US abstains in UN vote to end Israeli settlements

Nope, just saying you cant bitch about others when you yourself do the exact same thing. Illumiates ones lack of honesty and abject hypocrisy. The whole "good for thee, but not for me" is a cheap copout to absolve one of engaging in the very acts they condemn.

If the jews shouldn't live on "occupied territories" then get the fuck off yours and lead by example. The muslums love to claim everything in the middle east as their own. They don't even want any jews to pray at the temple mount, as they claim it as their own, of course the fact the jews built it hundreds upon hundreds of years before islam even existed as a "religion" is apparently irrelevant, on a global scale.

I didn't steal the land my house sits on. I bought it from a nice Irish fellow that built the house. Prior to that it was an apple orchard.

Not a whole lot I can do about something that took place 300 years ago. A wee bit different than what is CURRENTLY going on in the occupied territories.

Did this thread touch a nerve?
Also, if these palestinians are such awesome people, please enlighten me as to why every goddamned Middle Eastern nation doesn't want to assimilate their muslum brethren? Why do they live in "refugee camps" in any other muslum nation that lets them in?

Why do the jordanians force them to live in camps? Why also in Lebanon and Syria? Why are they "stateless" and not allowed to become citizens? Why doesn't the united arab Emirates, the Saudis, the kuwaitis, the iranians, those in Iraq, kuwait, Egypt, Bahrain, as well as every other middle eastern country., not want them on their soil?

The palestinians are like the antithesis to king midas, everything they touch, they turn to shit. Every one knows it but doesn't want to talk about this open secret.
Don't they still have honor killings of women and kill gays in Palestine? Also it has almost no religious diversity, 100% Muslim.
Nope, just saying you cant bitch about others when you yourself do the exact same thing. Illumiates ones lack of honesty and abject hypocrisy. The whole "good for thee, but not for me" is a cheap copout to absolve one of engaging in the very acts they condemn.

If the jews shouldn't live on "occupied territories" then get the fuck off yours and lead by example. The muslums love to claim everything in the middle east as their own. They don't even want any jews to pray at the temple mount, as they claim it as their own, of course the fact the jews built it hundreds upon hundreds of years before islam even existed as a "religion" is apparently irrelevant, on a global scale.
Its funny you say the Muslims claim everything in the ME as their own because Christians in Europe (and the US) claim everything as theirs. Muslims just happened to account for 90% of the ME. That's a historical fact.
Because Judaism pre-dated Islam really counts for nothing. The peoples who were the original inhabitants of Canaan and did not accept the religion of the Jews were the ancestors of the Palestinians. Some later converted to Christianity or Islam.
The 'Arabic' identity' of the Palestinians came only later in the 7thc AD as Islam spread through the region.The areas language changed from Greek & Aramaic speaking to Arabic. The myth that the Palestinians came on the backs of an Arab conquest is plainly bullshit, but serves those who had absented themselves from the region for 2,000 years very well as a propaganda tool.
Don't they still have honor killings of women and kill gays in Palestine? Also it has almost no religious diversity, 100% Muslim.
80% Muslim., 20% Christians of various denominations, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant. Bethlehem is higher, 60% Christian, 40% Muslim. I don't see much sympathy from the Christian West towards their Palestinian co-religionists, they'd sooner throw them under a bus to please Israel.
I cant see much 'religious diversity' if an area was 100% Jewish, would you? :hump:
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Also, if these palestinians are such awesome people, please enlighten me as to why every goddamned Middle Eastern nation doesn't want to assimilate their muslum brethren? Why do they live in "refugee camps" in any other muslum nation that lets them in?

Why do the jordanians force them to live in camps? Why also in Lebanon and Syria? Why are they "stateless" and not allowed to become citizens? Why doesn't the united arab Emirates, the Saudis, the kuwaitis, the iranians, those in Iraq, kuwait, Egypt, Bahrain, as well as every other middle eastern country., not want them on their soil?

The palestinians are like the antithesis to king midas, everything they touch, they turn to shit. Every one knows it but doesn't want to talk about this open secret.

You don't actually know fuck all about Islam, do you?
Do you actually believe muslums inhabited te middle east prior to islam even existing?

Once again why doesn't anyone whom is so presumably well versed on islam tell me why the palestinians " muslum brother's" want fuck all to do with them?

Why are they not given citizenship?

Why are they placed in refugee camps for generations?

Why aren't they given the same rights as their dedicated muslum brothers?
Do you actually believe muslums inhabited te middle east prior to islam even existing?

Once again why doesn't anyone whom is so presumably well versed on islam tell me why the palestinians " muslum brother's" want fuck all to do with them?

Why are they not given citizenship?

Why are they placed in refugee camps for generations?

Why aren't they given the same rights as their dedicated muslum brothers?
Mostly because they're a different type of Muslim to 95% of the places you named and the sectarian divide is pretty fucking well known?

Such a Derp...

Herp a derp a doo doo.

You don't actually know fuck all about Islam, do you?
Do you actually believe muslums inhabited te middle east prior to islam even existing?

Once again why doesn't anyone whom is so presumably well versed on islam tell me why the palestinians " muslum brother's" want fuck all to do with them?

Why are they not given citizenship?

Why are they placed in refugee camps for generations?

Why aren't they given the same rights as their dedicated muslum brothers?
If they did that, they would give up their right to return to their pre-1948 homes and lands. They would rather live as refugees than acknowledge Israel's claim that they left their homes 'voluntarily', rather than to have been driven out at gunpoint which really happened.
80% Muslim., 20% Christians of various denominations, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant. Bethlehem is higher, 60% Christian, 40% Muslim. I don't see much sympathy from the Christian West towards their Palestinian co-religionists, they'd sooner throw them under a bus to please Israel.
I cant see much 'religious diversity' if an area was 100% Jewish, would you? :hump:

Palestine is 20% Christians? First i've heard that. Israel is 75% Jewish
another reason why I say fuck religions. Totally divides
Israel was created by the UN by virtue of it religion in 1948. The same UN that Israel is castigating now owes its very existence to that body.
Lets forget about religion for a minute and consider is it right for population A to displace population B from its land because population C (The Nazis or Czarist Russia, the Catholic Church) persecuted population A for centuries.
Is it right for population B to pick up the tab?.
Israel was created by the UN by virtue of it religion in 1948. The same UN that Israel is castigating now owes its very existence to that body.
Lets forget about religion for a minute and consider is it right for population A to displace population B from its land because population C (The Nazis or Czarist Russia, the Catholic Church) persecuted population A for centuries.
Is it right for population B to pick up the tab?.
Whatever your religious view is, I think it is important, that before 100 years ago, the area was basically desert, some camels and some tribes. Israel Jews made it a 1st world nation with fantastic economic and technological improvements. If Israel was never formed there, it would probably be the same desert/camels/tribes today as it was 100 years ago. The Middle East area hasn't really contributed much to the world in the past centuries or progressed much, other than getting wealth from oil that happens to be in the ground. Would you rather have that area be the same, or have the jews made it into first world nation in the middle east?

Same argument for California/Arizona. Yes, it was Mexico's last before it was the USA's, but they just had a few people and donkeys and not really that much.
Whatever your religious view is, I think it is important, that before 100 years ago, the area was basically desert, some camels and some tribes. Israel Jews made it a 1st world nation with fantastic economic and technological improvements. If Israel was never formed there, it would probably be the same desert/camels/tribes today as it was 100 years ago. The Middle East area hasn't really contributed much to the world in the past centuries or progressed much, other than getting wealth from oil that happens to be in the ground. Would you rather have that area be the same, or have the jews made it into first world nation in the middle east?

Same argument for California/Arizona. Yes, it was Mexico's last before it was the USA's, but they just had a few people and donkeys and not really that much.
No, it was the Ottoman province of Palestine and had been since 1517, not a desert inhabited by wandering tribes and waiting for enlightened Jewish emigration to make the desert bloom. That false premise may have worked in the past, but historical examination of the facts prove this to be quite incorrect..It worked for Weizmann when he hoodwinked Balfour in this.
Your argument lies in the idea that if an area is undeveloped or uncultivated, therefore it should be up for grabs by any passing conqueror. Thats a recipe for anarchy & lawlessness. Just what this UN resolution made crystal clear.
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Your argument lies in the idea that if an area is undeveloped or uncultivated, therefore it should be up for grabs by any passing conqueror.
its pretty much how the world has worked since beginning of civilization.

let me ask you, where would you rather live today, in Israel or Palestine? Israel seems to be more tolerant of minorities/religions/women/races/even animals (

The Muslims cultures are being held back by their leaders and religious theocracies, that's why Muslims want to immigrate to Europe, and not the other way around. They haven't adapted well to the modern world, don't you agree?

I do agree Israel is far too heavy handed with their advanced military and killing Palestinians.