Well-Known Member
Mandala Seeds Kalichakra and Satori
Just about to start my next grow and thought I'd share this one with Rollitup.
My last grow, some Sensi Star clones, which I've just jarred up went fairly smoothly mainly because I built on the experience from my previous grow of a Sensi Star from seed. I had an annoying Magnesium deficiency plague that grow mostly due to my hard tap water not working particularly well with Biobizz's Allmix soil. I still used Allmix for the clones but added a little dolomite lime that helped to buffer the soil ph and add some Mg in at the same time. I also foliar fed and root fed fairly regular doseages of epsom salts through the clone grow to help keep that Mg def problem in check. If anything I slightly overfed them despite using well below recommended doseages of nutrients.
I'm not using Allmix for this grow as I still don't think it's worth the high price and I've heard of others suffering from similar Mg deficiency problems and the solution for those problems makes Allmix not worth paying for or bothering with if there are equally bad or better alternatives at a 1/4 of the price available locally. I still think that Allmix 'could' be a good soil for other people in different water areas growing not quite so nutrient fickle a plant as Sensi Star.
So this grow I'm switching from Allmix to one of the Westland Multi-Purpose composts with added dolomite lime and probably calcified seaweed and some rockdust if I can get hold of some at a reasonable price. The next grow after this one I'd like to experiment with some of my own home made compost mixtures but at the moment don't feel experienced enough to do so and also because I'm curious to see what was causing the Mg problem - my tap water or the Allmix soil. If I get the same kind of problems with this next grow, I may invest in a small RO water purifier to help take out some of the hard water dissolved solids.
I'm using up the last of the Allmix mixed up with some standard John Innes no2 at a ratio of 40:40 with 10% Perlite and 10% Vermiculite to get the new seeds germinated and under way in 1L pots. I used a slightly different germination method this time, last time I soaked for 24 hours in tepid water then used the tissue and tupperware container method to produce a taproot which I then transferred into pots. Last time I got 100% germination and 100% survival rate using this method. This time I decided to germinate the seeds in the soil rather than germinating first then planting.
So far 4/4 Kalichakra have surfaced and 3/4 Satori, with one Satori being a little reluctant to come out and play. In the photo's the Kalichakra are all on the back row and all the Satori on the front row. They're about 4 or 5 days from breaking the soil surface in these pictures.
Just about to start my next grow and thought I'd share this one with Rollitup.
My last grow, some Sensi Star clones, which I've just jarred up went fairly smoothly mainly because I built on the experience from my previous grow of a Sensi Star from seed. I had an annoying Magnesium deficiency plague that grow mostly due to my hard tap water not working particularly well with Biobizz's Allmix soil. I still used Allmix for the clones but added a little dolomite lime that helped to buffer the soil ph and add some Mg in at the same time. I also foliar fed and root fed fairly regular doseages of epsom salts through the clone grow to help keep that Mg def problem in check. If anything I slightly overfed them despite using well below recommended doseages of nutrients.
I'm not using Allmix for this grow as I still don't think it's worth the high price and I've heard of others suffering from similar Mg deficiency problems and the solution for those problems makes Allmix not worth paying for or bothering with if there are equally bad or better alternatives at a 1/4 of the price available locally. I still think that Allmix 'could' be a good soil for other people in different water areas growing not quite so nutrient fickle a plant as Sensi Star.
So this grow I'm switching from Allmix to one of the Westland Multi-Purpose composts with added dolomite lime and probably calcified seaweed and some rockdust if I can get hold of some at a reasonable price. The next grow after this one I'd like to experiment with some of my own home made compost mixtures but at the moment don't feel experienced enough to do so and also because I'm curious to see what was causing the Mg problem - my tap water or the Allmix soil. If I get the same kind of problems with this next grow, I may invest in a small RO water purifier to help take out some of the hard water dissolved solids.
I'm using up the last of the Allmix mixed up with some standard John Innes no2 at a ratio of 40:40 with 10% Perlite and 10% Vermiculite to get the new seeds germinated and under way in 1L pots. I used a slightly different germination method this time, last time I soaked for 24 hours in tepid water then used the tissue and tupperware container method to produce a taproot which I then transferred into pots. Last time I got 100% germination and 100% survival rate using this method. This time I decided to germinate the seeds in the soil rather than germinating first then planting.
So far 4/4 Kalichakra have surfaced and 3/4 Satori, with one Satori being a little reluctant to come out and play. In the photo's the Kalichakra are all on the back row and all the Satori on the front row. They're about 4 or 5 days from breaking the soil surface in these pictures.
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