What else does Donald Trump believe?

Washington DC is a strange city. In addition to knowledgable people who actually take public service seriously, there are thousands of hanger-ons, misfits and wanna-bes with some of the worst ideas ever. These people are the type that you politely excuse yourself from conversations with at any function - and these people live for functions (and free food) - and hope that you never see them again. Many of them are kind of extreme in their views and are, frankly, probably a bit crazy. (I think of them as Prendergasts or Guiteaus - the kind of lunatic power groupie that is totally unbalanced)

Lately I am seeing these people on the TV box humping for Trump. These crazy mother fuckers are going to be the only ones left who live up to Donald's expectations of loyalty.

You know The Donald is smarting from being contradicted by much of his staff and Republican leadership - so how did he react? He announced that we will be using public resources to make him feel better about himself.


It seems that Illegitimate Donald is feeling insecure. I think he knows that there is a world of trouble over the horizon coming right toward him.
Man made climate change would be a big one he doesn't believe.
Chinese Hoax

Look at that inscrutable smile.

Yeah and Trump is such a piece of shit; he didn't like the way Spicer dresses, leaks that to the paper he doesn't like the grey and prefers dark.

Can you believe waking up and reading that about yourself in the WaPo.

I didn't think Trump liked the media.

Now the Chump is even spearing those on his own team. He's as tactically stupid as he is short-sighted.