Is there anything currently better then amare?

AFAIK, 3070s are simply smaller versions of 3590s. Seems they would work better in low tents, or when more even coverage is desired, minimizing extreme hot spots. Anybody?
Nothing wrong with 3070's it just that the poster i was replying to was talking about how cutting edge Amare was. As everyone here knows the 3590 is just the newer version, a little more efficient, the 3070's are a better value as they are a lot cheaper.
Nothing wrong with 3070's it just that the poster i was replying to was talking about how cutting edge Amare was. As everyone here knows the 3590 is just the newer version, a little more efficient, the 3070's are a better value as they are a lot cheaper.

Not necessarily. 3590 is just a different size class. It's not newer actually. They both use identical diodes inside. The 3070 is just a smaller version. 3070s are cheaper because they are more widely adopted throughout the lighting world vs 3590.
3070s are cheaper because they are more widely adopted throughout the lighting world vs 3590.
No. They are cheaper overall...they are basically identical in cost per die. Nothing todo with adoption % or some any of higher demand. Same as most manufactures. You pay for the chips and the packaging of them. Being the same product line, makes them all scale the same with little fluctuation.
especially when the results speak for itself. Amare is like the DE of LED and straight COBs are HPS.

Saying Amare is the DE of LED implies they grow better than all-cob lights, which they don't. I get it, it's nice having enhanced spectrum but if it drops your efficiency and narrows your coverage because of lenses then maybe it's not so great after all. From what I've seen, to get an SE450 to cover a 4'x4' like Amare says it will cover means raising it up so high it loses it's penetration. An SE450 is really meant for a 3'x3' and it's what, almost $1200? A professionally built cob light for a 3'x3' with comparable wattage costs under $600.

It's a nice light but it's very expensive for what you get.
No. They are cheaper overall...they are basically identical in cost per die. Nothing todo with adoption % or some any of higher demand. Same as most manufactures. You pay for the chips and the packaging of them. Being the same product line, makes them all scale the same with little fluctuation.

I'm saying not at the wholesale end but through most distribution channels :-)
I'm saying not at the wholesale end but through most distribution channels :-)
Wrong again.
When it comes to the "DIY/AIY" scene channels that the forums know's the opposite of what you're claiming.
Then even mainstream over priced outlets are on the same scaled pricing.
i would think 3070 would be more attractive to a lighting designer simply because of the more typical size les that has many more holder/reflector options.

3590 is the only chip in the world i know of with those dimensions
i would think 3070 would be more attractive to a lighting designer simply because of the more typical size les that has many more holder/reflector options.

3590 is the only chip in the world i know of with those dimensions
You can "think" all you want. But that doesn't change reality.
Please show me any actual units(horti or general lighting, and not RIU bandwagoner companies) using off the shelf parts other than a holder. And show some using either a 3590 or 3070? And then show where said units are widely used?
yes, which is why the statement i posted was prefaced by "I would think..." which is indicative of inference and/or offering of an opinion on a subject, in the course of friendly discussion. Never claimed to be an authority on the global luminaire market so ill just leave that bait lie.

lighten up man, did you have a bad cup or something? not everything is a competition,a lot of people on message boards are still into friendly discussion.

its nice to have someone knowledgeable about cree's distribution onsite, but not everything needs to be confrontational.
No. They are cheaper overall...they are basically identical in cost per die. Nothing todo with adoption % or some any of higher demand. Same as most manufactures. You pay for the chips and the packaging of them. Being the same product line, makes them all scale the same with little fluctuation.

No, they are cheaper because they are SMALLER
yes, which is why the statement i posted was prefaced by "I would think..." which is indicative of inference and/or offering of an opinion on a subject, in the course of friendly discussion. Never claimed to be an authority on the global luminaire market so ill just leave that bait lie.

lighten up man, did you have a bad cup or something? not everything is a competition,a lot of people on message boards are still into friendly discussion.

its nice to have someone knowledgeable about cree's distribution onsite, but not everything needs to be confrontational.
Ok then, lets try this one...
is $/watt even a relevant yardstick when every single one of those fixtures operate at different efficiencies? you can build a cob setup anywhere from $0.50/watt to $4/watt putting out the same PAR at wildly different efficiencies

You can chirp data sheets to potential builders all day. But in the land of reality...end results are what matters. With lights that is system efficiency...Actual light output when in use. Simple as that.
Now how about you go put them in a sphere...and on a gonio...and tell me what the real differences are???
SPOILER ALERT...not even close what is advertised by 95% of them. The variation in output between top brands is not enough to claim anything other than the wattage you pay for.
Nor is it supporting your statement anyways. The suspected lower total system:chip efficiency lights are more/$...actually read and digest what you're responding to please.

When you and others were dragging this thread on and trying to sell products and see who could piss farthest, you must have missed the most honest and truthful answer to the OP's question in this whole was on page 2.
Get another Amare. If you liked the 350, I'm sure the 450 would be a nice wattage bump. And probably can get a returning customer discount to help.]

After you guys continued to chime in out of egos and opinions rather than real world experience back by fact...I got over listening to all the BS flexing and self ego-validation...

No, they are cheaper because they are SMALLER
A.K.A packaging dude. It is not a higher density package/COB...thus more chips require more packaging. Packaging is the substrate, traces, bonding/wired, LES, phosphor. Like I said...
You pay for the chips and the packaging of them. Being the same product line, makes them all scale the same with little fluctuation.
Thus the TOTAL goes up because of it using more material. But the cost per die and material is near constant throughout the line. But hey...what the hell would I know about cree...
couldnt really prove my point any better than with that post right there

im not even on this thread "trying to sell products and see who could piss farthest", i answered a few questions about my stuff in this very off-topic-thread, but go ahead and search my posts in this thread and you'll see me repping timber, and repping johnson/HLG. I'll never have a problem repping an honest company with good products whether they are competition or not. its not like im in here, starting trouble, shilling products, as a non-advertiser who cant seem to get along with any other vendor on the board or anything. If i ever get to that point please check me as my ego is probably way out of control.
couldnt really prove my point any better than with that post right there

im not even on this thread "trying to sell products and see who could piss farthest", i answered a few questions about my stuff in this very off-topic-thread, but go ahead and search my posts in this thread and you'll see me repping timber, and repping johnson/HLG. I'll never have a problem repping an honest company with good products whether they are competition or not. its not like im in here, starting trouble, shilling products, as a non-advertiser who cant seem to get along with any other vendor on the board or anything. If i ever get to that point please check me as my ego is probably way out of control.
And the deflections continues.
I recommended amare to the guy. And yes, it's a non vendor product.
So you're saying...your false info about it and other lights makes it ok cause you're a vendor???
Your logic is really fucked up dude.

Get back at me when you have some real results.

If they are so honest tell them BOTH to change their RIU calculated PPF to actual PPF on their sites. What is worse...knowingly false PPF or none at all?
And the deflections continues.
yes they do, look at the deflection on the non-vendor comment. pro territory

cant make this shit up.

im posting "false info" because of some offhanded irrelevant comment about the global market for 3070s

and youre accusing others of "BS flexing and self ego-validation..."

SMH over here

I recommended amare to the guy. And yes, it's a non vendor product.

thats fine, i recommended timber, which happens to be the damn near exact technology you utilize, same chips same heatsinks, same drivers not sure what the problem is. people are entitled to different opinions
So you're saying...your false info about it and other lights makes it ok cause you're a vendor???

i really dont want to get into a pissing match here because you're talking in circles. but you're editing your posts after the fact, and i really can't stand back and let you accuse me of providing false info when you can't/wont even back it up. So if you have something to say, now would be a great time and id love to address it point by point.

Did you have an issue with my main post very early on in this thread? have at it

ive never been able to get a handle on the actual specs of any of their products.

failing that, i would go with a mfr that has tested,and publishes actual photometric data (umol/J). other than that youre just living in the world of "my unique anecdotal garden can beat up your completely different garden" for you basis for purchases