US abstains in UN vote to end Israeli settlements

That goes for religious extremists of all sects, so why do you single out Islam specifically?

I ascribe to no religion, nor do I believe in any superhero deities, but...if I were to do so I would not follow the "teachings" of a murdering, slave owning, pedophile child molesting fuck that screws 7 year olds. And people wonder why these muslims have no place in modern society.

Also, for all the aforementioned reasons stated in the "religion of peace" post.
I don't see Buddhists, or Hindus, or Christians, or any other followers of any other religions running over children with semis, or burning people in cages, or throwing gays off rooftops to the glee of the towns people as they cheer them on. I don't see open slave markets for kidnapped women, except in muslim nations, nor public beheadings, crucifixions, etc. Etc. Etc.
Ooh I see hypocrite much? Perfectly acceptable for the muslims to steal christian land, commit genocide against the Armenians, and Christians as a whole throughout te middle east, then cry like a little bitches because the evil jews built an apartment complex on land they occupied before islam even existed.

I understand though, you're blinded, as it must be demoralizing to know the only reason your people exist is because the jews allow it to be so.

Tell me why during the last period when the Palestinians shot rockets into israel, and got their asses kicked, yet again, why did egypt close the borders and not let their muslim brothers in? Why didn't the jordanians, or lebanese, kuwaitis, or any of the other muslim nations take any palis in?

Because they know they are global welfare whores with nothing to contribute to their societies. Not a single freaking solitary nation wants them within their borders, this is fact. They love to bring up the palis when it comes time to drum up hate for the jews, bt thats it, they use them for political pawns, then tell them to stay the hell away, or live in a fucking refugee camp, which of course they immediately turn into violent slums.

They would rather take billions in international aid and building supplies to construct tunnels into israel to kill sleeping jewish cildren than fix their countries, that they destroyed.

Still waiting on the response why no other muslim countries want them.

Why they don't allow them to be citizens.

Why they keep them isolated from their citizens in refugee camps, without rights, all t th e while bemoaning the jews for their treatment of the palis.

Must suck to know that no country on the face of the planet, muslim included, wants your sorry asses there.
Hows your 'campaign' going.....mate?
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I ascribe to no religion, nor do I believe in any superhero deities, but...if I were to do so I would not follow the "teachings" of a murdering, slave owning, pedophile child molesting fuck that screws 7 year olds. And people wonder why these muslims have no place in modern society.

Also, for all the aforementioned reasons stated in the "religion of peace" post.
I don't see Buddhists, or Hindus, or Christians, or any other followers of any other religions running over children with semis, or burning people in cages, or throwing gays off rooftops to the glee of the towns people as they cheer them on. I don't see open slave markets for kidnapped women, except in muslim nations, nor public beheadings, crucifixions, etc. Etc. Etc.
All your crap & vitriol has been directed towards 'Musleums' only.
To those who celebrate it, Merry Christmas!

And may we all live in peace and enjoy a lively debate for a long time to come-

There are too many things, needs and ideas that we all share to allow our comparatively small differences to be magnified so excessively.

It's a challenge, but what if the middle class came together for each other, instead of corporations?

It's time we took our country back from the plutocrats.
Have you heard of the IRA? The KKK?
Or Stalin, Pol Pot
I ascribe to no religion, nor do I believe in any superhero deities, but...if I were to do so I would not follow the "teachings" of a murdering, slave owning, pedophile child molesting fuck that screws 7 year olds. And people wonder why these muslims have no place in modern society.

Also, for all the aforementioned reasons stated in the "religion of peace" post.
I don't see Buddhists, or Hindus, or Christians, or any other followers of any other religions running over children with semis, or burning people in cages, or throwing gays off rooftops to the glee of the towns people as they cheer them on. I don't see open slave markets for kidnapped women, except in muslim nations, nor public beheadings, crucifixions, etc. Etc. Etc.
If Musleums constitute 1.57 bn, lets say 10% could be gay. In that case there should be at least 157 million people thrown from rooftops at regular intervals.
I've read of no mass killings of this nature or magnitude. Clearly you are talking out of your arse or are getting this crap from Geller and/or neo-Nazi outlets.
Are you a neon-Narzi, mate? KKK perhaps?
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Or Stalin, Pol Pot
Not Muslims

The IRA and the KKK are Christian extremists

Extremism can take the form of many different beliefs, so again, why do you single out Islam? Because it's the most extreme right now? Don't you think the reason people become extremists should be what we're talking about instead of this flavor or that flavor of extremism? It all exists for the same reason and none of them get a pass because they might have gone through reformation and most of their believers don't kill people still.
Not Muslims

The IRA and the KKK are Christian extremists

Extremism can take the form of many different beliefs, so again, why do you single out Islam? Because it's the most extreme right now? Don't you think the reason people become extremists should be what we're talking about instead of this flavor or that flavor of extremism? It all exists for the same reason and none of them get a pass because they might have gone through reformation and most of their believers don't kill people still.
Your'e wasting your time with this dude. He's on a one-man mission to 'remove' (He doesn't specify the 'how' bit though) every Muzlamic person from traditional, whatever that is, Christian lands..
Some task, eh..?
He also claims not to subscribe to any particular religion either, which I find odd as well as his almost pathological rants & hatred are towards Muzleums only..
Twitter's full of arseholes & losers like this, posting Crusader memes, using Latin phrases, King Arthur freaks & believers of the Holy Grail.
They later transpire to be some social inadequate, living with elderly parents and their over-active imaginations.:roll:
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No dipshit, if you weren't so dense, you could have seen I was following your, as well as others line of reasoning. You state that israel is on palistinian ancestral land, therefore they should leave.

I stated then the muslims should leave ancestral christian lands as an analogy, apparently some are too ignorant to realize just how ignorant they are. But no, keep crying about how the jews kick muslim ass over and over and over again. Must get old, prolly makes you want to move to Sweeden, live on welfare and rape some local women, just like the rest of the cool muslim kids.

Once again maybe the palis need to take some time for self diagosis/introspection and ask why no one, muslim nations included want their sorry, thieving, welfare collecting, jew punching bag asses in their countries.

Give me a fucking break, in one day the muslims kill more people than the ira, or kkk has in their entire existence.

Also do you think the homos in the middle east are going to come out? Yeah 157 million gays would be stupid enough to state their sexual preferences, or even say they want to convert to another religion, as this would be akin to a death sentence itsself.

How to get rid of muslims in christian lands? How did the muslims get rid of 2 million armenian christians from their lands?

what a shitty, stupid fucking post.
An Angry Israel Summons Foreign Ambassadors, Accuses Obama Of Conspiring Against It

by Tyler Durden
Dec 25, 2016 10:29 AM
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Israel's anger mounted for a second day after Friday's United Nations snub, when on Sunday it summoned ambassadors of countries from the UN Security Council for a Christmas Day reprimand for their support of a resolution condemning Israel’s illegal settlements on Palestinian lands. The vote passed in the 15-member Security Council on Friday because the United States broke with its long-standing approach of diplomatically shielding Israel and did not wield, as a permanent member of the forum, its veto power, instead abstaining.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Netanyahu lashed out at the US, calling Obama's behavior a "shameful ambush", warning he would re-evaluate his contacts with (and defund) the United Nations, while saying he looks forward to working with his "friend" Donald Trump. Then on Sunday, Netanyahu put his personal imprint on the show of anger by repeating at the weekly cabinet meeting what an unidentified Israeli government official contended on Friday - that Washington had conspired with the Palestinians to push for the resolution's adoption. The White House has denied the allegation

"According to our information, we have no doubt the Obama administration initiated it (the resolution), stood behind it, coordinated the wording and demanded it be passed," Netanyahu told the cabinet in public remarks. “The resolution that was passed at the UN yesterday is part of the swan song of the old world that is biased against Israel but, my friends, we are entering a new era,” Mr Netanyahu said at a Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony. “And just as President-elect Trump said yesterday, it will happen much sooner than you think.”

One can only hope that in this "new era" airplanes full of world-famous army singers are not targeted in retaliation for diplomatic scandals.

Ambassadors from 10 of the 14 countries that voted in favor of the resolution and have embassies in Israel - Britain, China, Russia, France, Egypt, Japan, Uruguay, Spain, Ukraine and New Zealand - were summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, the ministry said.

Moments ago, the Haaretz newspaper added that Netanyahu had also summoned the US ambassador.

The move came as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancelled a visit to Israel by Volodymyr Groysman, his Ukrainian counterpart, and accused US President Barack Obama of “disgraceful” behaviour for failing to exercise the US veto. Mr Groysman had due to arrive in Israel on Wednesday on his first official visit to the Jewish state. As reported yesterday, Israel will also suspend some of its funding to the UN, Netanyahu said in a vituperative speech on Saturday evening, in which he warned of further diplomatic and economic retaliation against countries that opposed Israel in international bodies. The Israeli leader vowed to work with incoming US President Donald Trump and members of Congress to fight “all-out war against this resolution”, in his sharpest public attack ever on Mr Obama.

Sunday is a regular work day in Israel, but most embassies are closed, and calling in envoys on Christmas Day is highly unusual Reuters adds.

At the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, Netanyahu described a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday, when Israel and President-elect Donald Trump successfully pressed Egypt to drop the anti-settlement resolution it had put forward. It was resubmitted a day later by New Zealand, Senegal, Venezuela and Malaysia.

"Over decades American administrations and Israeli governments disagreed about settlements, but we agreed that the security council was not the place to resolve this issue," Netanyahu said.

"We knew that going there would make negotiations harder and drive peace farther away. As I told John Kerry on Thursday, 'Friends don't take friends to the Security Council'," he said, switching from Hebrew to English.

Israel has pursued a policy of constructing settlements on territory it captured in a 1967 war with its Arab neighbors - the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, areas Palestinians seek for a state.

Most countries view the settlement activity as illegal and an obstacle to peace. Israel disagrees, citing biblical and historical connections to the West Bank and Jerusalem as well as security interests.

Netanyahu’s government is likely to get new support in pursuing hardline policies toward the Palestinians when Mr Trump, who has promised to be the most pro-Israel president in history, takes office on January 20 the FT notes. Foreign diplomats in Israel had, before Friday’s vote, speculated that Mr Obama might withhold the US veto on a resolution critical of Israel as a way of putting down legal parameters on the conflict and the two-state solution before leaving office.

Mr Trump said on Saturday that the UN vote was “a big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate peace.”

“All American presidents since (Jimmy) Carter upheld the American commitment not to try to dictate permanent settlement terms to Israel at the Security Council,” Mr Netanyahu said on Saturday evening. “And yesterday, in complete contradiction of this commitment, including an explicit commitment by President Obama himself in 2011, the Obama carried out a shameful anti-Israel ploy at the UN.”
Well I'm going to go enjoy my christmas dinner, grown on occupied native American land, sit in my house built with resources stolen from the first people. I will drink the water, walk through the woods, and drive my car on roads built on lands taken by force and still occupied by me and others here.

I can go to the store which was built on their ancestral burial grounds and maybe steal some fish from their rivers later, all this payed for with Indian blood spilled with the butt of a rifle, because everyone knows native women and children aren't worth the bullet, better to just bash their skulls in.

I will then revel in my sickening abject hypocrisy as I cry like a bitch because of the jews. Hell, it can't be occupied territory if my house is on it, for christs sake! What a bunch of duplicitous fucks. My occupied territory irrelevant, yours is bad. Lol.
Bibi can smell Sanctions from Europe coming.. not to mention time for the World to put strict economic collapsing Sanctions on Israel to make them Sign the NPT... no more favors for Criminals .. Bravo Obama... we knew you always hated the zionists
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