in the dead of the night

Exactly how i feel when people put their feelings before fact and commonsense. America is 20 trillion in debt we can not afford any more social programs right now.
No social programs? The worth of a country is how it treats its weakest and most in-need members.
Glad you're alright with no social programs because you have health insurance coverage. Fuck everyone else eh?
Exactly how i feel when people put their feelings before fact and commonsense. America is 20 trillion in debt we can not afford any more social programs right now.

*Common sense
(Ironic, eh? lol)

America is 20 trillion in debt we can not afford any more social programs right now.

Right, we NEED that bread for things like ballistic missiles, body armor, warheads, and giant golden Drumpf statues, eh?

Maaannnn, you are one angry and clueless milquetoast kid.
Don't kill yourself
I like having you around to remind others,how fucked up life can be when you are a snitch and racist.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.


My life is awesome.
Socialist medicine sucks, that's why it works for most countries. I know the nhs, fuck you suck. Medicare Australia, fuck you suck, giving people unable to pay large amounts of money up front a chance to live. Fuck, terrible idea.

It's called shifting the burden on to middle and poor classes in order to fund wealthy subsidies.

You see, to keep giving wealthy people tax cuts while allowing them to not pay their fair share of taxes in the first place, the money MUST come from somewhere.

$10k deductibles have become the norm with high premium for catastrophic.

Edit: shifting gears; I was a big supporter of Small Business Saturday..a 4lb bag of dogfood $21..I go to and pay $9 for the exact same bag. In never denied them until the bag went from $18 to $21 while price decreased on Chewy. That was the final straw..everyone keeps shifting on to the regular Joe. No one would help me when I needed a bag. I've got a long memory.
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It's called shifting the burden on to middle and poor classes in order to fund wealthy subsidies.

You see, to keep giving wealthy people tax cuts while allowing them to not pay their fair share of taxes in the first place the money MUST come from somewhere.

$10k deductibles have become the norm with high premium for catastrophic.
Fuck tax breaks to the ultra wealthy. Its called a healthcare levy that's works on a progressive tax model, not a recessive one. The poor pay less than the wealthy. Why should the wealthy pay less when they profit from a system that allows them to succeed off the backs off the poor and middle class? I'm taking about a fair system that allows those who cannot afford to pay for life an opportunity to live, sorry not just exist, but enjoy life without worrying about illness and suffering. Those who can pay, pay. If you disagree fair enough, no beef.
What do they have to take away for the stupid and apathetic to take action? Until that happens, nothing will change.

This is why I'm predicting an economic catastrophe, because the right wing will keep driving the economy of the cliff just to enrich themselves.

Easy! Their Social Security that I'm contributing to as we speak.
Exactly how i feel when people put their feelings before fact and commonsense. America is 20 trillion in debt we can not afford any more social programs right now.

You are aware for every Tax Cut here, a new Social Program pops up in the “Global” arena.

Now, a year after abandoning the “one-child” policy, the government is hoping to make it up to Ms. Lu and millions of women like her — by removing their IUDs, free of charge.

Who is Washington working for?
*Common sense
(Ironic, eh? lol)

Right, we NEED that bread for things like ballistic missiles, body armor, warheads, and giant golden Drumpf statues, eh?

Maaannnn, you are one angry and clueless milquetoast kid.
Thank god people like you were not in charge during WW2 we would all be speaking German and Japanese. Literally from the words of Hiliary Clinton we will stop Isis with love, kindness, and nurturing
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Exactly how i feel when people put their feelings before fact and commonsense. America is 20 trillion in debt we can not afford any more social programs right now.

The wealthy do not pay taxes. If they paid their fair share, we would not have a deficit.

If they paid their fair share..if they paid their fair share..if they paid their fair share..

Why should they be allowed to not have taxes?
The wealthy do not pay taxes. If they paid their fair share, we would not have a deficit.

If they paid their fair share..if they paid their fair share..if they paid their fair share..

Why should they be allowed to not have taxes?
Wait, are you agreeing with me? I'm too drunk off scotch to know haha. I only dabble in the politics section when I'm fucked up.
You keep telling yourself that. To GOP does no have to do anything actually it will become insolvent within the next 2 years. The insurance companies saw it and that is why they all pulled out. Why because no one is paying for the plans that support them...... Take an economics class lol Yearly fee $250 i looked at Obamacare to help supplement for my daughters therapy's she is autistic. They quopted me at 750 a month.......My income is only 4k a month with 3 kids. Thank god I have Tricare because if i didn't i would pay the fee like so many others. Any that is why Obamacare fails.
The military is the largest socialist operation in the US.

"The TRICARE® programs are available to family members of service members and also to military retirees and their dependents."

What a dipwad.

Typical right wing idiot. "it won't affect me"