Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks

Heres what i think.. a Life is way to important to waste flipping burgers and making fries at a McDonalds.. or doing any minimum wage job for that matter. The current paradigm that you need to work in exchange for money to buy what you need to survive is no longer necessary or plausible. WE AS A HUMAN RACE MUST COME TOGETHER TO AUTOMATE THE LABOR FORCE AND SET HUMANITY FREE. After we automate our factories material wealth will be produced so efficiently and cheaply that we can have a global access to abundance. This is when you implement the Universal basic income.
Heres what i think.. a Life is way to important to waste flipping burgers and making fries at a McDonalds.. or doing any minimum wage job for that matter. The current paradigm that you need to work in exchange for money to buy what you need to survive is no longer necessary or plausible. WE AS A HUMAN RACE MUST COME TOGETHER TO AUTOMATE THE LABOR FORCE AND SET HUMANITY FREE. After we automate our factories material wealth will be produced so efficiently and cheaply that we can have a global access to abundance. This is when you implement the Universal basic income.
At some point we will be forced to implement a basic income
The current paradigm that you need to work in exchange for money to buy what you need to survive is no longer necessary or plausible..... This is when you implement the Universal basic income.

So you want currency to do what exactly?
At some point we will be forced to implement a basic income

I'm not so sure. On the other hand, a well woven safety net could easily amount to much the same thing; food and hygiene vouchers, health care, housing support, subsidised education, mass transit, etc.

The question then becomes, 'why bother working at all?' I think people are driven by a search for meaning, for purpose and identity. If they aren't struggling to keep from falling through the cracks every minute, maybe folks can make better quality, more productive contributions to society. Maybe that's too fuzzy navel for some, but I'm an example of something like that at work.
no need to graduate college to simply compile census info and voting results into a spreadsheet, then click a couple buttons to turn the data into a graph.

looks like you uneducated brokedicks who rely on those disability checks from folks like me are gonna get screwed.

sucks to be you, boy.
Allow me..

No need to graduate college because I can do remedial tasks such as install Windows. I'm smart.

Everyone who was so like minded as myself went and voted for what they believed in, that's why we lost. At the same time you are like my neighbor who would have voted for trump but he was such a xenophobic racsist klan fish belly that he was so dumb to vote that he also didn't vote.. like the fore mentioned group.

I will go on to throw a little racist remark of 'boy' in your face because I knocked on so many doors for this election that I bet my account on it

I'm not sure I've seen a single positive post from you, certainly not since the election. I know it's deep.. So very deep

Atleast go back to the days of saying 'ssssssssuuuuucccckkkkkkkk' to phenomenal grows. Oh look at buck go he's so relevant
I'm not so sure. On the other hand, a well woven safety net could easily amount to much the same thing; food and hygiene vouchers, health care, housing support, subsidised education, mass transit, etc.

The question then becomes, 'why bother working at all?' I think people are driven by a search for meaning, for purpose and identity. If they aren't struggling to keep from falling through the cracks every minute, maybe folks can make better quality, more productive contributions to society. Maybe that's too fuzzy navel for some, but I'm an example of something like that at work.
I'm not talking anytime soon, but 20, 30, 40 years down the road. The job market for humans will be much to small to support all the available labor. Then people can find purpose thru education or hobbies, not working for some jerk.
the jews wondered the desert for 40 years after leaving Egypt because the generations that had lived through slavery had to die off before they could be allowed into the promised land. We are those slaves. we are a lost cause.. just listen to us talk to one another.. there is so much hate.. even on the weed forum?.. we need to be scraped and the world needs to start over with a fresh batch of pure babies. they can grew up not knowing of all the mental conditions we all suffer from.. like racism, sexism, and all the other inflictions that keep our human race from achieving what we could and should.
We've had self service kiosks in McDonald's in the UK for a while now. They do seem to still employ a number of staff. Then again you would have maybe 6-7 people on tills, now you have probably two at busy times and 4 touch screen kiosks.
We've had self service kiosks in McDonald's in the UK for a while now. They do seem to still employ a number of staff. Then again you would have maybe 6-7 people on tills, now you have probably two at busy times and 4 touch screen kiosks.

Long live the kiosk!
The answer is no. They are starving and my heart goes out to them. Why did you post this picture? What is your point?

Have you ever seen a picture like that where the kids were fat? Fat means not hungry. We're so rich in the US, we get to complain about how poorness makes us fat. What a load of bullshit to those who are actually malnourished. They must be skinny because they eat all organic, unprocessed foods, right? (I keep hearing that the poor in the US are fat because they can't afford "healthy" food). We eat so much food that it makes us fat, it's an insult to those with not enough food for us complain about it.
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the jews wondered the desert for 40 years after leaving Egypt because the generations that had lived through slavery had to die off before they could be allowed into the promised land. We are those slaves. we are a lost cause.. just listen to us talk to one another.. there is so much hate.. even on the weed forum?.. we need to be scraped and the world needs to start over with a fresh batch of pure babies. they can grew up not knowing of all the mental conditions we all suffer from.. like racism, sexism, and all the other inflictions that keep our human race from achieving what we could and should.
i imagine they'll kill each other.
I, for one, welcome our robot overlords!
the robots are wirelessly formed humanoid created by government scientists to explore space with no human casualties. Mixed with sexual desires for anal penetration, the program has since been turned to an exclusive "pay to dildo victims" club. The things mankind does when it knows everything smh