Scandinavia as an exemplar, they are really thinking of a couple of decades beginning in the early 1970s when Sweden and others got their full Sanders on.

In Sweden, the effective marginal tax rate topped 100 percent in some circumstances. There is a reason that IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad fled the country in 1973. Sweden instituted a scheme to confiscate corporate profits and hand them over to labor unions. The idea was, in the words of a Swedish economist, to have “a market economy without individualist capitalists and entrepreneurs.”

The Scandinavian story the last few decades has been a turn against socialism. Taxes have fallen and markets liberalized. Kamprad returned to Sweden.

It became obvious that generous-enough welfare benefits can undermine the initiative of even the heartiest Scandinavian stock, and these countries have been adjusting accordingly. An article in The New York Times a couple of years ago recounted the backlash against welfare dependence in Denmark. It cited a study that projected in 2013 only three of 98 municipalities would have a majority of residents working.

If no one will mistake these countries for Texas, they allow enough economic openness to stay vibrant.

“Scandinavian countries,” Sanandaji writes, “compensate for high taxes and labor market rigidities by following liberal policies in other areas, such as business freedom and openness to trade.” Denmark, of all places, is ranked 11th on the Heritage Foundation’s index of economic freedom — right above the United States.

Nothing will undermine the left’s faith in the Scandinavian model, but Bernie Sanders could learn a thing or two from the reformers in the countries that he so admires."
Let's take a look at the real numbers for Denmark then.
Assume the claim is true, McD's employees (over 18)make over $20 per hour. An exchange rate of 6 kronor per usd that puts them at 120 kronor per hr. They have a standard 33 hr work week so that's 3960 kronor per week @50 weeks per year thats 198 kronor a year.

That's about $33k a year compared to the US McD's employee earning about 15098 a year.
Take home pay after taxes?

$15098 per year in the US.........
-pays 0 federal income tax
-$936 SS tax
-$219 medicare
take home total 13,943

198k kronor per year in Denmark...............
-15840 kronor Gross Labour Market Contribution
-9095 kronor Post deduction at bottom bracket tax rate
-40092 Municipal income and Church tax
-1080 kronor SS(ATP in Denmark)
take home total 131893 kronor, about $21,982 US

It looks great on paper if you stop here and thats what all you libtards do to push your agenda, stop right the fuck here and leave it out just like Australia, which fails before here because OZ pays teenagers far below minimum wage and Denmark still pays $15 hour min if you're under 18.

Fact is the $21,982 US buys a lot less in Denmark than it does here in the States because the cost of living is way higher just like Australia.........
-Basic Utilities are 49% higher than US, clothing is 75%-100% more
-Shoes are 77% more than the USA
-Cars are 250% more expensive
-Milk is 22% more
-major indices...consumer prices are 38.08% higher and rent is 26% higher than the states
-resturaunt prices are acutally 85% higher in Denmark than the US(I know you thought McD's was a resturaunt lol)
-Groceries are 13% higher than the US
So lets have a real conversation about it. How many McMeals can a McD's worker afford to buy in each country Denmark vs ohh-ess-ahhh?
Denmark $21982 net income at $10.91 per McCombo is 2015 meals.
USA $13943 net income at $6 per McCombo is 2324 meals.

USA wins by 15%

And our fucking BicMac is still cheaper, usually 2 for 5 for indie sammiches.
And the kronor is like 1/10 exchange with the usd right now so its way worse than this example from 2015.

Denmark doesn't have a minimum wage.
So here's a serious question for you Socialists: What other seriously whiter than white countries like waaaay whiter that the US countries do you look to for your political inspiration?
So here's a serious question for you Socialists: What other seriously whiter than white countries like waaaay whiter that the US countries do you look to for your political inspiration?

awwww, he 's all drunk and his white nationalist side is coming out.
awwww, he 's all drunk and his white nationalist side is coming out.

Nope. Your politics are just weird. On the one hand you spend a great deal of time talking about all the white privilege then you point to the whitest of white places as "awesome role models". Very ironic.
Nope. Your politics are just weird. On the one hand you spend a great deal of time talking about all the white privilege then you point to the whitest of white places as "awesome role models". Very ironic.

they are role models for how their governments choose to operate, not the skin color of their citizens, boy.