Larry's Fall/Winter seed tests

No such luck. She was big and tall, full of stinky bud, but damn sure attractive to the bud worms. Bud worm shit led to the bud rot. I lost about a third, cut about all the rest early. Little Sister and Prickly Pear, sisters to RSB and Peach were kind of on their own for most of the season. They were smaller, but had no problems with PM, worms or rot. Pretty good smoke.
Oh wow ok so it was literally rotten.
I thought rotten mango smell maybe
No such luck. She was big and tall, full of stinky bud, but damn sure attractive to the bud worms. Bud worm shit led to the bud rot. I lost about a third, cut about all the rest early. Little Sister and Prickly Pear, sisters to RSB and Peach were kind of on their own for most of the season. They were smaller, but had no problems with PM, worms or rot. Pretty good smoke.
Weird how the bugs pefer certain strains
Weird how the bugs pefer certain strains
I think its something in a plants "code" signalling weakness, not saying those cultivars were sick, but they have a higher probability to get sick. I see the same thing with a few here which attract mites where plant right next to it is clean as fck.
The FP patch was next to a water source, so those plants were much bigger, with thicker buds than the Darwin Dope patches. It might have been the stickier buds that was attracting them. Although we had a really bad year for worms of all kinds. The weeds in our young longleaf pines {nearby} were covered with worms a couple of months ago.
I put a few more seeds in soil this morning. Each of these went into a quart Styrofoam cup with the bottom 1/3 my adult plant soil mix, the middle 1/3 a 50/50 mix of adult and Metro Mix {no nutes} potting soil, and the top 1/3 Metro Mix potting soil. Then soaked in warm water.

2 Blueberry X Shark Shock
2 Powernap X Sinmint Cookies
2 Blue Shiva X Blue Shark
I put a few more seeds in soil this morning. Each of these went into a quart Styrofoam cup with the bottom 1/3 my adult plant soil mix, the middle 1/3 a 50/50 mix of adult and Metro Mix {no nutes} potting soil, and the top 1/3 Metro Mix potting soil. Then soaked in warm water.

2 Blueberry X Shark Shock
2 Powernap X Sinmint Cookies
2 Blue Shiva X Blue Shark
Sounds like a nice cup setup, have you done it that way before?
Holes in bottom of cups or sealed? I do sealed now.
Sounds like a nice cup setup, have you done it that way before?
Holes in bottom of cups or sealed? I do sealed now.
I snip four little holes in the bottom with scissors. I heard about the layered soils from folks using Sub Cool's Super Soil, so I tried it this summer. Seemed to work alright. The thing is you don't want the roots to reach the hot stuff until they are old enough to handle it. I do it when it's in bigger pots, or going to stay in the pot longer. With the Solo cups I use straght Metro Mix potting soil. It won't be staying in the cup long enough to need nutes. On the bought seeds, I just put one per cup, so they will be staying in it until they go into the wilds.
I snip four little holes in the bottom with scissors. I heard about the layered soils from folks using Sub Cool's Super Soil, so I tried it this summer. Seemed to work alright. The thing is you don't want the roots to reach the hot stuff until they are old enough to handle it. I do it when it's in bigger pots, or going to stay in the pot longer. With the Solo cups I use straght Metro Mix potting soil. It won't be staying in the cup long enough to need nutes. On the bought seeds, I just put one per cup, so they will be staying in it until they go into the wilds.
Metro Mix means mild base soil?
Metro Mix means mild base soil?
Yes. I Goggled it, and found out the company name is Sun Gro. I have a buddy in the tropical plant business and he lets me have it at costs. Something like 16-17 bucks for a big {2.8 cubic feet} bag. No added nutes.


Just before dark yesterday I took food and water to the two budding plants,

and the two newest transplants, Big & Stinky X CP1,


and transplanted the {runt} plant that I found in the pot when I killed that Funky Leafed male a couple three weeks ago. She was wrapped up with fire ants. Ouch.

BIL got a frame built for the lights. I picked up a roll of the reflective insulation stuff today. Will get that installed soon.


The Peach seedlings are starting to perk up.

There were 4 sprouts this morning. Big & Stinky X CP1, Rotten Stinking Bastard, Raisin de Gorille and Fromage D'ane. Most likely there are many more by now.

Had to harvest early last night due to the buds actually degrading from lack of nutrients or possibly a disease because i went against your advice and started flushing the plant way too early i think. I wont be doing that again. but hey im happy i have some type of cannabis matter to work with lol. You'll see the yellowing browning on some of the main colas in the pictures that im talking about. I think it was a calcium deficiency because some of the branches had somewhat hollow stems. Anyways throwing out all the fan leaves and leaving the ones closer to buds for coconut oil extract. Yes i did a shitty job trimming the buds but they were really leafy to begin with got lazy around 2am and just started using my fingers instead (the black shit on my fingers). She grow a little over 4 feet tall. Next year im growing some pineapple chunk and it should have a much shorter harvest time because this was way too long and still wasn't ready.

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