I bought my house on a short sale at the bottom of the market 5 years ago when I retired due to health problems. I payed the same price that the house sold for new in 1992. it has doubled in value since that time.moving up here from southern california I do like the small town atmosphere and being so close to nature

Nice man. Glad you made out. If I were to try to buy where I was in CO. A house my size would cost about 900k. Mine here in the lake neighborhood with horse farms and such all around was only 65k and on land contract with only 3k down. It might be worth 70k.

My health problems and criminal business owners have cost me my career and savings before I did all this.

Congratulations on an awesome retirement it sounds like Maurice.
Nice man. Glad you made out. If I were to try to buy where I was in CO. A house my size would cost about 900k. Mine here in the lake neighborhood with horse farms and such all around was only 65k and on land contract with only 3k down. It might be worth 70k.

My health problems and criminal business owners have cost me my career and savings before I did all this.

Congratulations on an awesome retirement it sounds like Maurice.
Is it a nice neighbourhood?
Last i checked, leds had re-written the fundamental laws of thermodynamics...!
thank you. I forgot that quantum theory allows for different realities where the laws of physics are different. as an MMJ patient maybe I just don't use enough cannabis to experience these other realities.my training in electrical engineering did not teach me to deal with quantum realities. only how to design things for this reality and make them work as intended
Nice man. Glad you made out. If I were to try to buy where I was in CO. A house my size would cost about 900k. Mine here in the lake neighborhood with horse farms and such all around was only 65k and on land contract with only 3k down. It might be worth 70k.

My health problems and criminal business owners have cost me my career and savings before I did all this.

Congratulations on an awesome retirement it sounds like Maurice.
if you consider the wall street bankers and brokers part of those criminal business owners than Ive dealt with them too. I pay a high price for a wall street education but learned well:lol::lol::lol:
thank you. I forgot that quantum theory allows for different realities where the laws of physics are different. as an MMJ patient maybe I just don't use enough cannabis to experience these other realities.my training in electrical engineering did not teach me to deal with quantum realities. only how to design things for this reality and make them work as intended

In respect of the quantum world there are no alternate realities but those formed in your head, modern science favours no singularity or big bang which changes the maths once again.

That aside i was merely taking a cheap shot at leds light output...
Yep. It's hard to find an LED maker who'll tell you the exact info you want. Like actual wattage and PAR output. Or PPFD.

Most will tell you what their light is equivalent to. Per example- my light claims it's as good as a 150w hps. But, only uses 90w from the wall at full load.

The other thing to consider is that the cheaper the light. The more likely you are to see crap that doesn't add up. Or have dodgy parts, which may or may not burn out either partially or completely all too soon.

If the actual wattage works out to about $3-5 per watt. You're probably looking at some alright stuff. Going lower than that is almost asking for junk lights.

Also. COBs come in two types. White light. And Blue + Red... aka Blurple to us.
Blue and Red lights are fine. But, it seems the White COBs give better results due to the more natural output. Rather than just targeting the chloroplyll a & b types like the red+blue light does.
Oh I didn't know this. I am sorry that I accused them of lying out of my own ignorance.
That kind of advertising is at least disingenuous, imo. It's like telling a girl you have a 12 inch dick - it's true, technically, if you measure from your anus, but that's not what she was asking about lol.
Yes, it is somewhat disingenuous, but MOST do state what the actual power draw is.
Also. COBs come in two types. White light. And Blue + Red... aka Blurple to us.
Blue and Red lights are fine. But, it seems the White COBs give better results due to the more natural output. Rather than just targeting the chloroplyll a & b types like the red+blue light does.

modern science has its limits. it can explain the non-deterministic elements in the universe and it can't explain why crops fail sometimes when farmers do everything right. art and philosophy are needed for a clear understanding of our world

Eh, I'm an artist and musician. And I live for the art that is nature. But art and philosophy explaining anything but people's opinion of emotions. I don't see it.

The farmers just never figured out the reason the crops failed.

But led's. They are magical ;-) this was an LED thread originally wasn't it? ;-)