Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks

that has to be the most pathetic, inelegant, and obvious attempt to deflect from your racist and anti-semitic hatred that i have ever seen.

Hey, stupid drunk guy; The threads about the min wage and you quote me talking about the min wage with an accusation of deflecting because I chose to kinda move away from your deflective in-fighting(lets face it, that's literally all you do here) and get back on topic.

Maybe when you sober up you can see how dumb your "arguments" are becoming.

Because then it would not be keeping pace with inflation it would be causing inflation.....simple high school economics.

If min wages keep pace with inflation like its ment to (yes, its ment to) it means people have disposable income. This creates spending, this creates jobs, which then create spending, this creates new business which creates jobs. All those people with jobs create tax revenue, which creates govt spending, which creates jobs....etc etc etc.

In a resession the govt spends money (even if it has to borrow it) on "works", why is that? To create create jobs....Tis the same deal. Spending is what the economy thrives and needs and for that we need people having disposable income.

So if it's(min wage) too high, it would cause inflation because what? You are implying higher wages = new currency. And if mandated wages are raised too high to cause inflation as you say, then what is causing the initial inflation that wages need to keep up with. You think its economic growth? Wages are pooled from the existing currency supply.

Then you say it's the same deal when currency is borrowed and spent by tax payers (government creation of currency) during a recession to create spending and jobs.
So you really think a higher min wage will be created and subsidized?

If I gave you a raise from 10 to 15 an hour, I didn't create that and add it to the currency supply.
If I am government, borrow the money to create your job, I created currency that did not exist before.

Your high school starting to sound kinda suspect.
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So if it's(min wage) too high, it would cause inflation because what? You are implying higher wages = new currency. And if mandated wages are raised too high to cause inflation as you say, then what is causing the initial inflation that wages need to keep up with. You think its economic growth?

Then you say it's the same deal when money is borrowed and spent by tax payers during a recession to create spending and jobs.
So you really think a higher min wage will be created and subsidized?

Your high school starting to sound kinda suspect.
Yes..when wages are to high money is devalued and inflation has to rise to keep it in check. Give everyone a million dollars and you dont think a loaf of bread will rise a huge amount?
Inflation is a natural occurring beast. It rises and falls but generally rises mainly due to limited resources (or perceived ones) like Houses, oil, gold, etc. OPEC recently announced a cut in oil production so oil and prices will rise (inflate) with it fuel will also rise. With the rise in fuel airline and cruise ship prices will probably rise and so will the cost of transport.
A good % for inflation is around 3%. To fast and the Fed tries to slow it down by raising interest rates (people stop spending) to low or negative inflation % and the Fed reserve lowers interest rates (people spend more this drives market confidence and people then invest as well)

What im saying is that a Min wage should be tied to inflation.I believe it used to be decades ago in America???- it is here in Australia and most if not all western countries. People spend their disposable income. If people dont spend money then economy's stall and jobs are not created (unemployment rises). . You dont need to subsidize a min wag it should just "be".

Disclaimer: I earn around $60 an hr so min wage doesnt not effect me per se. In saying that i run a small service business and if people dont have disposable income then i dont have a business and then i dont spend money has a flow on effect.
Yes..when wages are to high money is devalued and inflation has to rise to keep it in check. Give everyone a million dollars and you dont think a loaf of bread will rise a huge amount?
Inflation is a natural occurring beast. It rises and falls but generally rises mainly due to limited resources (or perceived ones) like Houses, oil, gold, etc. OPEC recently announced a cut in oil production so oil and prices will rise (inflate) with it fuel will also rise. With the rise in fuel airline and cruise ship prices will probably rise and so will the cost of transport.
A good % for inflation is around 3%. To fast and the Fed tries to slow it down by raising interest rates (people stop spending) to low or negative inflation % and the Fed reserve lowers interest rates (people spend more this drives market confidence and people then invest as well)

What im saying is that a Min wage should be tied to inflation.I believe it used to be decades ago in America???- it is here in Australia and most if not all western countries. People spend their disposable income. If people dont spend money then economy's stall and jobs are not created (unemployment rises). . You dont need to subsidize a min wag it should just "be".

Disclaimer: I earn around $60 an hr so min wage doesnt not effect me per se. In saying that i run a small service business and if people dont have disposable income then i dont have a business and then i dont spend money has a flow on effect.

Supply limits or shortages do not cause inflation, it causes more demand.

What do you think inflation is? There is only one cause of inflation and its not some "animal force". A mandated min wage cannot just "be". If it's tied to inflation, its forced to be covered by existing currency out of the current supply, adjusted for inflation. My question to you is, what causes inflation? Sorry to be a prude but you said this was high school so I'm rolling up a J on that notion.
Maybe when you sober up you can see how dumb your "arguments" are becoming.

isn't your argument basically "why don't we raise minimum wage to $100 an hour then??!!???" ?

meanwhile, my argument is that we should raise it to at least $12 an hour, indexed to inflation.

here is where you posit that inflation is just a jewish conspiracy.
Yes..when wages are to high money is devalued and inflation has to rise to keep it in check. Give everyone a million dollars and you dont think a loaf of bread will rise a huge amount?
Inflation is a natural occurring beast. It rises and falls but generally rises mainly due to limited resources (or perceived ones) like Houses, oil, gold, etc. OPEC recently announced a cut in oil production so oil and prices will rise (inflate) with it fuel will also rise. With the rise in fuel airline and cruise ship prices will probably rise and so will the cost of transport.
A good % for inflation is around 3%. To fast and the Fed tries to slow it down by raising interest rates (people stop spending) to low or negative inflation % and the Fed reserve lowers interest rates (people spend more this drives market confidence and people then invest as well)

What im saying is that a Min wage should be tied to inflation.I believe it used to be decades ago in America???- it is here in Australia and most if not all western countries. People spend their disposable income. If people dont spend money then economy's stall and jobs are not created (unemployment rises). . You dont need to subsidize a min wag it should just "be".

Disclaimer: I earn around $60 an hr so min wage doesnt not effect me per se. In saying that i run a small service business and if people dont have disposable income then i dont have a business and then i dont spend money has a flow on effect.

Why is any inflation at all a good thing?

The only entity it helps is the government in deep debt because it causes that debt to lessen every time the currency is devalued.
To the original post/subject. From an outsider's seat, the biggest problem America has is trying to get back to a lifestyle that is no longer sustainable if you're to depend on manufacturing jobs, you just can't compete with the likes of the Chinese or Mexicans. That means for one thing, higher than grade 8 education for the children of all those imbeciles that voted for Trump, at least their kids won't repeat the same mistake. They'll also need that education because the (new) jobs will be operating and fixing the technology that will take away your current part-time, minimum wage jobs. This has been happening for 30-40 years already, most just can't see the forest as they're too focused on watching the trees fall. This will accelerate in the next few years with the next wave of technology and robotics, e.g. IoT connecting everything. As technology progresses jobs aren't lost, they're just replaced by different jobs, but the new jobs require skills beyond flipping a frozen burger or working on an assembly line. You know... the jobs that Trump is going to protect (?).

Trump just played all those uneducated people to get their votes. I can't believe he's that much of an idiot that he actually believes what he's trying to do will work (protectionism et al). The world economy will not allow it, nor will investors and those investors now (offshore) pretty well own your country.

Canada and Mexico are somewhat vulnerable because they're insignificant in size and benefit more than the US does in their trade deals. But outside of that, the US depends on and needs big outside investors (China, Japan etc.) to buy down your deficit debt which drives reciprocating trade agreements (with the same people he's going try and strong arm into better trade agreements). He can make as much noise as he wants for showmanship, in the end he'll have to bow down and suck their dicks. Focus on education as a bridge to the new world order, quickly...
To the original post/subject. From an outsider's seat, the biggest problem America has is trying to get back to a lifestyle that is no longer sustainable if you're to depend on manufacturing jobs, you just can't compete with the likes of the Chinese or Mexicans. That means for one thing, higher than grade 8 education for the children of all those imbeciles that voted for Trump, at least their kids won't repeat the same mistake. They'll also need that education because the (new) jobs will be operating and fixing the technology that will take away your current part-time, minimum wage jobs. This has been happening for 30-40 years already, most just can't see the forest as they're too focused on watching the trees fall. This will accelerate in the next few years with the next wave of technology and robotics, e.g. IoT connecting everything. As technology progresses jobs aren't lost, they're just replaced by different jobs, but the new jobs require skills beyond flipping a frozen burger or working on an assembly line. You know... the jobs that Trump is going to protect (?).

Trump just played all those uneducated people to get their votes. I can't believe he's that much of an idiot that he actually believes what he's trying to do will work (protectionism et al). The world economy will not allow it, nor will investors and those investors now (offshore) pretty well own your country.

Canada and Mexico are somewhat vulnerable because they're insignificant in size and benefit more than the US does in their trade deals. But outside of that, the US depends on and needs big outside investors (China, Japan etc.) to buy down your deficit debt which drives reciprocating trade agreements (with the same people he's going try and strong arm into better trade agreements). He can make as much noise as he wants for showmanship, in the end he'll have to bow down and suck their dicks. Focus on education as a bridge to the new world order, quickly...
Not disagreeing about your description of the status quo in the US. Just disagreeing with the idea that manufacturing is nothing more than a race to the bottom of the wage floor. Look to northern Europe for examples otherwise.

If you ask entrepreneurs about college, many say its a waste of time. Not sure the answer is more education for everybody. For the kids I know its about 50:50 whether or not they go on to complete the degree. The ones that dropped out felt it was a waste of time and for them it was. They need jobs other than bullet catcher in the military. Not make-work type jobs either. Better education K-12, yes. More opportunity to attend college with subsidies, yes. Looking at how Northern Europe copes with the same problem with different results.
Not disagreeing about your description of the status quo in the US. Just disagreeing with the idea that manufacturing is nothing more than a race to the bottom of the wage floor. Look to northern Europe for examples otherwise.

If you ask entrepreneurs about college, many say its a waste of time. Not sure the answer is more education for everybody. For the kids I know its about 50:50 whether or not they go on to complete the degree. The ones that dropped out felt it was a waste of time and for them it was. They need jobs other than bullet catcher in the military. Not make-work type jobs either. Better education K-12, yes. More opportunity to attend college with subsidies, yes. Looking at how Northern Europe copes with the same problem with different results.
It's certainly not the answer to everything, there is no single answer. While I have a couple of degrees (Computer Sciences, Psychology) only one was useful to me in the line of work I chose, technically...

What education does though, regardless of the specific field or subject area is open up minds to alternate views/possibilities and critical thinking. That part is imo more important than the subject-specific education and the real value of education, formal or not.
It's certainly not the answer to everything, there is no single answer. While I have a couple of degrees (Computer Sciences, Psychology) only one was useful to me in the line of work I chose, technically...

What education does though, regardless of the specific field or subject area is open up minds to alternate views/possibilities and critical thinking. That part is imo more important than the subject-specific education and the real value of education, formal or not.
Are we talking about the general benefit of an advanced education or what to do with people who would not benefit from it?
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not really, during the Depression if you had a job, you were fine, during a hyperinflation even if you have a job your money hardly buys you a loaf of bread.
Hyper inflation is worser. Agreed

"during the Depression if you had a job, you were fine"

Thanks for proving my point.
Samsung is building a billion dollar plant in Texas that will employ approximately 100 people. I work for one of the top 10 companies in the world. I have been in manufacturing for over 45 years. Always electronic maintenance. Machine tools, x-ray, you name it. When I started out most machines were manual machines. Now with probing etc the operator loads the part and cycle starts the operation. No guaging and only insert changes. 1 man can run a dozen machines with very little Skil level. My job on the other hand has went from vacuum tubes to NC to CNC and has been progressively more difficult over the years. We are making parts in China for our military as we speak. Also Turkey. Get ready. It won't get better in manufacturing in this country. Automation
Samsung is building a billion dollar plant in Texas that will employ approximately 100 people. I work for one of the top 10 companies in the world. I have been in manufacturing for over 45 years. Always electronic maintenance. Machine tools, x-ray, you name it. When I started out most machines were manual machines. Now with probing etc the operator loads the part and cycle starts the operation. No guaging and only insert changes. 1 man can run a dozen machines with very little Skil level. My job on the other hand has went from vacuum tubes to NC to CNC and has been progressively more difficult over the years. We are making parts in China for our military as we speak. Also Turkey. Get ready. It won't get better in manufacturing in this country. Automation
Right, and at some point the machines will repair the machines.
Wellllll at some point we're going to have a lotta people and no jobs available.Can you spell CHAOS, REVOLT, or REVOLUTION??

Maybe these folks can hold out for management positions...

Supply limits or shortages do not cause inflation, it causes more demand.

What do you think inflation is? There is only one cause of inflation and its not some "animal force". A mandated min wage cannot just "be". If it's tied to inflation, its forced to be covered by existing currency out of the current supply, adjusted for inflation. My question to you is, what causes inflation? Sorry to be a prude but you said this was high school so I'm rolling up a J on that notion.

More demand means a higher price can be asked for and gotten, especially with a product or service that is had to find or is diminishing, Beach front properties, Gold, Opals, Oil etc or controlled release like diamonds. This is how scalpers make money at major sporting and music events. Supply is low and demand is high so therefore they sell tickets at a inflated price.
Lots of things contribute to inflation. Supply and demand is one of them.

Copy and pasted." › ... › Economic Essays on Inflation
Causes of inflation. Inflation means there is a sustained increase in the price level. The main causes of inflation are either excess aggregate demand (economic growth too fast) or cost push factors (supply side factors)."

And yes a min can just "be". It should automatically be adjustered every 2 to 3 years. Kind of like going from manually switching ur grow lights on and off to using a timer.
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Why is any inflation at all a good thing?

The only entity it helps is the government in deep debt because it causes that debt to lessen every time the currency is devalued.
Inflation is a good thing. Its what drives our stock markets, investments and the developer. Its also inevitable. Its why we buy houses and not rent them, its why we invest.

High inflation is bad, negative inflation is worse. A sustainable balance is needed and thats the job of the Fed Reserve and interest rate cuts/rises.
Inflation is a good thing. Its what drives our stock markets, investments and the developer. Its also inevitable. Its why we buy houses and not rent them, its why we invest.

High inflation is bad, negative inflation is worse. A sustainable balance is needed and thats the job of the Fed Reserve and interest rate cuts/rises.
and the Fed has done a wonderful job.