Well-Known Member
Aggressively ignorant.
Enjoy getting shagged.
Because you know something the JEC doesn't?
Aggressively ignorant.
Enjoy getting shagged.
It must have sent you into a TIZZY knowing that a black man was running the show for eight years - and doing a damned fine job at it - while you descended deeper and deeper into self-loathing, race-based dementia, and impotence.
You dreadful old thing. SAD.
Because you know something the JEC doesn't?
'There are lies, there are damned lies- and then there are statistics.' -Mark Twain
You're too partisan to handle the truth.
The left is holding up their economic recovery as a success. And the bleating sheep are parroting it! That's some strong kool aid especially when contrasted with Reagans recovery record.
Given what Mr Obama was handed at the end of another republican administration you apparently don't like to talk about, yes the man did a fine job.The left is holding up their economic recovery as a success. And the bleating sheep are parroting it! That's some strong kool aid especially when contrasted with Reagans recovery record.
Given what Mr Obama was handed at the end of another republican administration you apparently don't like to talk about, yes the man did a fine job.
Democrats have been firmly to the right of Republicans in terms of fiscal responsibility for my entire lifetime, including Reagan.
All the Republicans have been good for is destroying the American economy and with it the middle class, yet you yank one statistic out of context and try to tell the world that somehow Mr Obama is a failure.
Funny how you also forget that the right had as its avowed goal to obstruct anything and everything he did, no matter what. And you think that's governance.
Forget the limp Dick comments, you're dangerously partisan; you'd crash the bus and kill everyone rather than steer to the left.
It's exactly your kind of indignant rigidity in spite of the facts that will drive this country off the cliff and into another Great Crash. And you'll deny it. AGAIN.
You, personally, and everyone who thinks as you do will be responsible when the crash I'm predicting happens. After all, it's not like we didn't warn you.
Enjoy getting shagged.
The Democrats could have retained power and furthered their policy/agenda goals. They bit and forgot the hands that feed them. America noticed!
trum has a 34% approval rating.
You changed the subject, a sure fire sign I won the debate.The Democrats could have retained power and furthered their policy/agenda goals. They bit and forgot the hands that feed them. America noticed!
Still trying. Still failing.Hillarys at what 0%?
Hillarys at what 0%?
So wearing a baseball cap w/plagiarized slogan makes you informed?
Why don't you like talking about GW Bush? Does it make you uncomfortable?I'm posting about Obama's dismal economic record which the Senate JEC has reported on. Trumps president Friday regardless of his approval rating. Hillary's not.
I'm posting about Obama's dismal economic record
An average of 1.55% growth! Fourth from the bottom of 39 Presidents.