Trump administration signals a possible crackdown on states over marijuana

Whites! You've blatantly been speaking out against us! I'm sorry that you're an angry homosexual and think that World Wide Web is your personal hate speech machine but you're nothing but a Racist, Hedrophobic jerk! People like you disgust me because you are fake as fuck. You claim to be this tolerant loving and compassionate group but you're just a fucking fascist!

that's impossible, i have a white friend. i can't be racist against whites.
God you're fucking stupid! Look quit quoting me.. You make me fucking sick.. You're disgusting and immature. Grow the fuck up bitch.

i once had a white co-worker too, so i can't be racist.

but whites are lazy welfare leeches, so you i didn't see them in the workplace too often. mostly just mexicans and hispanics.
God you're fucking stupid! Look quit quoting me.. You make me fucking sick.. You're disgusting and immature. Grow the fuck up bitch.

Intermittent explosive disorder (sometimes abbreviated as IED) is a behavioral disorder characterized by explosive outbursts of anger and violence, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand (e.g., impulsive screaming triggered by relatively inconsequential events).
I never thought that I'd see the day that a pound of sour diesel would go for $800 measly dollars!

If shit doesn't go back to how it was then pretty soon we'll all be forced into a different career path, and those who are unable to adapt won't survive.

In a perfect world I would love nothing more than to legalize recreational cannabis, but the fact of the matter is that if we do go Rec legal then a lot of us won't be able to do this anymore.

This really sucks you guys!

Think about it...
I never thought that I'd see the day that a pound of sour diesel would go for $800 measly dollars!

If shit doesn't go back to how it was then pretty soon we'll all be forced into a different career path, and those who are unable to adapt won't survive.

In a perfect world I would love nothing more than to legalize recreational cannabis, but the fact of the matter is that if we do go Rec legal then a lot of us won't be able to do this anymore.

This really sucks you guys!

Think about it...
You gotta remember those prices are for outdoor lower THC stuff
You gotta remember those prices are for outdoor lower THC stuff

I guess your right, but once legal then how long before 95% of people just want a pound of weed that's good enough quality yet cost effective, regardless of whether it's indoor or out?

You buy a pound and break it on down into dimes, dubs, and half eighters and you'll pretty much be looking at making close to $10,000 regardless of whether it's indoor or out, and there is some outdoor that is actually better than indoor, and most people can't even tell the difference on a side by side comparison.

So as of lately it just seems that most dealers are just looking to maximize their profits, not that there's much wrong with that besides them being a tad bit inconsiderate.

But now it's the dealers making all the money and yet still they want to lowball the growers who put so much time, effort, and dedication into actually producing a good product.

Once weed is 110% legal, everybody will be growing their own cannabis under the sun in their own backyards, and tobacco companies will get with the times and adjust accordingly.

Therefore the future and livelihood of all us growers who do not just do this as a hobby but as for a living as well will be in jeopardy, and the prices of marijuana will be forever grimly low.

It can literally get to the point where a pound of organic tomatoes might even be more costly than a pound of quality cannabis. So we must ask ourselves; "Is this really what we want?"

I really hope and pray that I'm just being paranoid and dramatic, and that what I believe is going to happen doesn't become reality.

If the legality of marijuana doesn't render it's monetary value to an absolute and worthless low then I'm all for it 1000%!
lmao you want to keep a plant pointlessly illegal so you can mark up the worth by 900% ? I'm sorry but you're greedy as hell if you would rather people go to prison so you can make money. how about grow the fuck up and learn how to do something useful with your life. get a job a grower making 15$ hrly and work your way to the top. or start a bussiness. or do a co-op FARM like, actual farm. Lord knows you'll be qualified.
I guess your right, but once legal then how long before 95% of people just want a pound of weed that's good enough quality yet cost effective, regardless of whether it's indoor or out?

You buy a pound and break it on down into dimes, dubs, and half eighters and you'll pretty much be looking at making close to $10,000 regardless of whether it's indoor or out, and there is some outdoor that is actually better than indoor, and most people can't even tell the difference on a side by side comparison.

So as of lately it just seems that most dealers are just looking to maximize their profits, not that there's much wrong with that besides them being a tad bit inconsiderate.

But now it's the dealers making all the money and yet still they want to lowball the growers who put so much time, effort, and dedication into actually producing a good product.

Once weed is 110% legal, everybody will be growing their own cannabis under the sun in their own backyards, and tobacco companies will get with the times and adjust accordingly.

Therefore the future and livelihood of all us growers who do not just do this as a hobby but as for a living as well will be in jeopardy, and the prices of marijuana will be forever grimly low.

It can literally get to the point where a pound of organic tomatoes might even be more costly than a pound of quality cannabis. So we must ask ourselves; "Is this really what we want?"

I really hope and pray that I'm just being paranoid and dramatic, and that what I believe is going to happen doesn't become reality.

If the legality of marijuana doesn't render it's monetary value to an absolute and worthless low then I'm all for it 1000%!
I don't think so cigarettes are good example anybody can grow tobacco in their back yard but who the hell wants to go through all the trouble there will always be a market for high-grade boutique type stuff top shelf I mean
Yeah it's called a military pension something you'd never know about

you called it a disability check that you got for shooting yourself in the leg, navy boy.

either way, it's all of us who do work and paying taxes chipping in so that you can sit on your ass and collect. the very definition of welfare.
by the way im Medically retired from the U.S Navy after 15 years hence why im on a pot forum at 2 in the afternoon.

how the fuck did you manage to shoot yourself in the fucking leg while in the navy?

btw, it's 2 in the afternoon, welfare boy.