US abstains in UN vote to end Israeli settlements

its pretty much how the world has worked since beginning of civilization.

let me ask you, where would you rather live today, in Israel or Palestine? Israel seems to be more tolerant of minorities/religions/women/races/even animals (

The Muslims cultures are being held back by their leaders and religious theocracies, that's why Muslims want to immigrate to Europe, and not the other way around. They haven't adapted well to the modern world, don't you agree?

I do agree Israel is far too heavy handed with their advanced military and killing Palestinians.

"Israel is...tolerant..."
its pretty much how the world has worked since beginning of civilization.

let me ask you, where would you rather live today, in Israel or Palestine? Israel seems to be more tolerant of minorities/religions/women/races/even animals (

The Muslims cultures are being held back by their leaders and religious theocracies, that's why Muslims want to immigrate to Europe, and not the other way around. They haven't adapted well to the modern world, don't you agree?

I do agree Israel is far too heavy handed with their advanced military and killing Palestinians.
Personally, as a Palestinian, I'd much prefer to live in a Palestine without armed Israeli settlers speaking in Brooklyn accents kicking my door down and terrorising my kids at 2.00 am..
Have I made myself clear enough?
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Really? So prior to 1517 the land did not exist? The jewish settlements, artifacts, as well as temples, fortresses, towns, etc. Which predate islam by centuries do not exist? Actually throughout the middle east a great deal of ancient churches were sacked by invading muslums and converted to mosques after they slaughtered the locals.

I want muslums to leave historical christian territories. You can go to turkey and see the beautiful architecture of their ancient "mosques" which are actually churches they took by force, converted to mosques, and continue to inhabit as part of their "occupied territories" taken by force to this day.

Where is the UN resolution telling them to get the fuck off. Where is the resolution to give the Armenian christians their land back after the muslums commited genocide and stole their land and slaughtered their people.

Islam was great a thousand years ago, when all you had to do is rape, pillage, murder and steal. And this is their legacy today. Everywhere they go outside of the middle east where this behavior is encouraged they turn to shit. Germany, France, Sweeden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Australia, Greece, macedonia, serbia, Norway, England it makes no difference, these fucks simply cannot conform to a civilized society.

Everywhere they go, the rates of violent crime, murder, rape, sexual assault, child molestation, thievery, etc. All skyrocket. Once peaceful, serene occidental towns turned to third world shitholes by violent hypocritical fucks.

To say this land belongs to these muslim jackasses is like saying the Spanish own all the ancient mayan, aztec, and incan temples because they converted some to catholic cathedrals. Doesn't make a difference if the indians built their temples thousands of years before the freaking Spanish stepped foot in the "new world" though. If the corrupt UN says so, then it is so.
Really? So prior to 1517 the land did not exist? The jewish settlements, artifacts, as well as temples, fortresses, towns, etc. Which predate islam by centuries do not exist? Actually throughout the middle east a great deal of ancient churches were sacked by invading muslums and converted to mosques after they slaughtered the locals.

I want muslums to leave historical christian territories. You can go to turkey and see the beautiful architecture of their ancient "mosques" which are actually churches they took by force, converted to mosques, and continue to inhabit as part of their "occupied territories" taken by force to this day.

Where is the UN resolution telling them to get the fuck off. Where is the resolution to give the Armenian christians their land back after the muslums commited genocide and stole their land and slaughtered their people.

Islam was great a thousand years ago, when all you had to do is rape, pillage, murder and steal. And this is their legacy today. Everywhere they go outside of the middle east where this behavior is encouraged they turn to shit. Germany, France, Sweeden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Australia, Greece, macedonia, serbia, Norway, England it makes no difference, these fucks simply cannot conform to a civilized society.

Everywhere they go, the rates of violent crime, murder, rape, sexual assault, child molestation, thievery, etc. All skyrocket. Once peaceful, serene occidental towns turned to third world shitholes by violent hypocritical fucks.

To say this land belongs to these muslim jackasses is like saying the Spanish own all the ancient mayan, aztec, and incan temples because they converted some to catholic cathedrals. Doesn't make a difference if the indians built their temples thousands of years before the freaking Spanish stepped foot in the "new world" though. If the corrupt UN says so, then it is so.
If you actually bothered to read what I wrote, I said Palestine was an Ottoman province since 1517,before that it was ruled by the Mamelukes, and prior to that, the Ayyubids.
You say that YOU want 'Muslums' to leave historic Christian territories, are you a militant Christian extremist, because in order to get what you 'want', would involve the mass deportations of populations, never witnessed in history. How many cattle trucks do you think it would take and where do you want them to go?, why not just come out and say kill them all?, that would be at least more honest from you.
This makes you an extremist, pal, not the United Nations or the rest of the world....

"Israel is...tolerant..."


Islam is a religion of peace and tolerace....

Of course after the public crucifixions, public beheadings, public dismemberments, eg. Cutting of limbs and carving out eyes, public beatings, death sentences for speaking out against islam...or listening to music...or "acting western" or not covering your face, or driving, or leaving the house without a male relative, or looking someone in the eye, or by being accused of "being a witch or warlock" or by being thrown off building for being gay, or for murdering a family member as a condoned "honor killing", or for eating the wrong food, or for murdering your wife because it was her fault she was raped, and fucking on and o and on and on and on.

You can keep your pedophile inspired ass backward prehistoric desert cult where it belongs, no one else in the civilized world wants your sorry welfare whore rapist asses in their countries, religion of tolerance and peace my ass.

Islam is a religion of peace and tolerace....

Of course after the public crucifixions, public beheadings, public dismemberments, eg. Cutting of limbs and carving out eyes, public beatings, death sentences for speaking out against islam...or listening to music...or "acting western" or not covering your face, or driving, or leaving the house without a male relative, or looking someone in the eye, or by being accused of "being a witch or warlock" or by being thrown off building for being gay, or for murdering a family member as a condoned "honor killing", or for eating the wrong food, or for murdering your wife because it was her fault she was raped, and fucking on and o and on and on and on.

You can keep your pedophile inspired ass backward prehistoric desert cult where it belongs, no one else in the civilized world wants your sorry welfare whore rapist asses in their countries, religion of tolerance and peace my ass.
Yeah, OK fine. please keep me informed then of your one-man keyboard campaigns progress in sending back all those millions of 'Musleums' back from your 'traditional' Christian lands, wont you, sweetie?
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Islam is a religion of peace and tolerace....

Of course after the public crucifixions, public beheadings, public dismemberments, eg. Cutting of limbs and carving out eyes, public beatings, death sentences for speaking out against islam...or listening to music...or "acting western" or not covering your face, or driving, or leaving the house without a male relative, or looking someone in the eye, or by being accused of "being a witch or warlock" or by being thrown off building for being gay, or for murdering a family member as a condoned "honor killing", or for eating the wrong food, or for murdering your wife because it was her fault she was raped, and fucking on and o and on and on and on.

You can keep your pedophile inspired ass backward prehistoric desert cult where it belongs, no one else in the civilized world wants your sorry welfare whore rapist asses in their countries, religion of tolerance and peace my ass.

Care to guess which religion is responsible for the most bloodshed in the Middle East? In my lifetime, far and away Christians. America has indiscriminately bombed the shit out of that part of the world...and then we wonder why certain groups of Muslims have become radicalized.
Care to guess which religion is responsible for the most bloodshed in the Middle East? In my lifetime, far and away Christians. America has indiscriminately bombed the shit out of that part of the world...and then we wonder why certain groups of Muslims have become radicalized.

Nah, that's a coincidence. We're the GOOD guys, cuz our church says so.

What makes me sick is that there are millions of Americans who believe basically this and see no cognitive dissonance at all.
Care to guess which religion is responsible for the most bloodshed in the Middle East? In my lifetime, far and away Christians. America has indiscriminately bombed the shit out of that part of the world...and then we wonder why certain groups of Muslims have become radicalized.
Quite a few of those US TV Evangelists have thrown a lot of $$$$s into funding illegal Israeli settlements.
They are obsessed with the Book of Revelations and the Gospel of St.John of Patmos. They believe that this hastens the 'End of Times' and the Second Coming ect, ect. Hagee is one in particular.
They expect, in turn the Jews will realise that JC is the 'True Son of God, then convert..!
The Israelis just grin and take their money
What a fucking piss-take..
Not forgetting that those millions have the right to vote too.....:dunce:
Yeah, OK fine. please keep me informed then of your one-man keyboard campaigns progress in sending back all those millions of 'Musleums' back from your 'traditional' Christian lands, wont you, sweetie?

Ooh I see hypocrite much? Perfectly acceptable for the muslims to steal christian land, commit genocide against the Armenians, and Christians as a whole throughout te middle east, then cry like a little bitches because the evil jews built an apartment complex on land they occupied before islam even existed.

I understand though, you're blinded, as it must be demoralizing to know the only reason your people exist is because the jews allow it to be so.

Tell me why during the last period when the Palestinians shot rockets into israel, and got their asses kicked, yet again, why did egypt close the borders and not let their muslim brothers in? Why didn't the jordanians, or lebanese, kuwaitis, or any of the other muslim nations take any palis in?

Because they know they are global welfare whores with nothing to contribute to their societies. Not a single freaking solitary nation wants them within their borders, this is fact. They love to bring up the palis when it comes time to drum up hate for the jews, bt thats it, they use them for political pawns, then tell them to stay the hell away, or live in a fucking refugee camp, which of course they immediately turn into violent slums.

They would rather take billions in international aid and building supplies to construct tunnels into israel to kill sleeping jewish cildren than fix their countries, that they destroyed.

Still waiting on the response why no other muslim countries want them.

Why they don't allow them to be citizens.

Why they keep them isolated from their citizens in refugee camps, without rights, all t th e while bemoaning the jews for their treatment of the palis.

Must suck to know that no country on the face of the planet, muslim included, wants your sorry asses there.