What did you do for 4 days?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I went snooping around at Grass City for a few minutes one night.

They said we sucked pretty bad over here.

I think somebody over there was once touched inappropriately by "that Sunshine guy".
I almost choked on a nacho chip reading that. @mr sunshine is known world wide.
Some gut was talking about how hot sunni was and he gave her an std! Lol I asked if he was sunshine....he said he wished..
Have screen shots for proof.
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Well-Known Member
LoL ya'll don't eve. Know the good sites.

I chilled tslking mad shit in other drugs section of a forum. Got people real mad

I also discussed jobs and was told I give very good blowjobs.

Thats a xonfidence builder and a half.

Im aimingfor woman of the year

Believe that

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Fuck RIU! I'm busy god dammit, I don't have time for your bullshit!

You can't just leave me for 4 days and then come back up all Willy nilly like nothing ever happened. You selfish bastard!

I was concerned. You had me worried.... I was up all night waiting for you. And then you just waltz in like "hey gare" well guess what? FUCK YOU RIGHT IN YOUR PUSSY!!

sorry for yelling


Well-Known Member
Fuck RIU! I'm busy god dammit, I don't have time for your bullshit!

You can't just leave me for 4 days and then come back up all Willy nilly like nothing ever happened. You selfish bastard!

I was concerned. You had me worried.... I was up all night waiting for you. And then you just waltz in like "hey gare" well guess what? FUCK YOU RIGHT IN YOUR PUSSY!!

sorry for yelling
I missed you Gary

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I missed you Gary
Awe:hug: thanks friend.
I love when girls come into my threads and tell other guys how much they miss them. What the fuck am I, chopped liver over here!

How's those bonsais coming?
lol don't be a hater. I missed you too fucker
I literally sat in the same spot and just kept hitting the refresh button. I didn't shower, or eat, or anything. Now that the site's back, I'm gonna go sleep for 3 days...
I broke my refresh button. It doesn't work anymore