Trump administration signals a possible crackdown on states over marijuana

Trump administration signals a possible crackdown on states over marijuana

Evan Halper and Patrick McGreevyThe White House on Thursday put states that have legalized recreational-use marijuana on notice that federal law enforcement agents could be targeting them soon.

It was the clearest warning yet that the Trump administration may move to disrupt the marijuana trade in the eight states, including California, that have legalized the recreational use of pot.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that the administration had no plans to continue the permissive approach of the Obama administration and that it viewed recreational marijuana use as a flagrant violation of federal law.

Spicer’s statement that the Department of Justice could initiate enforcement actions in states that have legalized recreational pot alarmed the multibillion-dollar marijuana industry and set up the administration for yet another confrontation with liberal states.

Spicer said recreational marijuana was a scourge, likening its widespread use to the opioid addiction epidemic — an incendiary charge that many medical experts would dispute. But the comments intensified concerns that the robust recreational marijuana trade that has been brought out into the open in recent years — generating hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue — could soon be disrupted by federal agents.

Cities and counties tell legislators they're struggling to keep up with the legalized marijuana industry
Patrick McGreevy
Essential Politics: California Republicans gather for their state convention in Sacramento Feb. 24, 2017, 9:40 p.m. This is Essential Politics, our daily look at California political and government news. Here's what we're watching right now: The California Republican Party will host its convention...
Essential Politics: California Republicans gather for their state convention in Sacramento Feb. 24, 2017, 9:40 p.m. This is Essential Politics, our daily look at California political and government news. Here's what we're watching right now: The California Republican Party will host its convention... (Patrick McGreevy)

“When you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming around so many states … the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people,” Spicer told reporters. “There is still a federal law we need to abide by in terms of when it comes to recreational marijuana and other drugs of that nature.”

Asked whether states that have legalized recreational use could be targeted by federal actions, Spicer said, “I do believe that you'll see greater enforcement.” He said that while federal law prohibits raids of medical marijuana operations, “that's very different than the recreational use, which is something the Department of Justice, I think, will be further looking into.”

It has been years since the Drug Enforcement Administration sent agents on busts of pot businesses operating legally under state laws. The Obama administration issued an administrative policy putting a stop to such federal raids, even as it continued to classify the drug as more dangerous than cocaine. Congress further reassured marijuana users in 2014 by banning the DEA from using federal funds to go after medical marijuana operations operating legally under state laws.

Jeff Sessions as U.S. attorney general rattled dispensary owners and growers. Sessions is a longtime crusader in the war on drugs, as is Vice President Mike Pence.

“It looks like the first shoe is dropping as expected,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. “Trump was never all that reassuring on the issue of marijuana legalization.”

How far the administration would go in provoking states that have legalized pot is unclear. The options range from largely symbolic gestures such as cracking down on the illegal transportation of marijuana between states or initiating a few seizures from dispensaries, to filing injunctions seeking to nullify state legalization laws.

Any such enforcement brings political risk, and could undermine Trump’s positioning as a champion of states’ rights. Spicer’s announcement comes only days after the formation in the House of the first Cannabis Caucus. The founding members are two Democrats and two Republicans, a reminder of the bipartisan appeal of the issue.

“The federal government should stay out of this. Period,” Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), one of the caucus founders, said as it was launched last week. “I am happy to say that we will butt heads with the attorney general when we have to. We will do our job.” Alaska, a deeply Republican state, is among those that have recently legalized recreational use.

Here's what's driving lawmakers working to legalize recreational pot in 17 more states
Kurtis Lee
When Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure in November to legalize recreational marijuana, Josh Miller saw this as a sign that his time had finally arrived.

The Rhode Island state senator has a reputation among colleagues as a cannabis crusader — a battle that, so far,...

When Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure in November to legalize recreational marijuana, Josh Miller saw this as a sign that his time had finally arrived.

The Rhode Island state senator has a reputation among colleagues as a cannabis crusader — a battle that, so far,...

(Kurtis Lee)

The Trump administration positioned itself to go after recreational pot on the same day a new Quinnipiac poll showed 71% of Americans surveyed are opposed to the kind of enforcement action Spicer suggested is coming. The same poll found 59% of Americans support full legalization of marijuana.

“We have hoped and still hope that the federal government will respect states' rights in the same manner they have on several other issues,” said Derek Peterson, chief executive of the Irvine-based marijuana firm Terra Tech. “The economic impact, job creation and tax collection associated with both medical and recreational legalization have been tremendous throughout the country.”

But he said states should start preparing to fight the administration in court.

“We hope that the states make a point of defending their independence in regards to this and protect their constituents,” he said.

“I took an oath to enforce the laws that California has passed,” California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra said in a statement Thursday. “If there is action from the federal government on this subject, I will respond in an appropriate way to protect the interests of California.”

Some, however, take a different view.

"The current situation is unsustainable,” said Kevin Sabet, the president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, a group opposed to legalization. “This isn't an issue about states’ rights. It’s an issue of public health and safety for communities.”

Halper reported from Washington and McGreevy reported from Sacramento.
This isn't the Trump I'd hoped for.. but it's his cabinet and we'll have to wait and see

what were you hoping for? a muslim ban? him deporting my hispanic neighbors whose hard work supports my pill popping, disability check loving, racist white neighbors?

did you really think a 70 year old who has settled multiple rape cases and refuses to pay his own contractors was gonna somehow save mediocre white losers like you?

I told people legal pot was in trouble the day trump got elected.....

I think I'd rather keep it illegal, atleast recreationally, and I'm only saying it for profits sake.

The market is becoming flooded with way too much product from all these newcomer wannabes that have just gotten into this line of work just because they feel like it, and because they can, and just now because they were too scared to get into it while it was still illegal.

It's getting to be almost impossible to even get $2,000 a pound now!

If shit keeps going the way it is then cannabis will almost surely just become another human commodity to the equivalent of corn or tomatoes, and it'll possible start being grown outdoors in 100 acre plantations, rolled into 20 pack cigarette boxes, and being sold out of gas stations nationwide for $7.99 a pack, or $20 a pound and shit.

I hope trump really sends in the Feds and starts kicking in doors to send fear through all those asshole millionaire investors tiny little hearts so that this beautiful and profitable hobby/business/industry can remain forever and solely belong to us REAL & TRUE underground growers.

We're the pioneers of this shit!

what were you hoping for? a muslim ban? him deporting my hispanic neighbors whose hard work supports my pill popping, disability check loving, racist white neighbors?

did you really think a 70 year old who has settled multiple rape cases and refuses to pay his own contractors was gonna somehow save mediocre white losers like you?


You're a real prick and you are nothing but a racist Internet troll!
I'm not here to debate or point fingers! Uncle Fuck is a terd! With a racist view no different than the views he's claiming to defend!

I truly hope that the guy finds a life in a hurry. Other than that I'm not going to play his fake little snowflake game.
I think I'd rather keep it illegal, atleast recreationally, and I'm only saying it for profits sake.

The market is becoming flooded with way too much product from all these newcomer wannabes that have just gotten into this line of work just because they feel like it, and because they can, and just now because they were too scared to get into it while it was still illegal.

It's getting to be almost impossible to even get $2,000 a pound now!

If shit keeps going the way it is then cannabis will almost surely just become another human commodity to the equivalent of corn or tomatoes, and it'll possible start being grown outdoors in 100 acre plantations, rolled into 20 pack cigarette boxes, and being sold out of gas stations nationwide for $7.99 a pack, or $20 a pound and shit.

I hope trump really sends in the Feds and starts kicking in doors to send fear through all those asshole millionaire investors tiny little hearts so that this beautiful and profitable hobby/business/industry can remain forever and solely belong to us REAL & TRUE underground growers.

We're the pioneers of this shit!



(sruprised no mainy indictments yet....inciting with ridiculous notions like above)
I'm not here to debate or point fingers! Uncle Fuck is a terd! With a racist view no different than the views he's claiming to defend!

I truly hope that the guy finds a life in a hurry. Other than that I'm not going to play his fake little snowflake game.
Next News, Vice President Pence is trying to have some E-mail from the attorney general of Texas and him squashed from public viewing.
Sound familiar?
Next News, Vice President Pence is trying to have some E-mail from the attorney general of Texas and him squashed from public viewing.
Sound familiar?

he sealed up his emails from his time as governor during the campaign in a suspicious haste.

something is rotten in denmark.
Another story, Indiana is considering another 10 cent increase in it's gas tax to help fund our deteriorating road system.

What? What happened to the billions of dollars they where to receive for the lease of the Toll Road that was suppose to be used for infrastructure repairs.
Another story, Indiana is considering another 10 cent increase in it's gas tax to help fund our deteriorating road system.

What? What happened to the billions of dollars they where to receive for the lease of the Toll Road that was suppose to be used for infrastructure repairs.

can't you just be happy with the HIV epidemic that broke out once pence defunded planned parenthood?

you want HIV epidemics AND functional roads?

jeez. so much for the tolerant left.
can't you just be happy with the HIV epidemic that broke out once pence defunded planned parenthood?

you want HIV epidemics AND functional roads?

jeez. so much for the tolerant left.
Hell, you think you'd be happy with a decade of Republican controlled government.
who am i racist against?

Whites! You've blatantly been speaking out against us! I'm sorry that you're an angry homosexual and think that World Wide Web is your personal hate speech machine but you're nothing but a Racist, Hedrophobic jerk! People like you disgust me because you are fake as fuck. You claim to be this tolerant loving and compassionate group but you're just a fucking fascist!