What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Today i held in a poop so long I felt like I could feel it in my throat, sucks working where there are only two stalls side by side, I cant go if someone else is going, no battle shits with strangers, plus what if I whisper fart and break into an uncontrollable giggle fit, people judge for that kind of shit.
I use to have that fear too but I conquered it. The trick is to make the other bathroom goer feel more uncomfortable and embarrassed than you. I go to Lowes a lot. Usually amped up on a pot of coffee and usually have to shit there as a result. If someone walks in I'll just take my phone out and call someone and be like hey what are you doing? Cool. I'm at Lowes taking a shit.


Well-Known Member
Same here - I grow way more than I consume, a couple of bowls in the evening is about it for me & not even every night but I do help two cancer patients, two elderly ladies + a best friend with chronic pain and I will accept zero compensation - I do it because I like to.

Karma and all I guess, heck I just like to grow & help others that are unable to.

And then again there is that sleeping well (like a freakin zombie) thing. . . . :bigjoint::bigjoint:
Were definitely on the same exact page as far as our reasoning for growing this fine plant .....I used to smoke so much when I was young ...from morning until bed at night ....however now I literally only smoke when I'm getting into bed and the kids are asleep ...very rarely do I smoke during the day .....but I love the art/hobby side of growing and just hearing a cancer patient tell me my medicine is the reason shes able to go for a walk and spend time with her little boy ....that shits priceless ...my patients have also become like family ....which is hard because cancer has taken some ...infact lost one this year ...super young lovely strong mom ...sad ,,but I love helping them .....good night guys



Well-Known Member
Oh and I accomplished the whole honey do list today ...which included setting up lots of new stuff two different swings and a crib .....well another crib in the den ....it's like an amusement park for infants at my house ....all thanks to this little monster image.jpg
Both my boys are spoiled ....dad's basically down to his office I added on when built the new living room ...just a small office with my two safes,desk ....and of course a small bathroom connected that's just big enough for a shitter, mirror and a sink ...which also has a door to a screened porch outside .....I'm glad I have my other property in the middle of no where to keep all the fun stuff ....can't wait to sell this place and move there permanent ....it's hard because the houses are 45 miles apart and my oldest boy has school down here .....well I'm really off to bed this time ...just thought I'd share my accomplishment for the day .....Ga Nite guys and gals ......I'm thinking some extract from a good friend is in order for my sleep aid tonight ....off I go ........peace


Well-Known Member
I drank hot chocolate with colorful marshmallows .....now I gotta honey do list a mile fucking long ...smh...guess that's what I get for making momma dress up like a stranger for awesome sex last night
Lol. A couple years ago on halloween, my daughter shows up with blonde hair.

I asked, 'what happened to your hair?'.

She said it's just spray on stuff for halloween.

"Leave a can for your mom."


Well-Known Member
Extreme bond primer applied to garage door framing 2 days ago. Amazingly, it dried in 40° weather. Yesterday, painted trim with high gloss Sherwin Williams latex. Also dried actually fairly quickly.

Maybe because it was a small area under an overhang and it was breezy.

Still going to wrap that trim with soffit and fascia wrap when we do the house S & F this spring, the paint looks OK for now


Garage door guy just arrived to install the new one.

I don't do doors, windows or any sealed openings. We did 2 pre hung interior doors at the other place and struggled with level and shims on one of them for 3 hours. Had to call a contractor friend who owed me a favor and he had it level and shimmed in 15 minutes by squaring off the back of the opening instead of the front, which I never thought to try.

He'll be shimming in 10 interior doors we're replacing here later, after they're stained and polyurethaned. I'm not wasting time here on stuff I can't do fast this time.

Other place took a year, shooting for 3 months here with help from a door guy.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I accomplished the whole honey do list today ...which included setting up lots of new stuff two different swings and a crib .....well another crib in the den ....it's like an amusement park for infants at my house ....all thanks to this little monster View attachment 3891246
Both my boys are spoiled ....dad's basically down to his office I added on when built the new living room ...just a small office with my two safes,desk ....and of course a small bathroom connected that's just big enough for a shitter, mirror and a sink ...which also has a door to a screened porch outside .....I'm glad I have my other property in the middle of no where to keep all the fun stuff ....can't wait to sell this place and move there permanent ....it's hard because the houses are 45 miles apart and my oldest boy has school down here .....well I'm really off to bed this time ...just thought I'd share my accomplishment for the day .....Ga Nite guys and gals ......I'm thinking some extract from a good friend is in order for my sleep aid tonight ....off I go ........peace
Healthy baby.


Well-Known Member
The eagle has landed.

Before: 1962 leaky wood

After: 2017 insulated metal with thick vaneer fake wood grain and double pane windows.

I told them not to caulk trim seals so I can shove the mastic wrap through later. He gave me a special tube of clear caulking, said since I have 2 different colors I should use clear caulk to avoid color smearing.

Thanks, I would have used brown. Clear makes more sense now.


Well-Known Member
thx dude. that looks very nice as well.

bet it would look ultra greasy under those lec's8-)

speaking of, how are you liking those lights? I know youve gotta be killing it with em:leaf:
I've only finished one crop under the 630's so far and it was of some untested blackdog og beans. I'm growing some of my regular strains this time, so i can get a better idea.
Loving the 315w'ers for veg though! :blsmoke:


Global Moderator
Staff member
The eagle has landed.

Before: 1962 leaky wood
View attachment 3891432

After: 2017 insulated metal with thick vaneer fake wood grain and double pane windows.
View attachment 3891433

I told them not to caulk trim seals so I can shove the mastic wrap through later. He gave me a special tube of clear caulking, said since I have 2 different colors I should use clear caulk to avoid color smearing.

Thanks, I would have used brown. Clear makes more sense now.
Was it snowing when you took the pic?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Today is simply terrible, I am very hungry but did not remember to pick up peanuts on the way home.

Very dissapointed in myself right now. Beer store should sell peanuts, dat be good
thatd be genius. peanuts and pretzels
No snacks?
You're guys stores are wayy behind the times - our beer store even sells cig's. :wink: