Make Liberalism Great Again

That's racist, bro. You're denigrating my white heritage

bernie was a fucking asshole. a goddamn free-ride loser. never helped the democrats a day in his life, and still got to enjoy all the benefits of running as one. 100% freeloader.

he planted the "rigged" seed, and the trumptards cultivated it into what you get to have as your president now.

bernard represented every bit of white male privilege that trump did, with slightly different wording.
bernie was a fucking asshole.
How was he an 'asshole'?
a goddamn free-ride loser.
How was he a 'free-ride loser'?
never helped the democrats a day in his life,
What do you mean by "help the Democrats"? Do you mean he never helped advance Democratic causes? Because he's been a supporter of LGBT rights since at least 1995;

A proponent of Civil Rights since his youth;


The largest champion of campaign finance reform in the US Senate;

and the hardest working man for the American people since Reagan was in office

Or do you mean by raising funds for the DNC? "Helping down ticket campaigns"? :dunce:

and still got to enjoy all the benefits of running as one. 100% freeloader.
So much benefits!

So wow!
he planted the "rigged" seed, and the trumptards cultivated it into what you get to have as your president now.
No, Clinton lacked the ability to reach white, middle-class working Americans. Exactly what Sanders represented, as is evidence by the states he won against her in the Democratic Primary and exactly what we were telling you before the election. Clinton represents Wall Street, the status quo, "business as usual". Trump basically stole Sanders' populist message, added a little racism, xenophobia and sexism to the mix, said "No, America is not great, and we need to make it great again!", and won 9% of Democrats..

Why do you continue to deny that what the DNC did and the bullshit empty rhetoric that Hillary Clinton campaigned on is what lost her and the Democratic Party the election?

I hope you're still with her, now that she'll be forgotten in the wind

bernard represented every bit of white male privilege that trump did, with slightly different wording.
How was he an 'asshole'?

How was he a 'free-ride loser'?

What do you mean by "help the Democrats"? Do you mean he never helped advance Democratic causes? Because he's been a supporter of LGBT rights since at least 1995;

A proponent of Civil Rights since his youth;


The largest champion of campaign finance reform in the US Senate;

and the hardest working man for the American people since Reagan was in office

Or do you mean by raising funds for the DNC? "Helping down ticket campaigns"? :dunce:

So much benefits!

So wow!

No, Clinton lacked the ability to reach white, middle-class working Americans. Exactly what Sanders represented, as is evidence by the states he won against her in the Democratic Primary and exactly what we were telling you before the election. Clinton represents Wall Street, the status quo, "business as usual". Trump basically stole Sanders' populist message, added a little racism, xenophobia and sexism to the mix, said "No, America is not great, and we need to make it great again!", and won 9% of Democrats..

Why do you continue to deny that what the DNC did and the bullshit empty rhetoric that Hillary Clinton campaigned on is what lost her and the Democratic Party the election?

I hope you're still with her, now that she'll be forgotten in the wind


bernie was a fucking asshole. a goddamn free-ride loser. never helped the democrats a day in his life, and still got to enjoy all the benefits of running as one. 100% freeloader.

he planted the "rigged" seed, and the trumptards cultivated it into what you get to have as your president now.

bernard represented every bit of white male privilege that trump did, with slightly different wording.

Cry me a fucking river. Hillary lost the election all on her own (to Donald Trump no less). It wasn't James Comey, or Bernie, or racism, or whatever other pathetic excuse you want to trot out there. She lost because she's a shill for corporate America, and apparently people are sick of it. Obama saw it. Bernie saw it. Even dipshit Trump saw it. But Hillary just kept on keepin on, giving her speeches to wall st bankers, hosting corporate fund raisers, hangin with Jay Z.

This is not even factoring in the millions of people that held their nose and voted for her because they were shit scared of a Trump presidency. She could be the most disliked candidate in the history of the country, and the Dems hitched their wagon to her and lost, in embarrassing fashion to Donald fucking Trump. Donald Trump! lol
It absolutely can, and is genetic. To chalk this off as a "decision", or mental illness might make this more palatable for you, but it's just not true in most cases.

From a quick google search:

SRY, discovered in 1989, is a small gene located at the tip of the short arm of the Y chromosome. So what does it do? Actually, like all genes, it does nothing except to act as a blueprint for a protein. In this case, the protein of the same name does funky things to DNA, like bending it and unwinding the 2 strands, so that other proteins can get in and attach themselves to other genes that are then turned on. So how did this gene get its reputation (and its name) as the “sex determining” gene?

As is pretty common in the world of genetics, this was because of some errant mice. Researchers in England took a laboratory-made copy of this gene and inserted it artificially into a female (XX) mouse embryo at a very early stage of development. The mouse was “converted” from female to male, so the gene must have been responsible – right? Well, maybe not. A few years later, a similar gene was found on human chromosome 17. When the important part of this gene was inserted into a female mouse embryo, the same thing happened. Voila! A male.

So now we have 2 genes that can turn a female into a male, and one of them is not located on the Y chromosome! How can that be? It turns out that SRY is probably just a facilitator that allows a more critical gene (or genes) to function, by blocking the action of another opposing factor. Can the magic of genetics do the opposite – turn a male into a female? Indeed it can. A gene on the X chromosome (the chromosome one typically associates with “femaleness”) called DAX1when present in double copy in a male (XY) mouse, turns it into a female.

So now we have genes on the Y that can turn females with XX chromosomes into males and genes on the X that can turn males with XY chromosomes into females… wow! Maleness and femaleness are NOTdetermined by having an X or a Y, since switching a couple of genes around can turn things upside down.

In fact, there’s a whole lot more to maleness and femaleness than X or Y chromosomes. About 1 in 20,000 men has no Y chromosome, instead having 2 Xs. This means that in the United States there are about 7,500 men without a Y chromosome. The equivalent situation - females who have XY instead of XX chromosomes - can occur for a variety of reasons and overall is similar in frequency.

For these 15,000 or more individuals in the US (and who knows how many worldwide), their chromosomes are irrelevant. It is the total complement of their genes along with their life experiences (physical, mental, social) that makes them who they are (or any of us, for that matter). The last time I counted, there were at least 30 genes that have been found to have important roles in the development of sex in either humans or mice. Of these 30 or so genes 3 are located on the X chromosome, 1 on the Y chromosome and the rest are on other chromosomes, called autosomes (on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19).

In light of this, sex should be considered not a product of our chromosomes, but rather, a product of our total genetic makeup, and of the functions of these genes during development."

Choice?!? When did I mention choice? Since when is mental illness a choice? Nothing I've said takes away from their humanity. But this is want it is, a brain in a body the it incorrectly identified. How is that anything but a mental illness?

Also, just because you can explain the pathology of the mental illness doesn't mean it isn't a mental illness. I never said it was some great mystery.

This can only manifest in their mind. Yes the gene on the arm tip and its protein fuck up a males brain into thinking it is a female.

Moreover, female to male persons could not have this gene and therefore its something else that messed up their brain.
So by your own definition you feel that it's ok to punish people who are mentally ill?

Sounds to me like you're on the wrong side of everything.
Where did I say punish?

Can you attempt to be honest?

Your toxic identity politics brought us Trump.
How was he an 'asshole'?

How was he a 'free-ride loser'?

What do you mean by "help the Democrats"? Do you mean he never helped advance Democratic causes? Because he's been a supporter of LGBT rights since at least 1995;

A proponent of Civil Rights since his youth;


The largest champion of campaign finance reform in the US Senate;

and the hardest working man for the American people since Reagan was in office

Or do you mean by raising funds for the DNC? "Helping down ticket campaigns"? :dunce:

So much benefits!

So wow!

No, Clinton lacked the ability to reach white, middle-class working Americans. Exactly what Sanders represented, as is evidence by the states he won against her in the Democratic Primary and exactly what we were telling you before the election. Clinton represents Wall Street, the status quo, "business as usual". Trump basically stole Sanders' populist message, added a little racism, xenophobia and sexism to the mix, said "No, America is not great, and we need to make it great again!", and won 9% of Democrats..

Why do you continue to deny that what the DNC did and the bullshit empty rhetoric that Hillary Clinton campaigned on is what lost her and the Democratic Party the election?

I hope you're still with her, now that she'll be forgotten in the wind


Sorry Buck, the man has a point.

Or, four.

You're the bitter one.
Cry me a fucking river. Hillary lost the election all on her own (to Donald Trump no less). It wasn't James Comey, or Bernie, or racism, or whatever other pathetic excuse you want to trot out there. She lost because she's a shill for corporate America, and apparently people are sick of it. Obama saw it. Bernie saw it. Even dipshit Trump saw it. But Hillary just kept on keepin on, giving her speeches to wall st bankers, hosting corporate fund raisers, hangin with Jay Z.

Yet here we are with Trump filling his entire cabinet with corporate shills and "loyal" followers.

I'd say 62 million voters were the "dipshit". 64.5 million (and counting) were trying to be on the right side of history.
Yet here we are with Trump filling his entire cabinet with corporate shills and "loyal" followers.

I'd say 62 million voters were the "dipshit". 64.5 million (and counting) were trying to be on the right side of history.

I'm not saying that Trump will be a good potus. I sure as fuck didnt vote for him. I'm just not buying the notion that Bernie is responsible for him winning. That's on Hillary.
I'm not saying that Trump will be a good potus. I sure as fuck didnt vote for him. I'm just not buying the notion that Bernie is responsible for him winning. That's on Hillary.

Hear, hear!

Hillary had this election, hers to lose... and she did. No one else gets the blame- certainly NOT Bernie. He was a very gracious loser, even as badly as he was treated, endorsed Shillary, even campaigned for her.

Time for the Dems to come back to their democratic roots. Only problem is, there might not be as much money for the mucky mucks running the party.
Hear, hear!

Hillary had this election, hers to lose... and she did. No one else gets the blame- certainly NOT Bernie. He was a very gracious loser, even as badly as he was treated, endorsed Shillary, even campaigned for her.

Absolutely. Hillary and her corporate cronyism was exactly what Bernie was running against, and he was willing to set that aside and campaigned for her even though he didnt have to. What more could the guy have done??

Only problem is, there might not be as much money for the mucky mucks running the party.

This is where Trump is already fucking up. He's appointed three Goldman Sacks alum to his cabinet, and is considering two others. That's not draining the swamp, that's doubling down on the exact shit that the American people rejected this election! What a fraud!
Absolutely. Hillary and her corporate cronyism was exactly what Bernie was running against, and he was willing to set that aside and campaigned for her even though he didnt have to. What more could the guy have done??

This is where Trump is already fucking up. He's appointed three Goldman Sacks alum to his cabinet, and is considering two others. That's not draining the swamp, that's doubling down on the exact shit that the American people rejected this election! What a fraud!
It depends on what they do. If they implement trumps policy that will be good. If not he may actually fire them. The guy went through 3 campaign managers and kicked chris christie off the transition team.

Plus bernie was threatened. Very obviou to anyone who watched his speeches and then saw him 180. The wikileaks talk of the hillary camp having some sort of agreement with him and leverage they could use against him.
I'm not saying that Trump will be a good potus. I sure as fuck didnt vote for him. I'm just not buying the notion that Bernie is responsible for him winning. That's on Hillary.

I do agree, Hillary could have been 'a better candidate', I certainly had my legitimate hangups about her. However it's not Hillary's fault she lost the election, more than 2.5 million voters voted for her than did for Trump. That is quite a significant margin and something that should not be ignored. Doing so plays into the hand of those who gerrymandered it that way and completely disenfranchises the 2.5 million voters who's vote didn't count.

Also, Hillary didn't lose, neither did Bernie. America lost. And I really honestly hope I'm wrong when I say that.