the fed refuses to disclose..


Well-Known Member
the fed has given over two trillion dollars of tax payer money..away.and refuses to tell who they gave it just gets more socialist and communist every day...right in front of our face's this country is going to transform into russia..this..if you wanted to read the constitution is in direct violation of the is without doubt subversion and treason..
the fed has given over two trillion dollars of tax payer money..away.and refuses to tell who they gave it just gets more socialist and communist every day...right in front of our face's this country is going to transform into russia..this..if you wanted to read the constitution is in direct violation of the is without doubt subversion and treason..
I believe it's more like rich prick socialism, or rich pricks sharing in the bounty of middle class tax revenue. A virtual giveaway to the already rich pricks, while on main street, fuck the auto workers. I think it's about time to get our AKs together and march on our local banks, I think we deserve a piece of the action, especially since it is virtually our money. The only socialism going on is between rich pricks.
I believe it's more like rich prick socialism, or rich pricks sharing in the bounty of middle class tax revenue. A virtual giveaway to the already rich pricks, while on main street, fuck the auto workers. I think it's about time to get our AKs together and march on our local banks, I think we deserve a piece of the action, especially since it is virtually our money. The only socialism going on is between rich pricks.

But wait a minute, Med ... this is the monetary system that you've been in support of all along. A fiat money system, where money is backed by nothing of value has always benefited government and the wealthy at the expense of the middle class and the poor. Why do you think we honest money guys have been shouting about this fallacy from the roof tops in this forum over the years?

Remember the times I've said that all of you little socialists, in the end, will be wailing: "But ... but ... but ... we didn't mean THIS!!!?? Well, that's you pal.

And by the way ... it isn't "our money," its the government's money, and has been since FDR confiscated all of the gold and cancelled gold clauses in contracts in 1933.

How's your union pension fund doing, Med?

If you're gonna march on any banks - LEAVE YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY BANKS OUT OF IT. If you want to march on Bank of America, Citi - i don't give a shit. But, you're local community banks need to be left alone - I'm talking about the names you don't know, that aren't a part of a huge corporation.


Bloomberg has been suing to get the fed and treasury to disclose what they've done.

FAT CHANCE! Kudos to to bloomberg and all, but it aint gonna happen.

The only real place to tell what's going on - look at the public debt offerings the U.S. government does. But even then, you're not going to come anywhere near the ballpark.

This is one of those things where you'd like to know, but you really don't want to know. Sounds fucked, but we already know that. I would suggest doubling or even tripling any number you read.

I think why the feds won't disclose this data is there's blood in the water and the only fish left are piranha. By that I mean if you see XYZ bank has taken the most from the feds, obviously, they are in the most trouble, and so the swarm is on. That's the last thing the feds want, and the public wants. Because the feds aren't going to let any more major financials fail, so they will just lend that bank more money, thus costing everyone more.
^^^ And soon, bread will cost $10 a loaf.


PS: Has the Fed ever been audited in it's entire history?
But wait a minute, Med ... this is the monetary system that you've been in support of all along. A fiat money system, where money is backed by nothing of value has always benefited government and the wealthy at the expense of the middle class and the poor. Why do you think we honest money guys have been shouting about this fallacy from the roof tops in this forum over the years?

Remember the times I've said that all of you little socialists, in the end, will be wailing: "But ... but ... but ... we didn't mean THIS!!!?? Well, that's you pal.

And by the way ... it isn't "our money," its the government's money, and has been since FDR confiscated all of the gold and cancelled gold clauses in contracts in 1933.

How's your union pension fund doing, Med?

Well, it's an annuity, and the checks are still coming. Have you started sending your SS checks back to help out, I'm sure those CEOs that got billions would appreciate it. Honest money guys, yeah right, when pigs fly. Nothing crookeder than a salesman. You make your money by jacking up the prices on houses by at least 6%, let's see, 6% of 100K or 6% of a mil. Seems to me that may be a reason why 100K tract houses were selling for a million bucks a couple a years ago. Pow, slap, bif bang boom.
Nothing crookeder than a salesman. You make your money by jacking up the prices on houses by at least 6%, let's see, 6% of 100K or 6% of a mil. Seems to me that may be a reason why 100K tract houses were selling for a million bucks a couple a years ago.

Still slinging bullshit about hard working salesmen, eh Med? Let's see, you have what ... the house you live in plus two rental properties? Please disclose what you paid for each, how much they are worth now ... and what the value in income tax savings you've enjoyed based upon of all the tax write-offs you've taken against the rentals. After you've done that, then continue to tell us how the real estate salesman/woman screwed you over.

You know Med, there are people who would kick if they lost both legs. Based upon your misinformed rants, I honestly believe you're one of them. bongsmilie


PS: You're retired, right Med? This gives you plenty of time to study for the real estate exam and pass the test. Easy money like we make shouldn't be passed up, Med. What's holding you back big guy? :bigjoint:
Seeing as how the lawmakers and power that be feel the laws don't apply to them, I've decided that the laws don't apply to me either. Anyone else want to jump on this train?
Seeing as how the lawmakers and power that be feel the laws don't apply to them, I've decided that the laws don't apply to me either. Anyone else want to jump on this train?

I made my mind up to that in the 1970's & have taught my children those values as well.
Seeing as how the lawmakers and power that be feel the laws don't apply to them, I've decided that the laws don't apply to me either. Anyone else want to jump on this train?

I've been there for a while. I say to hell with it all cause we're fucked already.
Well, it's an annuity, and the checks are still coming. Have you started sending your SS checks back to help out, I'm sure those CEOs that got billions would appreciate it. Honest money guys, yeah right, when pigs fly. Nothing crookeder than a salesman. You make your money by jacking up the prices on houses by at least 6%, let's see, 6% of 100K or 6% of a mil. Seems to me that may be a reason why 100K tract houses were selling for a million bucks a couple a years ago. Pow, slap, bif bang boom.

Once they strip what was put in place after the first major screw up.......Watch the kind of things the banks and the market do...
The People have the ability to change it all......but they need to get their head out of their asses.

The Big Con is just starting...........They will screw it up again only this time they will put wrenches in it so it's even harder to fix.
Once they strip what was put in place after the first major screw up.......Watch the kind of things the banks and the market do...
The People have the ability to change it all......but they need to get their head out of their asses.

The Big Con is just starting...........They will screw it up again only this time they will put wrenches in it so it's even harder to fix.
that post is 8 years old man.
But wait a minute, Med ... this is the monetary system that you've been in support of all along. A fiat money system, where money is backed by nothing of value has always benefited government and the wealthy at the expense of the middle class and the poor. Why do you think we honest money guys have been shouting about this fallacy from the roof tops in this forum over the years?

Remember the times I've said that all of you little socialists, in the end, will be wailing: "But ... but ... but ... we didn't mean THIS!!!?? Well, that's you pal.

And by the way ... it isn't "our money," its the government's money, and has been since FDR confiscated all of the gold and cancelled gold clauses in contracts in 1933.

How's your union pension fund doing, Med?


you don't see how the rich practice socialism among themselves and practice capitalism on us?

which system do you think actually works and which exploits?

have you noticed how socialist the NFL is and has been, where they share all the revenue and how well all their franchises are doing and how the smallest market can compete with the largest and as a result the whole league has been the healthiest of all major sports?

Where baseball took a more capitalistic road and almost killed themselves with so many teams losing money and on the verge of bankruptcy. only when they changed how revenue was distributed in a more socialist way did they start to turn it around.

you're not interested in bullshit right, only the truth matters right?

think it through. The rich are not your friends. they use you and steal from you.
if you work hard then you deserve more than what you get for it.

if you worked for Trump, do you think he and the company would be looking out for you or them?
If the answer is "you" then they are socialistic. if the answer is them, then they are not your friends, they don't have your interests at heart. so don't defend them, they wouldn't defend you.